Test difficulty? - 98-375 HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals

Hi there. I took a 3-day class for the 375 certification and have been studying from the official coursebook from Microsoft. I feel confident with the information. I have gone online to take practice tests in various locations to make sure I am ready. I am fine with the questions that are similar to the coursebook (theories, definitions, basic coding questions). However, there was one practice test I came across that completely scared me off. It had complex real-life examples of code that had to be analyzed for an answer (multiple choice). Is the test more like the questions from the study guide in the coursebook or more complex real-life examples?
RobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
I don't know if anyone in the TE community has taken that exam or not. I would just ensure that when you register for the exam you get the second shot. Retake Microsoft Certification Exam for Free | Microsoft
That way if you need to take the exam a second time, it's free. You could just consider the first time taking the test a practice and if you pass it the first time, then all the better! -
mtacert Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
Yep, I did sign up for that. Thanks! It is very important for me because I have to miss work to take the test, and my boss will give me a raise when I pass the exam! I have only studied for 2 weeks now and just worry a lot. -
mtacert Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
I passed the exam today on my first attempt!Many are easy if you study from the official book. There are some questions that aren't from the book pertaining to JavaScript. I don't think the book should be a study guide if they aren't putting all of the material in it! I'm just relived I passed.
RobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
Congratulations. It's a common complain that the official study material doesn't cover everything. That's to be expected as there always needs to be a component to help measure a test taker's experience.
Be aware that for any exam you will have that.