Printer User intervention Required

I have a printer problem on my network if anybody can help me in this regard.......i have a wifi router RT-N16 and with usb port of this router i have attached Sharp ar-5516 Printer. and i have installed the printer driver on my computer and shared the printer on the network.......the problem i am facing is this that most of the times on printer window message appears " User intervention Required" and the printer does not perform the printing.... i have downloaded latest printer and router drivers...... and when i restart the computer then this message it disappears.....i want to know what is the real cause of this error.......Thanks a lot
bub9001 Member Posts: 229 ■■■□□□□□□□
First, what OS are you running?
Have you tired to test page print when the printer acts up?
Have you tired the built in Windows Troubleshooter?
Do you see the print job on the PC, or does it send it and forget it?
If you get an error in Windows, what is it?“You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” - Zig Ziglar
Goals for 2019: CEH, and CND
Goals for 2019: CCNA or ECSA -
aljugan Member Posts: 36 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hellow Bub9001 .......Thanks for your are answers of your questions plz reply os is windows 7 professional.....when i try test page print in printing Que is just printing and erro......i right clicked on printer and selected the troubleshooting but my problem is not solved....your next question i did't understand "print job on pc" as i click the printer and check the printing window there is message error in printing and with the printer name its written user intervention required.....
Thanks a in advance -
bub9001 Member Posts: 229 ■■■□□□□□□□
It is very hard to diagnose this issue without knowing your full setup and all. But I will attempt to help you fix this the best way I know how.
1. Since the test print gives an error and the Windows 7 built in troubleshooting doesn't resolve the issue you'll need to download and install the driver for the printer and the correct OS type (32bit or 64bit). Make sure remove the old driver and reboot before installing the new one. This could tell us if the current driver is corrupt. Judging from your reply this may be the answer.
AR-5516 - AR5516 - Digital Copier / Printer - Archive - Sharp
2. Is there anyway you can connect the printer directly to the PC or Laptop to eliminate the Network as being the issue?
3. If neither of these issues solve the problem I will say the printer maybe the issue, but without seeing any error codes it's going to be a pain in the neck.
Let me know if this helps?“You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” - Zig Ziglar
Goals for 2019: CEH, and CND
Goals for 2019: CCNA or ECSA -
aljugan Member Posts: 36 ■■□□□□□□□□
Dear bub9001 thanks a lot for your kinddddd reply my problem is solved .....i just reinstall the old drivers and restarted the computer and install once again and one thing more i did
printer spooliing .......> stop
windows/system32/spool/printer ........."i deleted all the files here"
"here i started the spooling which i stopped before"
Thanksss a lottt so nice of youuu God bless you with what you want