2620XM Router 2FE 2W

I have been googling non-stop to figure this one out and I can get no definitive answer. I see people say that its not compatible and according to what I have found at one point that was true. Cisco documentation expresses that this hardware is compatible with 12.2(
T firmware. I have tried to get this sucker to work, but I always wind up getting the port adapter disabled in my show diag. What's the story here, has anyone actually gotten this card to work in a 2620XM? If so what IOS did you use? Thank you in advance

Exabyte Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
2FE2W came in two versions - first and second - V2. Which one do you have? -
aurban Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
It is version 1, I copied my routers info:
Smart Init is enabled
smart init is sizing iomem
00036C 0X000B3B80 C2620XM Single Fast Ethernet
0000D8 UNKNOWN port adapter
0X00098670 public buffer pools
0X00211000 public particle pools
TOTAL: 0X0035D1F0
Cisco IOS Software, C2600 Software (C2600-SPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(15)T14
Cisco 2620XM (MPC860P) processor (revision 1.0) with 127627K/3445K bytes of memo
Processor board ID JAD07070TZU
M860 processor: part number 5, mask 2
1 FastEthernet interface
1 Serial interface
32K bytes of NVRAM.
32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
Mar 1 00:00:09.915: %PA-3-NOTSUPPORTED: PA in slot1 (Unknown (type 216)) is no
t supported on this image.
Please issue "show diag" in fully loaded IOS image
to get the PA's information and verify if it is supported
by this image, a newer version may be needed.
Slot 1:
Unknown (type 216) Port adapter
Port adapter is disabled
Port adapter insertion time unknown
EEPROM contents at hardware discovery:
Hardware Revision : 1.0
Top Assy. Part Number : 800-04797-01
Board Revision : F0
Deviation Number : 0-8707
Fab Version : 05
PCB Serial Number : JAD05310GPC
RMA Test History : 00
RMA Number : 0-0-0-0
RMA History : 00
Product (FRU) Number : NM-2FE2W=
EEPROM format version 4 -
Exabyte Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Accordingly Platform Compatibility Matrix for Cisco 2600 any of FE NM's does not supported