
How to list skills in a resume

yzTyzT Member Posts: 365 ■■■□□□□□□□
I asked this some days ago in the "Resumes Dos and Don'ts "post, but as nobody answered I'm opening a new thread specific for this question to see whether it has more attention.

From the point of view of a recruiter, do you prefer to read a list of skills or an explanation about the skills? Let me explain myself.

For example:

- Networking: subnetting, DHCP, DNS, IPv4, DLP, IDS/IPS, NAC.
- Programming: C++, Java, Python, Perl.


- Networking: designing of large networks and set up of security measures like DLP, IDS/IPS and NAC systems.
- Programming: C++, Java and some exposure to scripting languages like Python and Perl.
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