
Managed kiosk solution

mikedisd2mikedisd2 Member Posts: 1,096 ■■■■■□□□□□
We have a lot of standalone Win7 kiosks at various sites as well as a training room of 25 workstations. I'd like to replace all these with a managed solution before it grows out of control.

I want to be able to treat each PC like any corporate computer but isolated of course. I plan to build an AD subdomain for kiosk machines/users, use Cisco ISE for Internet authentication and route web access through a dedicated TMG box. I want to use our corporate SCCM 2010 system to deploy systems and manage applications / patches. All this should be achievable but I'm bit stuck on the mandatory profile bit. Microsoft's solution seems to be a standalone solution of manually creating a USER.MAN file. Is there a way to administer a mandatory profile type solution so user changes will be removed upon restart/reboot? I'd like to be able to remotely enable it while being able to make changes when required. I've had a look at a few products like DeepFreeze or Reboot Restore Rx but we have a budget freeze. Not sure if it can be done with group policy. Any pointers?


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