
Router boot sequence with CCE

DANMOH009DANMOH009 Member Posts: 241
I think this is a CCNA related topic but not 100% please correct me if im wrong.

After passing CCNA ive led to believe that the router boot sequence is as follows:

1 -- Bootstrap program (ROMmon) in ROM runs a POST

2 -- Bootstrap then attemps to load IOS from flash to RAM,
2.1 - If no IOS found, it will broadcast for a TFTP server
2.2 - If non found, it will boot minIOS in ROM.

3 -- After IOS is found and loaded to RAM,
3.1 - it attempts to load the config file (start-up config).
3.2 - If none it looks for TFTP
3.3 - If none it goes to set up mode.

Recently in work we have introduced CCE (Cisco configuration Engine), Now im a little confused because i was told that on the 1921 router no specialist bootstrap is needed, so if a 1921 was using the above boot sequence at what step would it broadcast/dhcp for the CCE software?

Any help would be great,

My understanding is that the router has to DHCP for this config, but thats about as far as i can go.

Please can someone advise if they know.


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