Exam voucher?
Has anyone ever purchased from Getcertified4less before? and if not, can anyone please recommend where I could perhaps purchase the exam voucher.
donw35 Member Posts: 78 ■■■□□□□□□□Wondering the same thing, Do I just need to purchase a vougher and find a vendor to take the exam ? I have new horizons close to me.
Eston21 Member Posts: 76 ■■■□□□□□□□Yes, they are legit. I just used them for an exam last week, which I used at a New Horizon. You simply purchase a voucher and you will receive an email with a code and instructions for use.
monark Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□Yes, they are legit. I just used them for an exam last week, which I used at a New Horizon. You simply purchase a voucher and you will receive an email with a code and instructions for use.
Thank you so much, Eston.