
Colorado State University Global Campus

Ok, I used the search engine in the WGU threads, couldn't find CSU questions. Not sure if anyone has looked into this program, but here is what I have found out so far.

After researching online BS degrees in IT, I have decided to go to WGU. After talking to many degreed ( Ivy League and traditional B & M grads) within my company, the overwhelming response is that online degree's aren't held in high regard compared to B&M degrees. Personally, I would rather have a degree from a well respected college, not that WGU is a bad college. My fear is that WGU’s reputation in time will become that as U of Phoenix. In my area, we are now getting commercials for WGU, so they are growing. I know that everyone has their own ideas on the subject, but I wanted to post some info on CSU Global.

In my case, I don't believe that a piece of paper (cert or degree) means someone is more knowledgeable or qualified than someone who doesn’t. I do know that name recognition, rankings, affiliations, alumni, and the defense of person’s college can be a true positive or negative aspect in a hiring process. I have seen this practice in my last 3 large corporation jobs and many hiring managers say that if they see someone applying, from an online degree program, it is automatically put at the bottom of the pile or in the trash. Again, I know this is not fair, but does happen. I think that if I want to spend the time and effort, I would rather research and base my decision on the best outcome.

Here is where CSU Global comes into play. We have some current employees who transferred to CSU from U. of P. and local B&M schools, which by word of mouth is how I found out about CSU. So I called, got a very nice administrator on the phone, who has been very helpful. Below is what I wrote down, from our phone call:

Tuition: $250 per c.h. (instate or out of state, it’s the same charge)
Online tech fee: $59 per c.h. I was told this was the online books, no additional charges
60 Credits can transfer from a C.C.
90 Credits can transfer from WGU. I made sure to ask again, for sure, that there wouldn’t be an issue with WGU credits. I am working on trying to compare CSU and WGU’s course numbers.
AART credits can be applied.
Certifications can be reviewed for credits.
App. Fee is only $25

I was sent the B.S. in IT degree plan.

So, the plan for me is to transfer everything that has already been assessed for WGU, take at least 1 semester with WGU ( block ) trying to get as close to 90 credits to transfer to CSU. Princeton Review has ranked CSU Global well, I checked into student forums and reviews, it seems to be a good school. Everyone I have talked to said that Colorado State University is a well rounded institution.
-WIP- (70-294 and 297)

Once MCSE 2k3 completed:

WGU: BS in IT, Design/Management

Finish MCITP:EA, CCNA, PMP by end of 2012

After that, take a much needed vacation!!!!!


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    BokehBokeh Member Posts: 1,636 ■■■■■■■□□□
    250 C.H. is different from what is posted on their site, be sure to verify that again. Currently posted for the spring 2011 quarter:

    Tuition Rates (Spring 2011)

    Application fee for each program: $25
    Bachelor’s Degree Programs
    Cost Per Credit Cost Per Course
    (3 Credits) Cost Per Degree
    $329 $987

    Varies based on number of transfer credits for each individual student (120 credits required for degree).

    Estimated cost for student with 90 transfer credits: $9,870

    Estimated cost for student with 60 transfer credits: $19,740

    Estimated cost for student with 30 transfer credits: $29,610
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    motogpmanmotogpman Member Posts: 412
    Correct. I had asked the admin about the tuition costs, since they have it listed different on their webste. She was firm in the $250 and also said that CSU's policy is that you have to take at least one class per year to be considered a current student. If you do that, then that price is "grandfathered in" as long as you haven't finished your B.S. I'll ask the person I have an interview with tomorrow, see if I get conflicting stories.

    The website states those costs are estimated, it is possible that the $250 price was quoted due to my veteran status. What is strange is that I don't see the $59 "tech fee" that is required for online classes. I wonder if they bundled the tuition and tech fees, but even at that it should be $310 per c.h.
    -WIP- (70-294 and 297)

    Once MCSE 2k3 completed:

    WGU: BS in IT, Design/Management

    Finish MCITP:EA, CCNA, PMP by end of 2012

    After that, take a much needed vacation!!!!!
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    motogpmanmotogpman Member Posts: 412
    OK, didn't look close enough at my meeting request for tomorrow, it is from another Colorado college...

    So, I confirmed with the admin at CSU and yes, the tuition rates I was given are based on being a veteran.

    Here's some other things I that were answered:

    *Companies can get reduced tuition rates from CSU, not sure the specific rates or conditions however, they have an Outreach program.

    *Graduations are held at the Center for Performing Arts in Denver, CO and held in April.

    *Alumni acceptance is based on graduating and then contacting the local Alumni chapter. CSU's website lists all state's/cities chapter contacts.

    *A typical semester for the Global campus is 8 weeks long, most people take 2 classes at a time.

    *Weight of getting a diploma from CSU Global... "Yes, we are accredited by the same body and also are governed by the same board. It’s like the University of Texas- there are several campuses but they are still part of the University of Texas. Same goes here. "

    I am sure it sounds as if I am trying to sell CSU. In reality, what I am doing is trying to share what info I have come across. I work hard for my money, want the best option, know that people's reaction would be to prefer seeing a degree from a respected institution, and I have spent a lot of time researching. If this info can help others, than mission accomplished.

