Breaking the RAID... Help

tstrip007tstrip007 Member Posts: 308 ■■■■□□□□□□
I have two raid contoller cards. Both arrays are setup with raid 0. I want to break the raid and have the drives show up as individual drives with no raid. Is this something that can be done with the contoller cards? I feel this is something simple but Im just not getting it.


  • --chris----chris-- Member Posts: 1,518 ■■■■■□□□□□
    If you have already moved the data/don't need the data than this is straight forward. Do you HAVE to use the raid cards in this setup, or do you have enough SATA ports to simply plug everything in and go?
  • MentholMooseMentholMoose Member Posts: 1,525 ■■■■■■■■□□
    It should be possible. First you need to move any needed data off of the RAID 0 array(s) as mentioned by --chris--. Check the documentation for the RAID card; usually such functionality is referred to as JBOD. Alternatively, some RAID cards (such as some from LSI Logic) have an non-RAID firmware that could be used instead of a JBOD option with RAID firmware. This eliminates the need to go into the BIOS of the RAID card to configure the drives in JBOD mode.

    Once the drives are configured as individual drives, format them in your OS and transfer any data back to them.
    MCSA 2003, LFCS, LFCE (expired), VCP6-DCV
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