Passed the SSCP exam yesterday....oof
I passed the SSCP yesterday and I have never felt so good after passing an exam. Reason: I was not sure about passing this exam until I saw "CONGRATULATIONS" on the report paper.The actual exam was nothing like any practice exam I have done. I used Darril Gibson SSCP AIO Book to study for this test, it is a great book, easy to read and a great reference but the practice questions were not even close. I did a lot of practice exams online and the SSCP_Notes_2.0.pdf study guide was a great material for a last day review because it summarizes almost everything you need to know for the exam. The questions are very tricky, some of them need to be read multiple times. I used all the 180 mins I had for the test, I don't do that often. The exam is not hard, but it is definitely not on the easy side.This exam completes my goal for the year.

Goal for 2013:
[ ✔ ] ICND1 [ ✔ ] ICND2 [ ✔ ] Network+ [ ✔] SSCP [ ✔ ] Security+
[ ✔ ] ICND1 [ ✔ ] ICND2 [ ✔ ] Network+ [ ✔] SSCP [ ✔ ] Security+
Be so good that they can't ignore you.
JasminLandry Member Posts: 601 ■■■□□□□□□□
CongratsI passed it as well a couple of weeks ago. I read the AIO book as well and you're right, the end of chapter questions are nothing compared to the real exam. What's next for you?
dlx509 Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
JasminLandry wrote: »CongratsI passed it as well a couple of weeks ago. I read the AIO book as well and you're right, the end of chapter questions are nothing compared to the real exam. What's next for you?
I am thinking of getting some more Microsoft certs next year, I am aiming for MCSE. Also, I would like to start with VMware.Goal for 2013:
[ ✔ ] ICND1 [ ✔ ] ICND2 [ ✔ ] Network+ [ ✔] SSCP [ ✔ ] Security+Be so good that they can't ignore you. -
loun80 Member Posts: 25 ■□□□□□□□□□
Is the content in "SSCP_Notes_2.0.pdf" still relevant? I notice that it's from 2006 with information compiled before then.