I missed my scheduled A+ exam

nardyseniornardysenior Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
I am kicking myself as I just waisted $188 and I am not fortunate enough that I have 200 bucks just to throw away. I scheduled the exam mid january and for some reason I convinced myself it was Thursday instead of tuesday of this week. Does anyone know if I have any options or did I just hand over my hard earned money just for the heck of it. Iff I had failed the test that would hurt to but I could deal with that. But just giving it away like this is extremely painful. Is there anything I can do?


  • jibbajabbajibbajabba Member Posts: 4,317 ■■■■■■■■□□
    phone VUE / Pearsons and maybe say you were ill ...?
    My own knowledge base made public: http://open902.com :p
  • SweenMachineSweenMachine Member Posts: 300 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I am kicking myself as I just waisted $188 and I am not fortunate enough that I have 200 bucks just to throw away. I scheduled the exam mid january and for some reason I convinced myself it was Thursday instead of tuesday of this week. Does anyone know if I have any options or did I just hand over my hard earned money just for the heck of it. Iff I had failed the test that would hurt to but I could deal with that. But just giving it away like this is extremely painful. Is there anything I can do?

    Ah man, that sucks! I feel for you, I did something similar when I scheduled my Net+ (that I didn't ever reschedule). But personal responsibility probably comes into play here. I doubt you will be able to get your money back, you can always try (although I am a believer that you shouldn't LIE because you made a mistake) -- An expensive lesson, but you get emails and confirmations when you sign up for tests, you need to make sure you double check that stuff, and make use of a calendar for sure.

  • scaredoftestsscaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 Mod
    Call them! You really didn't 'spend' the money yet taking the exam!
    Never let your fear decide your fate....
  • XyroXyro Member Posts: 623
    A very difficult lesson. Keeping track of dates and checking schedules, as I've found, is very necessary in IT. It's rough that you lost money but it's better to learn now than later.
  • ande0255ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
    For future tests I'd always schedule them on the same day of the week, that's how I keep mine in order, always on a Friday so I can either celebrate or drown my sorrows shortly after the test.

    Sorry to hear about that though man, that sucks big time!
  • ThePawofRizzoThePawofRizzo Member Posts: 389 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Give Vue a call. At this point it can't hurt.
  • dpsmooth15dpsmooth15 Banned Posts: 155
    It is clearly written out once you schedule the exam and pay, and even in the email you get 45 seconds later that you have to re schedule 24hrs in advance…The technique I use is, Scheduling the exam the day before, there are about 6 places to test in a 20mile radius and one about 75feet away I could literally walk to....including colleges. So for me, its easier to schedule the day before. I personally have found when I schedule in advance, I rush studying a tad.
    In all honesty, You paid 180 something… then if you were to pay that again for 801/802 you would total $500+ out the pocket for A+……………………….It is not worth it, the A+ is not worth 500+ bucks. If anyone tells you it is, I am calling them a lier in advance.
  • gorebrushgorebrush Member Posts: 2,744 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Ouch. I doubt you'll get your money back, but it's worth a shot.
  • jesseou812jesseou812 Member Posts: 61 ■■■□□□□□□□
    jibbajabba wrote: »
    phone VUE / Pearsons and maybe say you were ill ...?

    Wrong thing to do.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,113 Admin
    You are not the first person to miss a scheduled exam session. You should contact the testing center and ask about rescheduling your exam. There may be a rescheduling fee, but you haven't lost your money.
  • nardyseniornardysenior Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hi all, to any interested in an update I gave them a call and was actually honest about what happened and was told I had lost my forfeit my money in which I became enraged, which for the record also got me no where. I did end up calling again and spoke to a supervisor and calmly stated my case which ended up working and I got a reschedule. For the record though, I totally disagree with the way they handle these situations. If you pay for something rather it's goods or services and you do not receive the goods or services you should be entitled to a refund.
  • SnackyJSnackyJ Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    You chose not to receive those goods and services. Not to mention, your not showing up subsidizes the cost of others, as well as the testing center, creation of tests, and some one there to get paid to "proctor."

    Yes, it would be nice for Pearson to work with you (and it looks like they did); to issue a reschedule.

    Like someone else said, this is a good lesson on scheduling and prioritizing.
  • netsysllcnetsysllc Member Posts: 479 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Nardysenior, while you didn't get the 'goods' you paid for they loose out if they allow you to reschedule for free. They lost a block of time they could have had someone else test there and they cannot make up that time, it is perishable and gone forever. So it is not the same as other goods.
  • nardyseniornardysenior Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    SnackyJ wrote: »
    You chose not to receive those goods and services. Not to mention, your not showing up subsidizes the cost of others, as well as the testing center, creation of tests, and some one there to get paid to "proctor."

    Yes, it would be nice for Pearson to work with you (and it looks like they did); to issue a reschedule.

    Like someone else said, this is a good lesson on scheduling and prioritizing.
    Its not their job to "teach lessons" its their job to proctor test which they didn't do so they should still get paid? And no one chose anything, there is a human aspect that goes into play, people make mistakes, since we deal with PCs we should be treated as such or held to that standard? And what do you mean create the test, its the same test everyone else is getting are you saying test creation is the same as randomizing questions, and also if I made it there or not, the "proctors" pay will remain the same and I have nothing to do with those "others" or their cost.
    Your comment came across as rude in which case I say you could've and should've kept your opinion.
    netsysllc wrote: »
    Nardysenior, while you didn't get the 'goods' you paid for they loose out if they allow you to reschedule for free. They lost a block of time they could have had someone else test there and they cannot make up that time, it is perishable and gone forever. So it is not the same as other goods.
    How did they lose, what did they lose?
    you all act as if the proctor wouldn't have had to show up to work anyway
  • unfbilly11unfbilly11 Member Posts: 100 ■■□□□□□□□□
    They potentially lost any money from a person in your area that wanted to take the exam during your time slot. The proctor's individual pay may not have changed but the amount that the company brought in could have. They were 100% within their rights if they decided to not refund your money after you failed to show. I am glad that you got your money back, I know I would've tried to reschedule if I were in your shoes too, but it was definitely your mistake and not their job to correct it.

