
What to do next? Desktop or an Account admin

gbdavidxgbdavidx Member Posts: 840
What to do next? Desktop or an Account admin

I may be stuck in a rut, I may have an option of going to desktop analyst (with another company) and then try the route to SA

Currently I work as a service desk analyst (no hardware) just simple things like password reset, Global Groups, outlook, logging into a PC

If i stick here and don't take the desktop job I could go to account admin (which creates and modifies users account, some troubleshoot but not much) and then go to System Admin (but this is not gauranteed, i've applied once but could try and do some shadowing and apply again) but still not gauranteed

what should i do? Desktop then SA, or try to do Account admin then go to SA once i get more server and account admin creation expierence?

my ultimate goal is to become a System Admin once i get my MCSA and MCSE


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