J4350 Inventory Issue

llllvllllllllvllll Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hello Everyone,

Before asking anything i would like to share my Device info :-

Router:- J4350
Junos:- 9.2R1.10

I was checking my Inventory detail which is:-

Hardware inventory:
Item Version Part number Serial number Description
Chassis JN1187A84ADA J4350
Midplane REV 03 710-014594 AABF8936
System IO REV 01 710-016210 AABE0044 JX350 System IO
Crypto Module Crypto Acceleration
Routing Engine REV 15 710-015273 AABL5683 RE-J4350-2540
ad0 495 MB 512MB CKS 0116F009C24A00005513 Compact Flash
PIC 0 4x GE Base PIC
FPC 1 REV 15 750-011148 AJ10360129 FPC
PIC 0 2x E1
FPC 3 REV 13 750-015153 AACW3236 FPC
FPC 5 REV 15 750-011148 AJ10360144 FPC
PIC 0 2x E1
FPC 6 REV 15 750-011148 AJ10360192 FPC
PIC 0 2x E1
Power Supply 0

Above detail clearly shows that there is a PIC card installed in FPC slot 1 & 6 but in reality there is none.

PIC status :-

Juniper@KNG-R2> show chassis fpc pic-status | no-more
Slot 0 Online FPC
PIC 0 Online 4x GE Base PIC
Slot 1 Offline FPC
Slot 3 Offline FPC
Slot 5 Online FPC
PIC 0 Online 2x E1
Slot 6 Offline FPC

Can someone tell me why router inventory report is showing PIC(In FPC slot 1 & 6) but in real there are no PICs installed ?.
Could it be that the device needs a reboot to update its details ?

NOTE:- The device used to have PICs installed but those were removed few months ago.



  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    That is some pretty old software you have running there. Could be a bug.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yea that looks pretty funky. Try a different software version and see if its still there. I powered up one thats been collecting dust and this is my inventory.

    root> show version
    Model: j4350
    JUNOS Software Release [10.0R4.7]



    show chassis hardware detail

    root> show chassis hardware detail
    how chassis hardware exHardware inventory:
    Item Version Part number Serial number Description
    Chassis JN10AEBBCADA J4350
    Midplane REV 03 710-014594 NV4638
    System IO REV 01 710-016210 NV7552 JX350 System IO
    Routing Engine REV 15 710-015273 NK4866 RE-J4350-2540
    ad0 977 MB SanDisk SDCFB-1024 117004J0198D2508 Compact Flash
    FPC 0 FPC
    PIC 0 4x GE Base PIC
    Power Supply 0


    Does it still show after a hard reset?
  • llllvllllllllvllll Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
    No i have not used hard reset yet , I think its time i should upgrade it's Junos.
    BTW can i jump directly to version 10 or i need to install 9.5 then version 10 which will be an issue as Juniper no longer has version 9 OS in their website and i have to open a case for that.
  • zoidbergzoidberg Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    You normally need to upgrade within 3 dot releases, so you may need to make a pit stop at 9.5. Check the release notes for the 10 version you are targeting and they should include guidelines for upgrading from older versions.

    You can sometimes go beyond that 3 dot release limit if you're going from an EEoL release to another EEoL release, but those are typically the last dot release in a major version. I'm pretty certain 9.2 is not EEoL. But, for example, 9.6 to 10.4 (assuming I'm remembering my EEoL numbers). Technically, I was even able to do upgrades from 10.4 to 12.1X44 and it falls within the supported guidelines for EEoL upgrades, though some people strongly recommended I stop at 11.4 midway anyways. Oh well.

    If you don't feel like tracking down 9.5, you could always do a no-validate and force the install. Obviously the disclaimer is that is not supported/recommended.

    Or, you could get the install-media file for the 10 version you want to go to. It will do a full format and install from the removable media and you should be fine. This method will wipe your config, so backup of course.

    I guess I should end this with the note that if this is a production router, not lab, and important or critical to your network, you should really follow the official Juniper support recommended processes. I've been a lab rat for too long, so I haven't always followed the correct procedures...
  • zoidbergzoidberg Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Were the PICs physically removed? Or were the FPC or PICs just powered down? If physically removed, then ya, could be a bug or just needing a reboot.

    As luck would have it, I have a J6350 handy to mess with. Remotely. I can't yank hardware. But the behavior in your output matches mine when I just offline a FPC. sh chassis hardware still shows the FPC and PIC installed in the FPC. sh chassis fpc pic-status does not show the PIC however as the FPC is offline.

    My code version here is 11.4.

    > show chassis hardware    
    Hardware inventory:
    Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
    Chassis                                JN10AD      J6350, NEBS compliant
    Midplane         REV 03   710-014593   NX52           
    System IO        REV 02   710-016208   NT69            JX350 System IO
    Crypto Module                                            Crypto Acceleration
    Routing Engine   REV 10   710-015273   NK47            RE-J6350-3400
    FPC 0                                                    FPC
      PIC 0                                                  4x GE Base PIC
    FPC 3            REV 13   750-017015   AADS          FPC
      PIC 0         
    FPC 6            REV 13   750-017015   AADS          FPC
      PIC 0                                                  6x GE SFP uPIM
        Xcvr 0       REV 02   740-011613   AM1039S       SFP-SX
        Xcvr 1       REV 02   740-011613   AM1108S       SFP-SX
    Power Supply 0  
    Power Supply 1  
    Hardware inventory:
    > show chassis fpc pic-status    
    Slot 0   Online       FPC
      PIC 0  Online       4x GE Base PIC
    Slot 3   Offline      FPC
    Slot 6   Online       FPC
      PIC 0  Online       6x GE SFP uPIM
    Slot 0   Online       FPC
      PIC 0  Online       4x GE Base PIC
    Slot 3   Online       FPC
      PIC 0  Online       6x GE SFP uPIM
    Slot 6   Online       FPC
      PIC 0  Online       6x GE SFP uPIM
  • llllvllllllllvllll Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Zoidberg :- Thanks for your input :)
    Yes, PICs were physically removed few months ago. Might be a bug or could be my Junos version. I have already opened a case in Juniper let's see what they suggest.
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