70-413 Study Material

So I just passed the 70-412 Exam, which was was difficult, much more than I thought it was going to be, and want to take the 413 and 414 Exams.
Any suggestions or recommendations on study material for those exams? Just doing initial browsing around doesn't really bring any good results.
Any suggestions or recommendations on study material for those exams? Just doing initial browsing around doesn't really bring any good results.
MSSoftie Member Posts: 190 ■■■□□□□□□□
I am doing the same thing. TechNet has been my best bet so far. Remember most of the material was already covered so we need to concern ourselves on when one tool or technology would be used opposed to another added to the past material.
Not much help I know but the books don't seem to come out until April and I don't want to wait. -
omi2123 Member Posts: 189
i m planning on taking the 70-410 soon......any suggestions bout how to study or any tips? -
the_technician Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
omi2123 - I heard people use training videos to assist with exams: https://www.cbtnuggets.com/it-training-videos/course/msft_70_410_u1
I think this is the book for the exam also: Exam Ref 70 410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 R2 by Craig
With those 2, I think you would have a good chance of passing imo.
That CBT Nuggets site looks to have videos for the 70-413 exam as well: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 70-413 Video Training Online | CBT Nuggets
Hope this helps. You guys probably know more then me on this though. -
Theegg911 Member Posts: 124
I would agree with the_technician. Use the CBT videos for the 413 as that is about the only solid material there is right now. I have yet to see an Exam Ref book for it yet. I think they will add the R2 material to that exam next month so try to knock it out before the material gets changed around.Next Goal: Office 365 70-346 (Scheduled for 9/25)