
college student who needs some career advice in IT please!!

ralphlifshitzralphlifshitz Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
I just turned 23 and am about to go into my senior year of my BS IT degree, I go to Barry university out of Miami shores and its great but i need some insight on which certs I should get and what I should be doing. I want to be a software engineer at some point but any entry level career pertaining to my major will do. Thanks in advance for the advice as I’ve heard a lot of good things from this forum and im just kinda stuck.


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    f0rgiv3nf0rgiv3n Member Posts: 598 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Let me start off with: I'm no software engineer. But! I do have quite a few friends who are (one who actually works for Google, the lucky dawg). Anyways, from what I've seen them go through, in Software Engineering a degree is going to be your number 1 ticket. Second, experience. The cool thing about software development is that you don't need to have a job to gain experience. If you're spending some of your free time creating programs, using the different program languages, etc... then you're building experience.

    I would say that you should look into possibly getting on with an internship. That's the other thing you can do to kickstart your SE career. There are quite a few of these and some actually pay, so that would fit the bill for "entry level career" that you specified.

    Good luck!! and congrats on your last year on your BS degree!
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    ralphlifshitzralphlifshitz Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the insight, on my free time i code in python and other basic languages. Now with my degree being in IT what would it take for me to move over into SE? Google would be a dreamc ome true! Thanks again for the reply.
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    f0rgiv3nf0rgiv3n Member Posts: 598 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I think as long as your degree is in IT it shouldn't really matter TOO much as far as if it's in SE or not. I think the biggest thing you should focus on is gaining knowledge in those most popular programming languages and pick up an internship. I recommend looking for one now, before you graduate :D. If you can get one while you're in school then they'll possibly hire you on when you graduate. Or worst case if they don't, you then have experience and a degree.
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