    I also want to say that of all the admins I have spent time dealing with, at over 15 campuses inquiring, the admin I am dealing with at CSU has been, by far, the most pleasant and informative. My first go round with WGU wasn't nearly as smooth. Not knocking WGU, other people I have talked to on this forum had the same problem with the same WGU admin.
    -WIP- (70-294 and 297)

    Once MCSE 2k3 completed:

    WGU: BS in IT, Design/Management

    Finish MCITP:EA, CCNA, PMP by end of 2012

    After that, take a much needed vacation!!!!!
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■

    If a BS was the end all-be all, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. Any school that is regionally accredited (online or not) is going to get you the same piece of paper, whether it's Colorado State, University of Colorado-Boulder, University of Texas-Austin, Harvard, Yale, or Western Governors University.

    What differientiates those schools isn't so much the various level of prestige and/or price (though, believe me, that's certainly a consideration), but rather the level of contacts/relationships you are able to develop while you are at either of those colleges or any college. However, for me, what is going to be a deciding factor in how good any of these colleges are is the answer to this question: Can I get into the graduate school of MY choice? If so, will I be adequately prepared for the challenges of graduate school once I am in?

    I can't help but feel, in WGU's case, that I can get into grad school (and I'm not talking about WGU's Masters programs, either). No doubt, Colorado State online should do the same, as would UMASS-Lowell. However for the cost and time, it's not going to help those who just want to prove competence in a variety of subjects, just so that one can graduate in a decent amount of time. However, I recognize that some students need and thrive off of the structure of a normal college class schedule. I would rather deal with that in graduate school, as opposed to getting a BS (since I have already invested time and money into WGU).

    Just some food for thought on how much time and money you want to spend on a BS. That time (and money) may be better spent on a graduate program at a NAME school for the reasons you mentioned in your second and third paragraph of the first post.

    Because as someone explained to me...it's all about the last school you attended. :)
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    motogpmanmotogpman Member Posts: 412
    I agree. Your question is the very same thing that I questioned U. of Houston, Texas A&M, UT, Texas Tech, and some other post grad schools with. I asked about being able to tranfer from WGU after graduation, sent them WGU's pdf on classes/degree plan and URL, and the staff either hadn't heard of WGU or weren't confident that a majority of classes would transfer into their programs. Overwhelmingly I was told that I would have to retake many of the same classes before even working on the post grad degree. I had written off finishing my BS years ago. Funny how one should never say never, LOL.

    My first plan was to just start and finish with WGU and be done with furthering my college education. Then I looked at possibly working on a MBA afterwords, I want more business education. I was told that I would lose a lot of credits due to WGU's "standards" in classes. I can only go with what they tell me at this point. No one wants to work double. I sent in the CSU pdf for the BS in IT degree to the same colleges and amazingly, the courses that can transfer are better.

    Initially I was thinking the same thing, start with a quicker BS ( quality of that BS is also important) and then get a final with a Name branded college. I figured that the last one would trump the first. I am finding out, at least with the colleges in my area, it isn't that simple.
    -WIP- (70-294 and 297)

    Once MCSE 2k3 completed:

    WGU: BS in IT, Design/Management

    Finish MCITP:EA, CCNA, PMP by end of 2012

    After that, take a much needed vacation!!!!!
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■

    That was definitely a fear of mine when I started WGU; that schools would find the program weak. However I'm more than halfway done. I do know that transferring out of WGU would be a problem, but starting a new program with degree in hand (either a second BS or a 1st MS/MBA) would prove less of a problem because WGU is regionally accredited and the WGU degree would carry weight. The classes, by themselves, seem to be more of a problem transferring out of WGU.

    At this point, for me, I'm going to have to push all-in. I would hate to take undergrad classes again if my degree is supposed to count. The schools in my area that I'm applying to are Rutgers Business School (which I know they'll want Calculus....I'll cross that bridge when I come to it), Seton Hall (go Pirates! :D), NYU (LOL, why not), Fordham (traffic would kill me, but it would not be impossible) and a couple of others.

    WGU, as I said much earlier, should be no different than a third/fourth tier state school. Every state has a state college that serves the "underserved" population. I'm sure if people can graduate from those schools and get into a decent grad school, WGU shouldn't be a problem.
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    motogpmanmotogpman Member Posts: 412
    I'll post back when I get to the point of transferring from WGU to CSU. It will be interesting to see if things go as easy as promised. The biggest issue is the wait, once I start, it will be around 6 months until I am finished and able to transfer. Fingers crossed. How much time do you have left to finish the BS at WGU?
    -WIP- (70-294 and 297)

    Once MCSE 2k3 completed:

    WGU: BS in IT, Design/Management

    Finish MCITP:EA, CCNA, PMP by end of 2012

    After that, take a much needed vacation!!!!!
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    motogpman wrote: »
    I'll post back when I get to the point of transferring from WGU to CSU. It will be interesting to see if things go as easy as promised. The biggest issue is the wait, once I start, it will be around 6 months until I am finished and able to transfer. Fingers crossed. How much time do you have left to finish the BS at WGU?

