4 more weeks, what to study...

iTamashiiTamashi Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello all,
So I am down to my final 4 weeks (it's been a long 3 months) before the big test and wanted to get advice for study material. I want to find something that would help round out what I have studied so far and give me a chance to make sure I KNOW the concepts as opposed to just memorized them.

I've been lurking around Techexams a while, but finally decided to make an account because I wanted new feedback.

The path so far...
-Study Material
1. Eric Conrad's CISSP Study guide (Full read through, twice)
2. SYBEX Study Guide 7th edition (Full Read through)
3. Cybrary Video Course
4. SYBEX Flash cards and practice questions.
5. Sari Greene videos
6. ISC2 CBK (for reference to rough topics)

1. 3 Years IT experience in Desktop Support and Network Infrastructure *see note for experience details.
2. Comptia A+, Net+, Sec+ CE, and CCENT certified (Almost CEHv8 but dropped it because v9 came out right when I went
to schedule)
3. Working on Bachelor's with UMUC in Network Security/Cybersecurity

The options from here onward...
At this point, I really want to focus on getting my head wrapped around answering questions the CISSP way. With the Sybex and Eric Conrad questions, I get anywhere from 75% to 95%, but I don't want to get used to only a few formats of questions or the same ones again and again.

So here's what I am considering:
-Study Material
1. Transcender Practice Exam (only $42 on cybrary?!? what?!?)
2. Boson Practice Exams
3. CCCure Practice Exams
4. Eric Conrad's 11th Hour

If you could only pick(afford) 2 to 3 of these items, which would they be?

I also have a few CISSPs in my office and almost all of them have had to retake the exam. (One did pass his first time....in 2 hours...) so I have been picking what's left of their brains for tips as well. Seems the biggest one is to know the material well enough to use in the real world and get ready for one heck of a sit down.

So that's it. any advice or tips would be more appreciated then I could I ever say.

*Note: Though I know the requirement is 5, I can get a one year waiver with my Sec+. I also have over 5 additional
years working experience training personnel and performing tasks and practices that align directly with quite a few
of the domains (i.e. PHI,PII,PCI material handling, physical security, consulting customers regarding SOHO
networks). To be honest, at first I thought about only going for the Associate, but received great advice from my
CISSP coworkers; Tell ISC2 my experience, be honest, and let them decide.


  • Z0sickxZ0sickx Member Posts: 180 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Boson + Transcendy are my go to and have greatly helped me benchmarking my knowledge. if i had to choose one i liked Boson slightly but that price for transcendor is solid not sure if there is a catch with it? like 1 exam only?
  • Cisco InfernoCisco Inferno Member Posts: 1,034 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Hey Tamashi, I just wanted to say good luck.

    I am also in your program as well and was wondering if you took CMIT425 (Advanced Information Security) yet. It seems to focus around the CISSP domains. I take it next spring and was wondering how it is.
    2019 Goals
    CompTIA Linux+
    [ ] Bachelor's Degree
  • iTamashiiTamashi Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Ya I have seen a few reviews saying Boson is great for feeling out how the actual test will be, or as close to.
    for the cybrary offer on transcender, the description says "The Transcender CISSP practice test includes 906 exam questions and 892 flashcards."
    which sounds awesome.
    Here's the link. for me, I think I may do this plus the Boson program for my practice questions.

    I should've mentioned before, but my goal is to get in around 4000 to 5000 practice questions. Seems to be the magic number for knowing if I really get the material.
  • iTamashiiTamashi Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hey Tamashi, I just wanted to say good luck.

    I am also in your program as well and was wondering if you took CMIT425 (Advanced Information Security) yet. It seems to focus around the CISSP domains. I take it next spring and was wondering how it is.

