
007 Video Resource Suggestions?

NHStudentNHStudent Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
I have been putting this off long enough and need to get it done soon.

I think the amount of resources is dizzying and more are popping up for the 007 exam. I like to use multiple sources but don't want to dupe too much especially in watching videos. I have the Comptia 007 Exam Review guide (4th edition). Not going to read all 1K pages but will be fitting it into my studying.

Regarding video, looking for where to spend my time. This is not a competition and would like to avoid any negativity. All are respected instructors as I have successfully used training videos from 2 of the 3 but looking for feedback specifically on the 007 exam preparation. Any feedback on comparing the 007 materials from Mike Myers, James Messer, or Jason Dion? Have not used Dion's courses yet but seems legit and very focused and he is a professor at a college. It is 11 hours of video compared to Mike's 23 hours but not sure if that is good or bad.

Also noticed a 007 course on pluralsite from Ross Bagurdes but never heard of him and PS courses seem very hit or miss for me and don't trust their media as much.

Again, please avoid any negative commentary. I don't want this to turn into a bash for any of those mentioned. If you can, please just tell me what you liked and how it may have compared if you had a chance to use multiple versions.


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