    I might be done by either end of this year or early next. It's going to depend on the MS exams. (The MCITP:EA track). The classes I have left are in my siggie. Currently working on QLT1 now.

    I won't know if I will have worst luck, the same luck or better luck than you though in regards to graduate programs until I finish. Believe me though, TE will hear about it before I celebrate in Vegas... :D . :)
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    motogpmanmotogpman Member Posts: 412
    Cool! I guess the best part is that there are so many different threads/posts for people to pull info from, it's a win win situation. Good luck on finishing, I am sure you'll knock it out soon. I am trying to figure out which ones to take first, the good thing is I have the list for both schools to compare.
    -WIP- (70-294 and 297)

    Once MCSE 2k3 completed:

    WGU: BS in IT, Design/Management

    Finish MCITP:EA, CCNA, PMP by end of 2012

    After that, take a much needed vacation!!!!!
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    ScissorMeTimbersScissorMeTimbers Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    motogpman wrote: »
    I'll post back when I get to the point of transferring from WGU to CSU. It will be interesting to see if things go as easy as promised. The biggest issue is the wait, once I start, it will be around 6 months until I am finished and able to transfer. Fingers crossed. How much time do you have left to finish the BS at WGU?

    4 year bump.


    Reading your post was kind of a weird experience, I have spent the last week on the phone and emailing numerous colleges regarding online IT programs and I have found myself in the same situation that you were in almost 4 years ago. I was torn between WGU and CSU - Global and I think I'm leaning towards CSU for the same reasons you did. Hopefully by now you have graduated and I was hoping you could post about your experience in WGU/CSU-Global and any advice you might have for someone walking the same path. Thank you!
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    greeneyedpea81greeneyedpea81 Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I am currently enrolled at CSU-G in the BSIT program. I transfered last year from Uni of Phx (thank goodness).

    My experience has been better than Uni of Phoenix, however you can tell that the school is still new. So far when people ask what school I am attending, I have not heard any negative things what so ever.

    Hope that helps. Did you end up registering at CSU?
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    Cisco InfernoCisco Inferno Member Posts: 1,034 ■■■■■■□□□□
    I suggest you take a look at University of Maryland - University College. It is well respected in the military. I am currently enrolled in the BS-Computer Networks and Security program and it has been amazing so far. Many of my cohorts are 5-10 year experienced admins and engineers in the Navy, Army, and Air Force. Some are engineers in Fortune 100 companies. I feel inadequate lol. The level of work is by far way harder than the public Community College I transferred in from. So I'm happy. We do some intense scenario based discussions and assignments which really enforces book knowledge as opposed to just reading cover to cover. Many classes prepare you for the Cert exams too. I plan on graduating with A+, N+, S+, Linux+, CEH, MCSA:2012, CCNP, CCDA. Just another year or so left.

    I plan on going to University of Denver - University College for a masters afterwards.

    I do agree about a B&M School. It doesn't leave a sour taste in managers mouths for some reason. I'm all for WGU though, I know people in person who have completed their BS with them. They are way smarter than I could ever be. One reason I like WGU is that it is self paced and accredited. I know people who have gone to great B&M Grad programs because of it. I chose UMUC because it is more semester based and one class at a time.

    craaaaaaaap. didnt see the thread necro oh well.
    2019 Goals
    CompTIA Linux+
    [ ] Bachelor's Degree
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    wingshotwingshot Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    What do you plan on studying for your Masters at the University of Denver? This program there caught my eye (http://universitycollege.du.edu/ict/degree/masters/software-design-and-programming-online), but you are probably going down one of their Network or Cyber-security paths.
    I suggest you take a look at University of Maryland - University College. It is well respected in the military. I am currently enrolled in the BS-Computer Networks and Security program and it has been amazing so far. Many of my cohorts are 5-10 year experienced admins and engineers in the Navy, Army, and Air Force. Some are engineers in Fortune 100 companies. I feel inadequate lol. The level of work is by far way harder than the public Community College I transferred in from. So I'm happy. We do some intense scenario based discussions and assignments which really enforces book knowledge as opposed to just reading cover to cover. Many classes prepare you for the Cert exams too. I plan on graduating with A+, N+, S+, Linux+, CEH, MCSA:2012, CCNP, CCDA. Just another year or so left.

    I plan on going to University of Denver - University College for a masters afterwards.

    I do agree about a B&M School. It doesn't leave a sour taste in managers mouths for some reason. I'm all for WGU though, I know people in person who have completed their BS with them. They are way smarter than I could ever be. One reason I like WGU is that it is self paced and accredited. I know people who have gone to great B&M Grad programs because of it. I chose UMUC because it is more semester based and one class at a time.

    craaaaaaaap. didnt see the thread necro oh well.
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    OmegaNullerOmegaNuller Registered Users Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    After doing this degree can we apply for the SANS MSC program?
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