    To be honest, my last class was Interconnecting cisco devices(?) about a year ago before i tried for my ccent. I decided to go after the certifications I want independently because I got tired of paying for class time and material that was costing the same as doing the certs on my own. Especially when the material was testout labs or YouTube links posted by the professors >.> <.<

    Also, the next cert I want, OSCP, doesn't really have a presence with UMUC yet, so I've somewhat put the actual courses on a back burner.
  • Cisco InfernoCisco Inferno Member Posts: 1,034 ■■■■■■□□□□
    iTamashi wrote: »
    To be honest, my last class was Interconnecting cisco devices(?) about a year ago before i tried for my ccent. I decided to go after the certifications I want independently because I got tired of paying for class time and material that was costing the same as doing the certs on my own. Especially when the material was testout labs or YouTube links posted by the professors >.> <.<

    Also, the next cert I want, OSCP, doesn't really have a presence with UMUC yet, so I've somewhat put the actual courses on a back burner.

    Well, If you get your certs, you can submit them and waive those classes. I think you just have to take 'other' [easier] higher level courses instead.
    Thats what I did with my certs, it allows me to get a minor in IT mgmt. I do agree that the time they give you for each class is kind of rushed.
    I've been doing my MS certs alongside the class and its tough to keep up.
    2019 Goals
    CompTIA Linux+
    [ ] Bachelor's Degree
  • CyberCop123CyberCop123 Member Posts: 338 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Just a random question ... but how do you read one or several of these CISSP books - twice?!

    ive only glanced at them but would like to do the CISSP at some point. Books seemed very very dry, abstract and also very long.

    Just curious, is it just a case of really ploughing through?

    (impressed you read all of that in 3 months too)
    My Aims
    2017: OSCP -
    2018: CISSP -
    2019: GIAC GNFA - Advanced Network Forensics & Threat Hunting -
               GIAC GREM - Reverse Engineering of Malware -

    2021: CCSP
    2022: OSWE (hopefully)
  • SteveLavoieSteveLavoie Member Posts: 1,133 ■■■■■■■■■□
    The Sybex and Conrad books are not that dry... Conrad goes directly to the point and it's book is quite short. Shon Harris AIO book is not dry too, but rather chatty like she put all thing she would say in a classroom and more.

    CBK are very dry... but not those book.
  • LordQarlynLordQarlyn Member Posts: 693 ■■■■■■□□□□
    iTamashi wrote: »
    Hello all,
    So I am down to my final 4 weeks (it's been a long 3 months) before the big test and wanted to get advice for study material. I want to find something that would help round out what I have studied so far and give me a chance to make sure I KNOW the concepts as opposed to just memorized them.

    *Note: Though I know the requirement is 5, I can get a one year waiver with my Sec+. I also have over 5 additional
    years working experience training personnel and performing tasks and practices that align directly with quite a few
    of the domains (i.e. PHI,PII,PCI material handling, physical security, consulting customers regarding SOHO
    networks). To be honest, at first I thought about only going for the Associate, but received great advice from my
    CISSP coworkers; Tell ISC2 my experience, be honest, and let them decide.

    It sounds like you covered a lot. I used CCcure extensively, very extensively, but on my actual exam, they had questions on topics that were not even mentioned in none of the study material I used, including CCcure. In fact I had to do a double take to make sure I was even taking the right exam, which I was. I passed in 2.5 hours, I just wracked my brains and using problem solving to figure out the best answers. Apparently it worked, because I passed, I'm guessing with a score of 700 lol.

    Just before your exam, eat a banana, seriously. I ate some bananas about 30 minutes prior to my CISSP, and I passed. On my CCNA R&S, I forgot to eat bananas and failed. My second attempt, I ate bananas this time, and passed.

    Good luck, stay focused!
  • SteveLavoieSteveLavoie Member Posts: 1,133 ■■■■■■■■■□
    LordQarlyn wrote: »
    Just before your exam, eat a banana, seriously. I ate some bananas about 30 minutes prior to my CISSP, and I passed. On my CCNA R&S, I forgot to eat bananas and failed. My second attempt, I ate bananas this time, and passed.

    So bananas are the secret :)
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