CCDA or Call Doc Brown?

xirtlookxirtlook Member Posts: 124
well my CCNA & CCNA Security expires in January. The 9th to be exact.
I have one month to study.

I have both the DESGN and ARCH books.
Already started reading, taking practice exams to familiarize myself with the questions.

Looks difficult. approx 55 questions in little over an hour? ouch.
material seems dry. not seeing too many happy testimonials about the exam other than they passed.

since I can't call doc brown and go back in time to study more.. its do or die.

any helpful tips would be great. time to cram the cranium with cisco.

Scheduled my test on Jan 8th. Day before expiration. Gotta pass, or retake my CCNA/CCNA Security.

I wanted to give myself a window to retake it in case i fail, but 5 business days would be Jan 1st.
They're not open on the 1st.. only the 2nd. So I figured give myself as much study time as I can.

Without violating any agreements..Can someone tell me if the questions are "wordy" or "lengthy"?

Compare them to other exams, like Microsoft? or Cisco Sales tests? Thnx
nerd power.


  • xirtlookxirtlook Member Posts: 124
    Wait.. looks like I can take it earlier.

    Certification Exam Policies - IT Certification and Career Paths - Cisco Systems

    5 Calendar days vs 5 Business Days.

    Can someone verify this for me?
    nerd power.
  • xirtlookxirtlook Member Posts: 124
    I've rescheduled my exam for Jan 3rd. This way if I fail, I can re-take it on Jan 8th.

    I've been reading OCG CCDA, and also have FLG CCDP, FLG CCNP, OCG CCNP Security to use as reference.
    also for reference, I have NXOS and Cisco Virtualization books (dont remember if they're OCG or FLG, they're at work).
    I even have a CCNA Data Center Study Guide by Sybex.

    I'm a CBTNuggets Subscriber so I've been watching their videos, and I even purchased an app on my iphone for some practice questions.
    It's for the older exam, (640-863), but I figured there might be some overlap, and at the least, I familiarize myself with the type of questions.

    I'll track my progress in this thread and be sure to let you guys know how I do.
    This doesn't sound like a fun test, so I'll tough it out the best I can.

    ok, back to studying.
    nerd power.
  • aaron0011aaron0011 Member Posts: 330
    I recently sat for and passed the CCDA since it's a requirement for the CCDP. I decided to do it before completing the CCNP instead of after. Some of the material is definitely dry but I disagree with those that say it's a useless cert, alot of good stuff in there. It actually left me wanting to go further so I'm looking forward to ARCH...much more so than ROUTE and TSHOOT.

    I used the OCG, CBT Nuggets, and common sense from working with Cisco gear for the past 10 years. I didn't find the test to be all that difficult but YMMV. Best of luck!
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    aaron0011 wrote: »
    Some of the material is definitely dry but I disagree with those that say it's a useless cert, alot of good stuff in there.

    I think that is where the confusion is. The certification itself is pretty useless, but that doesn't mean there isn't valuable material in the objectives.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • xirtlookxirtlook Member Posts: 124
    so far, some of it is dry, but right now it's not that bad. I'm actually enjoying it.

    I always wanted to get more insight on network design/architecture.

    If I pass CCDA, I'll get back to studying for my CCNP in the Fall.
    If I don't, looks like I'll be studying for CCNA again LOL
    nerd power.
  • fluk3dfluk3d Member Posts: 141 ■■■□□□□□□□
    hey hows this going? I'm going through the OCG and figured I would buy the FLG to supplement
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein
  • xirtlookxirtlook Member Posts: 124
    exhausting. but learning a lot. I'm enjoying it. just a lot to read. I hate reading.
    I hate writing too. (writing notes). much rather type it.

    which I actually do. I write notes, then type them, then read them again, then say it outloud.
    some of my many tricks for memorization.

    I'm also watching 2 sets of videos/slides. CBTNuggets is one, another is Skillsoft which seems to be outdated.

    I've been more or less skimming the book as opposed to reading closely. I'm hoping that doesn't come back to bite me.
    It's always those little details that get you.

    the nervousness has started to set in as time approaches closer.
    nerd power.
  • fluk3dfluk3d Member Posts: 141 ■■■□□□□□□□
    It sounds like you got a solid plan for memorization, I had my test booked for the same date but there is no way I would of been ready with the holidays and what not. I pushed it back to Feb 8. I hear you about the reading part no really enjoying it but push through it. Keep us posted!
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein
  • xirtlookxirtlook Member Posts: 124
    The holidays is probably what saves me.

    No School, less work. More time to study.

    I can't push back the date. I need to pass to keep my CCNA certification.
    If I fail on the 3rd, I'll retake it 5 days later on the 8th.
    nerd power.
  • wintermute000wintermute000 Banned Posts: 172
    xirtlook wrote: »
    exhausting. but learning a lot. I'm enjoying it. just a lot to read. I hate reading.
    I hate writing too. (writing notes). much rather type it.

    which I actually do. I write notes, then type them, then read them again, then say it outloud.
    some of my many tricks for memorization.

    I'm also watching 2 sets of videos/slides. CBTNuggets is one, another is Skillsoft which seems to be outdated.

    I've been more or less skimming the book as opposed to reading closely. I'm hoping that doesn't come back to bite me.
    It's always those little details that get you.

    the nervousness has started to set in as time approaches closer.

    The details WILL get you. They will ask gnarly questions re: NAC placement, cisco PPPDIO methodology, to name two that I recall, very specific too. But its all in the book.
  • xirtlookxirtlook Member Posts: 124
    tomorrow may or may not be the big day.

    still studying. going to be studying til I leave out the door.

    unfortunately, its been snowing a lot here in MD.

    I hope the testing center isnt close tomorrow.

    I needed a 5 day buffer to re-take the test if I fail, before my cisco certifications expire.

    in either situation, wish me luck. I'll need it.
    nerd power.
  • fluk3dfluk3d Member Posts: 141 ■■■□□□□□□□
    goodluck! let us know how it goes
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein
  • xirtlookxirtlook Member Posts: 124
    GOT IT! whew did I luck out. most of the questions were easy, and hardly hit my weaknesses.

    I even broke into the 900s. that wasnt expected. I knew I passed, but didn't think I did that well.

    Now I have 3 years to study for um... well I haven't made up my mind yet. CCNA DC, CCNP, CCDP, or all of the above lol
    nerd power.
  • fluk3dfluk3d Member Posts: 141 ■■■□□□□□□□
    good job, must feel good!
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein
  • Heracles004Heracles004 Member Posts: 50 ■■■□□□□□□□
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