Looking for a good Mid Level Security Cert...

CodeBlue1914CodeBlue1914 Member Posts: 19 ■■□□□□□□□□
Greetings All,

I just completed my CCNP last month and I am starting to think about what cert I want to go for in 2014. I got my Security+ back in 2008 and I was thinking maybe its time to shoot for a more mid level security certification. I am a network engineer so security isn't my primary role which is why I don't want to go for anything as advanced as the CISSP. There is always the CCNP Security, but I was thinking of something more general, plus as of now in my career, I don't even work on the Cisco ASA or IPS.

I was looking at the CompTIA CASP exam, even though I understand it doesn't get a lot of respect right now, the content seems pretty good. But I just want some info on what else is out there that may not even be as popular as CompTIA or ISC2.



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