
No jobs.

JohnjonesJohnjones Member Posts: 105 ■■□□□□□□□□
I have applied to numerous jobs for which I believe I am qualified with no luck. Even basic positions only requiring a A+ certification. I figure even if my resume was completely screwed up, I would have received a call.

I have about six years of experience and numerous certs. I can't help but think of all the new individuals to IT looking for work...you begin to wonder what the heck was all this studying for?

Sorry...I'm just venting. icon_wink.gif


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    Tom ServoTom Servo Member Posts: 104 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Be careful not to apply to too basic of a job. 6 years experience with numerous certs might put you out of the league for basic jobs. They don't want to hire someone that will leave too quickly or be miserable/bored. Ytoss your resume up and let people give advice. Where are you located? Some places are really dry on tech work.
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    DoubleNNsDoubleNNs Member Posts: 2,015 ■■■■■□□□□□
    I don't often get responses to positions I apply for. But if I put out my resume, I'll get plenty of calls from recruiters/employers.
    Goals for 2018:
    Certs: RHCSA, LFCS: Ubuntu, CNCF CKA, CNCF CKAD | AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, AWS Solutions Architect Pro, AWS Certified Security Specialist, GCP Professional Cloud Architect
    Learn: Terraform, Kubernetes, Prometheus & Golang | Improve: Docker, Python Programming
    To-do | In Progress | Completed
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    Eston21Eston21 Member Posts: 76 ■■■□□□□□□□
    If you don't mind me asking what state are you in? I know that the IT market can vary greatly depending on where you live. I personally live in the Orlando area, and I get calls and emails constantly from recruiters about potential openings. Although in my area they are mostly contract postions.
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    AkaricloudAkaricloud Member Posts: 938
    A poor resume will get thrown away regardless of your skillset. Post up your resume and let us have a peek!

    Also, as others have stated applying to entry level jobs when you have 6 years of experience and certifications will also not get you a call. No company wants to hire someone that will start off bored and looking to leave as soon as something better comes along.
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    dspielmandspielman Member Posts: 38 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Try changing up your resume a little bit. I made my resume more modern looking by adding a small amount of color and I started receiving quite a few more responses back when I was looking for a job.
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    J_86J_86 Member Posts: 262 ■■□□□□□□□□
    What kind of jobs are you applying to?
    What kind of experience do you have? What certs do you have?
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