Submitting my first CPEs - Problem

netstatnetstat Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi all,

I trying to submit my first CPEs on the portal however i seem to be doing something wrong. My cycle started today 1st March and i read the Jan-Feb 2014 ISC2 Magazine issue and did the quiz and got the certificate. However i am having trouble applying for the CPEs.

I am applying for them in this manner -

*Apply for CPE - CISSP
*Domain - CISSP Multiple Domains (Group A)
*Activity Start Date - 03/01/2014
*CPE Type - ISC2 InfoSecurity Professional Maagzine Quiz (Group A only)
*Magzine issue - January-February

Note - on older magazine issues, the sequence number seems to be different, as the older versions are ISSUE: 23... 24.. this one seems to be either January-February 2014 or Volume 7 Issue 1 (which to me does not make sense)

When i submit the form i received - No Match Found.

Any idea what i am doing wrong?

btw, i am still an associate as i haven't submitted the endorsement form yet.



  • netstatnetstat Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
    So this what i am seeing. What is interesting is that i just generated a report and "magically" i now have 20 CPEs.... I think all my attempts at submitting the CPEs were actually being accepted but they did not show up on the add cpe screen.

    I contacted ISC2 to sort this out, something is clearly wrong.
    CPE.jpg 26.3K
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    On the page where you add your CPEs is the following statement in red lettering: NOTE: When making a submission, it may take up to five minutes for your CPE credit(s) to appear on this page and you may need to refresh your browser.
  • netstatnetstat Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
    yes i read that and waited and even logged out the first time. But when nothing changed i tried again and again, but no luck, the same thing kept on coming up. I spent hours searching for clues but couldnt find anything.
  • netstatnetstat Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Just to update the thread - The issue was that although my cycle started on the 1st March (as per the report), the CPE submission was open from the 2nd March onwards only. Any submitted CPEs on the 1st March still ended up in the report but not on the CPE portal page. ISC2 support correct them.

  • BGravesBGraves Member Posts: 339
    This is good to know, just getting around to paying my first years AMF and thankfully more than enough credits for group A/B while working on my MS.
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