
Books and Vids

MrPuzzlezMrPuzzlez Member Posts: 89 ■□□□□□□□□□
I've noticed something, and I think this is the main reason why, as pupils of CLI, we should have multiple sources for studying. I've noticed that in the follow-alongs, some books will omit a command here or there. They may be insignificant commands, like "no shutdown" or "clock rate xx000", but I've found that videos are a lot better for this because you can re-enact exactly what the instructor is doing. This doesn't mean that I'll toss the books, but hold on to them for better elaboration of a subject.icon_study.gif

Edit: Also, I would like to add that certain commands on actual routers aren't available on PT... Which is why we have GNS3 for almost REAL routing.


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    Jon_CiscoJon_Cisco Member Posts: 1,772 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I agree we need more then one source of information. Only in the last year have I embraced video training. It's not perfect but it's easier to follow when you not getting something because you see it progress quickly.

    When reading if something does not make sense and I move on I tend to start slowing down as I am not following the content very well. With that said I feel that I learn a lot more from reading about a topic it's just easy to watch a video first. Packet tracer is great for learning but it does limit you to how far you can go. I often find myself wondering why commands are not available and then remembering it's packet tracer not the router.
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    MrPuzzlezMrPuzzlez Member Posts: 89 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Also, if the instructor does something wrong in the video, you can see how he did it, and why you shouldn't do it. Trial and error is awesome when you see someone else do it.
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    jeffgibbsjeffgibbs Member Posts: 25 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I like Chris Bryant's videos over at udemy.com . if you use his coupon code its less than 45 bucks for ICND I and II. Of course CBT Nuggets are good also but they are much more money. What are you guys using?
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    MrPuzzlezMrPuzzlez Member Posts: 89 ■□□□□□□□□□
    CBT Nuggets, TrainSignal, CCNA in 60 days, aaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... Todd Lammle. Couldn't remember it... Also using Packet Tracer, even though it's somewhat limited. It's good enough to get the CCNA, but after that, got to hop on the GNS3 express!
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    jeffgibbsjeffgibbs Member Posts: 25 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I have the Lammle book as well. His stuff is pretty good. I also use the CCNA in 60 days by Paul Browning as well as the CCNA Simplified also by Paul Browning. Its a little old but I still find it usefull. The Kindle edition came bundled with Mr Brownings 101 CCNA labs when i bought it and that has been well worth having. I am using Packet tracer as well since back in 2002 the Army sent me through the Cisco Academy as an alumni I can still download it. It has been very helpfull. By searching around I have been able to locate a decent amount of pre done Packet tracer labs so i didnt have to create them all from scratch. I have GNS3 installed but have not really played with it to much.... I suppose that I should probably play with it and get up to speed on it. I do know hat there are tones of Topologies availible for it. One issue I have had with it when I go to use it so far I never seem to have the correct IOS for the routers in the topolgies.... GRRR unlike packet tracer which is much more streamlined environment.
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