resume help

zdczdc Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
i recently completed my ccna and am looking for a job to help apply what i learned practically. i have no previous experience and currently pursuing a bachelors in Information Technology. How do i paraphrase this nicely in the form of an summary or objective to put on my resume ? also can i put extra-curricular activities on it ?


  • rowelldrowelld Member Posts: 176
    Do you have a lab? Maybe you can put that you have built your own lab to practice the skills they mention in a job description? For an objective, mention your goal is to put your knowledge to use in a production environment? Show your enthusiasm for the the line of work.

    What kind of extra-curricular activities were you going to add? It should be related to the job your applying for. An employer wont care if you're playing basketball or enjoy crocheting.

    If you're doing volunteer work for non-profits to maintain their networks then that could boost your resume.
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  • AwesomeGarrettAwesomeGarrett Member Posts: 257
    This is tough one without an actual networking job on your resume. What I did was I highlighted my current skills from my previous positions and used my CCNA as a calling card. Grab their attention with your certifications (be sure you are knowledgeable on the technologies covered in the certifications, you don't want to be caught with your pants down) and highlight your current non-networking skill set.

    Try to sell your self as a confident CCNA that can get the job done and not a CCNA that is trying to apply what you have learned. When you sell yourself as the latter people will not want to give the opportunity for fear of you breaking the network.

    I would not recommend an extra-curricular activities section as your are not there to play Atari but you are there to support the business infrastructure. So that the people that do make the money for the business can continue doing their job.
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