
Quick Question:

vaughnsvaughns Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
I saw on one of the sites (not this one)

What does the # symbol at the end of the command represent?

A Message Text
B Privileged exec mode
C A new line
D Message Delimiter

I thought the answer would be B, but they say D?????

are they wrong? If not, can some one explain it to me?

Sorry for asking such an easy question.


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    KGhaleonKGhaleon Member Posts: 1,346 ■■■■□□□□□□
    It says, at the "end" of the command. It's clearly referring to the banner motd command.

    Present goals: MCAS, MCSA, 70-680
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    vaughnsvaughns Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    KGhaleon wrote:
    It says, at the "end" of the command. It's clearly referring to the banner motd command.

    ok, in that case what answer will you pick? I am busy looking up MOTD

    and I am sure unsure what the answer is - if not the answer I picked first?
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    KGhaleonKGhaleon Member Posts: 1,346 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Banner motd #

    this is a command on the router that will allow you to create a "message of the day" banner that will show up when someone logs into the router. There is a #(pound sign) at the beginning and end of the banner message. The question you were asked refers to that. That's the answer.

    Present goals: MCAS, MCSA, 70-680
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