Shon Harris SSCP Mentor video series

veritas_libertasveritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
Does anyone have any experience with this?

SSCP Video Mentor | Pearson IT Certification

Would it be worth it?


  • docricedocrice Member Posts: 1,706 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Some years back I was studying for the CISSP and bought a Shon Harris video set. Given the relatively dry subjects and her teaching voice/style, I eventually got bored out. I haven't seen or read her material in quite some time, but I've since decided I'd look at other resources for ISC2-related instruction.
    Hopefully-useful stuff I've written:
  • vasyvasyvasyvasy Member Posts: 68 ■■■□□□□□□□
    You're right: both the AIO books and the video training are full of unnecessary stuff (and presented in a hypnotizing tone, that makes me sleepy)
    And I can't seem to get past the feminine presence is her books: every hacker is a "she", every sysadmin is a "she", every developer is a "she"... c'mon now :)
  • IristheangelIristheangel Mod Posts: 4,133 Mod
    vasyvasy wrote: »
    And I can't seem to get past the feminine presence is her books: every hacker is a "she", every sysadmin is a "she", every developer is a "she"... c'mon now :)

    If I don't sweat it when generally every IT book out there refers to an engineer, specialist, support, manager, PM, etc as a "he," I think you'll be fine.

    As far as the OP's post, don't waste your money on Shon Harris videos. She may write a good book but watching her speak about it is like watching paint peel. She has to have one of the most monotone voices I've ever heard. I would have cried emo tears if I had spent the money on going to one of her live seminars/bootcamps because there would have been no way I would have learned anything or even stayed awake.

    Here's a random video of her I found on Youtube just to give you an idea of what she's like to listen to: CISSP 03 07 00 03 08 00 - YouTube
    BS, MS, and CCIE #50931
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,105 Admin
    She may write a good book but watching her speak about it is like watching paint peel. She has to have one of the most monotone voices I've ever heard.
    Shon was actually quite clear, animated, and interesting in her early training videos. In her later videos she started sounding slightly inebriated and looking shell-shocked. The change in her presentation is so notable that it has me wondering what happened to her.
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