How can you identify braindumps

how do you know which study materials are braindumps, are any of the sites that have actual test engines or study guides braindumps

if so, which ones are legit and how do you know?

i've been reading about them in certification magazine, but i'm not sure if i know how to identify them other than the user groups that give you "all the answers to the exam"
get back to studying!!!


  • kalebkspkalebksp Member Posts: 1,033 ■■■■■□□□□□
    As I understand it a braindumps are exact questions from the test, so you aren't required to learn anything, just memorize the answers. Which is why legit sites use questions that may be similar to what you'd find on the test but never the same ones.
  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330 how do you know if a site is a braindump site or not?
    get back to studying!!!
  • kalebkspkalebksp Member Posts: 1,033 ■■■■■□□□□□
    I can't say for sure, as far as I know I've never used one. I can tell you that when I'm looking for practice test and such there are sites that advertise being braindumps. I get the impression that sites don't try to hide the fact that they are braindumps.

    I could be wrong on this, if so, someone please correct me.
  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330
    okay, i'm just wondering if any of the sites that offere practice test with engines or pdf study guides with the money back guarantees and such could possible be braindumps
    get back to studying!!!
  • keatronkeatron Member Posts: 1,213 ■■■■■■□□□□
    It's usually pretty easy because being the idiots they are they do stupid things like advertise it. For example you might see "real questions from the exam" or "questions taken directly from exams". Some of them actually call themselves braindump sites. This is not the case with all of them, but it is with a lot of them.

    I actually see braindumps eventually losing ground. As people like Microsoft move to more complex simulation type exams, it makes it harder for braindumpers and to take the exam then regenerate exactly what they saw. I also heard from the inside that Microsoft is moving to make the questions/simulation changes more frequent.

    I saw one site claiming to be braindumps from the CISSP. It had testimonials from people claiming to have used only their site and scored 900 to 980 on the CISSP. I found this very comical since you never know your score if you pass the CISSP.
  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330
    lol okay

    well i've seen a few that say just like the test questions
    **** offers practice simulation questions along with regular test questions i will be on the lookout for them
    thanks for the the input guys
    get back to studying!!!
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Although it's not always justified, staying away from practice questions in a PDF will keep you fairly save. Although, there are **** sites that do sell practice exams in test engines. As Keatron mentioned, they make a lot of effort to indicate they sell actual exam questions in their ads and websites so in most cases it is kinda obvious.

    On the other hand, Transcenders and other major practice test providers that do not sell actual exam questions do frequently advertise through google ads as selling braindumps (e.g. by using "MCSE braindumps" as a title for the ad), which is obviously not helping those who don't know the difference.

    You can always place the URL in a post here and press the Preview button. If it gets censored (i.e. replaced by XXXXXXX or something else) you can be 98% certain it's a site that is involved in illegal activities (the other 2% are blocked for other various good reasons). Or, you can PM me.

    Another option to stay safe is use products that have been used by others here in the forums (e.g. in "I passed" posts).
  • KGhaleonKGhaleon Member Posts: 1,346 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I used to use braindumps long before I took any of the actual exams, not knowing they were illegal. I had a lot of teachers from various IT schools recommend braindumps and go through them during class to test the student's knowledge, so I guess they didn't know any better either.

    Present goals: MCAS, MCSA, 70-680
  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330

    exactly, it wasn't until i started looking around and reading certification magazine that i realized they were wrong, i jus thought they were study guides like anything else

    but yeah, i guess i do see some that say "actual exam questions" instead of "questions that are close to those on the exam"

    thanks everyone, that's why i love this place :D
    get back to studying!!!
  • The_GeekThe_Geek Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    In my quest for knowledge, I usually look for anything along the lines of "Pass the exam on the first time guarenteed", but that's NOT always the case. Those are the signs to look for to avoid.
    "Experience is the ability to guess accurately"
  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330

    there are alot that seem to say this, even the ones that people say are okay, even transcender offers a money back gaurantee don't they?

    either way, thanks for your input
    get back to studying!!!
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    jkstech wrote:

    there are alot that seem to say this, even the ones that people say are okay, even transcender offers a money back gaurantee don't they?
    Yes, a 'money back' guarantee, not a 'guaranteed pass', although there are non-braindump sites who do offer a pass guarantee.

    There are no guarantees in life ;)
  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330

    get back to studying!!!
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