Where to go next?

kmusk01kmusk01 Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
It's been almost 1 year since I passed my CCNA. I did self study and did it the 2 exam approach. Where I work I am one of 4 guys that does IT for 8 different tracks around the US, so I get to do things from basic help desk all the way up to setting up Router/Switches/ASA's. I love my job and everything I learned networking/Cisco wise has been from this job.

My dilemma is I don't know what to start studying for next. I don't have to have a Cisco certification for my job, but I wanted to learn networking, and it has helped me a lot everyday. I was configuring switches before I even knew what a switch was or even what a network really was. I now know what they are and how to configure them like the back of my hand :)

I thought about going to CCNA-Security, and read 1 book, but found it boring as it mainly focused on CCP. I then started reading for Wireless cert, but from what I am gathering its really all not that great of a certification to get. I can configure AP, WLAN Controller pretty well. I have rolled out a few at different tracks on my own, so I have kinda taken over the wireless role here.

We also are starting to do a lot of VOIP, and really have 1 of us that does it, but not very well icon_sad.gif I thought about going for that cert, but honestly I dislike phone/VOIP. Maybe its because everyone has complained each time its been rolled out. Part of it I am sure is because no one here has any training and we just fix issues as they arise. We are however teaming up with an outside vendor to Virtualize our VOIP system and have to systems at 2 different location (East,West Coast) I am hoping that will peak my interest in wanting to learn phones...

I have also read 2 books for CCNP switching, and understand most of it, but we are not large enough to even use things like HSRP, or even use RSTP. Plus I don't always touch a switch/router on a daily basis, so not sure if I would be able to pass the exam just based on reading.

My gut tells me to keep going and study for the CCNP exam. Figure I have another 2 years before my CCNA expires and if by then I am not CCNP, I could probably sit for the CCNA and pass with no issues.

I do have access to all equipment at any time. Granted most of it is live, so can't change the configs. I also have small home lab with 1 router, 1 L3 switch, and 4 L2 switches. I also have books/video's on most of the certs listed above, or I can get them. Work does pay for my exam, but only if I pass :)

So if you were in my shoes what would you do?



  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Are you looking to stay at your job? I would suggest you to start looking for something more challenging while you start to work on your CCNP.

    FYI just passing one CCNP exam will renew your CCNA. You don't need to complete the whole CCNP within the three year mark.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • kmusk01kmusk01 Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I plan to stay here. I have been here 6 years now, and maybe have complained about my job twice. :) I doubt I will ever find this kind of position again. Plus we get paid pretty well since its just 4 of us doing all the IT work for all our tracks. Sometimes I wish we could hire an intern to take on the low level help desk calls, but they make the day go by faster :)

    I have looked to see whats out there and most would love it if I had my CCNP, but the pay would be about the same as now. I am not going for a cert just for money, its more for the knowledge. I don't like getting to a track and not knowing how to fix something myself. That was the biggest reason I got my CCNA on my own, just so I knew how things worked. I am more of a networking type guy than a server guy, so want to steer more that way.

    Wow I must not have read things correctly as I thought I had to pass all 3 exams to renew my CCNA. Hmmmm, I guess I might just go for CCNP as it would help me understand more things. We run MPLS, EIGRP, but I know just enough to be dangerous icon_sad.gif

  • Jon_CiscoJon_Cisco Member Posts: 1,772 ■■■■■■■■□□
    It sounds to me like you should go for CCNP based on your interest or go for Voice based on your companies needs. Don't shy away from the jobs nobody wants that's where opportunities come up.
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