    Anyways, I wouldn't worry too much about it, just treat it as a learning experience and don't expect to get your money back again.

    Good luck on the exam!
  • SnackyJSnackyJ Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Its not their job to "teach lessons" its their job to proctor test which they didn't do so they should still get paid? And no one chose anything, there is a human aspect that goes into play, people make mistakes, since we deal with PCs we should be treated as such or held to that standard? And what do you mean create the test, its the same test everyone else is getting are you saying test creation is the same as randomizing questions, and also if I made it there or not, the "proctors" pay will remain the same and I have nothing to do with those "others" or their cost.
    Your comment came across as rude in which case I say you could've and should've kept your opinion.

    This is a life lesson for you to make sure you are held to the contracts you make. They did proctor a test; you just weren't there when you said you were going to be there. Sure people make mistakes but you can't be expected to be compensated (or re-compensated) for a mistake you made. You chose to not be an active participant in remembering what day it was. If I'm spending close to $200-$400 worth of tests and prep, you better believe I'm choosing to remember the date.

    Again, I'll reiterate, Pearson was doing you a favor by rescheduling your test.

    You said you should be entitled to a refund. Unfortunately in most instances that isn't the way the world works. If that's rude, then it's no wonder you got "enraged" at the poor CSR who was just doing his or her job the first time. They were probably just quoting the Cancellation Policy:
    "If you wish to cancel your exam, you must contact Pearson VUE one business day prior to your exam appointment. Cancelling an exam less than 24 hours is subject to a same-day forfeit exam fee. Exams scheduled with ADA specific needs require a three day cancellation notice. Exam fees are due for no-shows."

    Look, I get it, you were and probably still are upset, but there is what is and what you think ought to be. You're not going to change the way the world works, but you can make sure this doesn't happen again.
  • nardyseniornardysenior Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    And you know all that how, are you an employee at pearson vue. You seem to know alot about the internal business procedures of this company or were they somehow somewhere made public. In other words i know enough about the internet to know the majority of it is a bunch of people talking out of their asses so if the only thing you have to offer is blind assumption and opinion it is of no value to me.


    ]again It wasn't their job to give me any lesson of any sort. And yes they may have proctored a test and yes I wasn't there so I disagree with the policy saying I should pay for it. It is true I was upset when faced with the notion of losing 200 bucks due to what I feel is a very flawed policy, but that was rectified, why would I still be upset. There is something I don't like and that is when people such as yourself with a holier than thou attitudes, come offering me scolding in the form of advice so i speak on it. That may come across as me being mad but I guess its the same as your comment coming across as rude. No one asked or needed you to reiterate anything so that again comes across as a rude douche move.Maybe you have a different view of it up on that moral high horse of yours. Disagree with it or not by now i obviously knew the policy, And you may not have as much going on in your life where you better believe you wont forgot something. So its obvious you don't get me at all so please don't pretend or assume to. Do I think little old insignificant me can change the world. I doubt it, but sitting around saying nothing when you disagree with something will do even less, in fact that would make you part of the problem. And I know this isn't world changing or earth shattering even but by telling those people on the phone the exact same thing I said in this thread persuaded them to reschedule so I guess I should hold that as a life lesson that speaking up when you feel you've been wronged might indeed force some sort of change after all.
    you were right about one thing and that is that it is indeed a form of a contract which would give them the right to act as they please, but in that case wouldn't the lesson be to be careful what you agree to in writing, and not because it is in writing it is right.

    But anyway, I started this thread to get advice on a refund if possible which is now a dead issue.
    So I guess this thread is dead. for the record any further opinions will be ignored as i don't see this thread headed in a good direction.
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    But anyway, I started this thread to get advice on a refund if possible which is now a dead issue.
    So I guess this thread is dead. for the record any further opinions will be ignored as i don't see this thread headed in a good direction.

    Glad to hear you worked your problem out.

    It is pretty disappointing to read responses such as yours. You asked our community for help and several gave you great feedback. It appears this wasn't what you wanted to hear/read, and instead of acknowledging the lesson was learned, you stomp your feet, cross your arms and declare you are taking your ball and going home (figuratively of course).

    I would recommend, in the future, if you chose to continue to participate here, not to treat the senior members so rudely. Because these kind folks, as well as the mods, are all here voluntarily to assist each other and particularly newer folks entering the IT community.

    To schedule an exam, miss the exam and forfeit the fee is nothing new. You were fortunate to work it out this time. Perhaps in the future, schedule the exam a few days to no more than a week in advance so that it clearly sticks in your mind.

    Down the road, if you were to make a similar mistake, be prepared to forfeit the fee. There is an opportunity cost to the testing facility and they do proctor a variety of exams, not solely IT exams.

    While you see this thread as dead, and for the most part the topic has been resolved, this thread will provide others a valuable lesson and warning.

    Good luck
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • titus11titus11 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■■■□□□□□□□

    I missed my scheduled A+ exam  yesterday by 30minutes late and couldnot open exam .I talked to Pearson customer care on chat and was given ticket.I pray they can offer me a reschedule of the same.Any advice.

  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,113 Admin
    Work with Pearson to reschedule your exam.
  • titus11titus11 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I was issued a ticket same day yesterday and talked to them today .Am hoping for the best(resolved).
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