looking for career change

mnolan70mnolan70 Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
Iv been working in industry as maintenance for the past 6 years i make really good money but i dont get any joy out of working the factory life. Iv went to college for 2 years for IT with that iv learned the basics of Visual basic and COBOL programming. Would going bacl and getting my degree be the best option or would trying to get a entry level job and the work exp. be best. Im just looking for a career change. Im only 25 and definitely dont wanna be in industry forever.( I also have an As. Degree in Industrial engineering.)


  • Jon_CiscoJon_Cisco Member Posts: 1,772 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Do you know you want to go into IT or did you stop because it was not interesting to you?

    There are companies that specialize in shop floor management and automation. Something along that line might interest you. I would not discourage you from finishing a degree but cost wise I would make sure it's something your actually interested in.

    Good Luck
  • mnolan70mnolan70 Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Im very interested i love computers and enjoy the challenge. The only reason i quit was i was working full time and going tp college full time and just was burnt out. I guess my problem now is in the IT world will a degree get me further then exp. And certs.?
  • Jon_CiscoJon_Cisco Member Posts: 1,772 ■■■■■■■■□□
    For the cost of a book or two and a lot of time on this site you can pursue a certification. Then look to break into the industry. At some point you will need to get the experience. You can finish your degree and add certs as you go.

    I'm currently working on an Associates in Computer science and doing the netacad CCNA courses as part of the degree. I plan to switch careers in a couple years but since my current job is stable and enjoyable at the moment I did not want to jump to something entry level until I am in a position to take advantage of it and move up quickly.
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    No a degree alone will not get you farther than experience and certs. With no experience you will be better off with the degree than without it though.

    As far as getting a degree or entry level job, do both. Start looking while you take classes.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • lrcasey17lrcasey17 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I am in the exact same situation as you are. I work in facilities and I am looking into going back to school for IT. Good luck!
  • antielvisantielvis Member Posts: 285 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Well the Visual Basic could open some doors, the COBOL not so much. But once you've been able to grasp a programming language, learning another isn't as difficult.

    When you say IT, what do you mean? Programming is a world away from being a CISCO guy which is a world away from working with VMware. Do you like programming? The first question you have to ask is what do you like about IT.
  • mnolan70mnolan70 Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
    The major is Computer Info. Systems its basic business classes with a focus in IS. A few programming class and im not sure what eles as i didnt get that far into it. I like programming because it is a challenge and there is alwas something to learn. I also think i would like networking because my current job i do alot of wiring and com. Cable for PLCs and user interfaces.
  • mnolan70mnolan70 Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Also does anyone know if there is a sticky or a site that gives details of different IT jobs like what they do daily etc. For people looking to get into IT.
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