Aspiring IS student seeks input from current IS professionals and students.

DanfrombhamDanfrombham Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi there,

My name is Dan and this will be my first post on the forum. I've been researching the field of information systems for some time now reading online articles and such. Some I find informative others are quite vague. So I'd like to get more input straight from individuals already working in the information systems field or in the process of getting their degree. It goes without saying real life testimony is always far more valuable than the sugar coated articles readily available through a Google search. That being said I'm not expecting the process of obtaining a degree to be a walk in sunshine or the answer to all of life's problems. However I'd like some assistance in deciding whether or not this would be a worthwhile investment or a colossal waste of time for me.

A bit about my specific situation. I'm 28. I've never been to college. I didn't do great in high school but I did earn my diploma. I have to admit that my performance could of been better if I had of taken more responsibility for my life and not avoided college. However there were a lot of serious obstacles I was facing in my home life mainly my alcoholic father which inspired me to run away at 19. Without dwelling too much on the ugly details lets just say things were really bad and I think the things outside of my control had more to do with my lack of performance at school than my personal effort.

Moving forward I do consider myself reasonably bright as well as determined. I know I'll have to take a compass test to get into school so I recently took an online act test and I made low score however it was a passing grade despite the fact that I haven't studied or completed an algebraic equation in about ten years. I'm confident I can make a good score on the compass exam if I am diligent with my studying.

I'm in the process of enrolling for a Bachelors degree in information systems at UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham). There is also a master's program available for graduates which I might partake in depending on how things pan out. The information systems program is available totally online.

UAB - Online - Information Systems

Which I find both appealing as well as unsure of. The thing is I have a full time job and I need to keep a full time job to be able to support myself. So conventional school isn't really something I think I can entertain. The good thing is that UAB is definitely not one of the "degree mills" you hear all the warnings about. It is a well respected University here in Birmingham Alabama. In fact the University and the UAB hospital are essentially the back bone of Birmingham's economy.

However, I do find myself concerned with whether or not obtaining my degree online will adversely affect my career options. I certainly would not want to invest all of the effort and expense in something that ended up not benefiting me. From what I've seen so far online degrees aren't necessarily the kiss of death. For instance I know of many nurses who got their bachelors online and it didn't seem to be an issue whatsoever. However I do not know if the case is the same for the world of information systems. For those of you who are involved with hiring what is your perception of people who have online degrees from such a school like UAB?

Although I want to be as good a student as possible I'm not the type of person who is hell bent on being in the top ten percent of the pay scale and such. I have a deeply personal reason for wanting this education and career. For one thing I love technology. I type faster than I write and I love the idea of working without getting dirty. I've been involved in craftsmanship jobs of all sorts ever sense I went into the work force. I've done everything from cabinetry to blacksmithing and the simple truth I've found is that there are no jobs regardless of how skilled you are that offer substantial pay or any significant job security. With the housing and construction being what it is the typical situation is that you will work 7 days a week for around $12/hr for a few months then you will get laid off without qualifying for unemployment because they always sign you up as a 1099. I really don't care about becoming rich but it would be nice. The idea of working a job that doesn't impact my health, pays enough that I could actually afford my own house one day, something I could get up and do even when I'm 60 years old. Essentially that is the real prize for me. I don't want to be one of these 50 year old men with a metal hip who still earns $14 an hour even though he has 30 years of experience in his field......Not a pity part or anything here I'm just trying to explain why I'm serious about this career and getting the degree.

So with that being said any input from you guys/gals who are already doing the deed would be greatly appreciated.

Just to Recap

*Would getting a bachelor's from UAB and possibly a Master's entirely online be the kiss of death or a worthwhile endeavor? Keep in mind this is an established university not a degree mill like University of Phoenix.

*Is an information systems degree a worthwhile field of study? As I said before I'm not looking to become the next Mark Zuckerberg. If I could make $50k a year that would be more income than I could ever hope to see as a craftsman despite having to pay back loans. I just want to work with professionals not a bunch of illiterate drug addicts and come home clean instead of covered in paint and saw dust. That is all the motivation I need.

Any input or perspective would be graciously appreciated.
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