
im stuck on 78% on all my practice tests

billywatsondkbillywatsondk Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
I hate tests,i get flustered ,I had no real experience with computers,and i thought an MCSE would vbe a good qualification too have,
Now I still have no experience but my head is full off facts and figures,but without practical day in day out experience im finding it really hard to remember things ive covered,i have heard about transender tests but are they usefull for giving you that extra edge.????are they up to date???
I dont wanna just pass the test i wanna pass it well and feel I have done it the right way not cheating.should i download???is there free online tutorials???


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    janmikejanmike Member Posts: 3,076
    From my own experience and from posts on these forums, I believe that Transcender exam simulator will give you a good idea of where you're at knowledge-wise, and probably somewhat experience-wise. And, yes, they can probably give you an edge if they're combined with study and lab practice.

    Of course, for MCSE, you're talking 7 separate exams and that would be 7 sim's. But, you could try the one for w2k and see how you feel about it.

    Have you tried the practice exams from this site?

    Also, you can get a trial download at Transcender to see how you like the exam format. Go here,

    I too and studying for 70-210 and my head seems to spin. I want to know more about the subject than I really need to know, I think anyway. But, otherwise study would just be "memorizing" some facts or something and there would be nothing practical gained. I don't see that you have a problem feeling as you do. sounds like you're honest and sincere about the whole thing.

    Last of all, if you do pass the exam you will pass it well. You will probably not actually see a score report--but maybe. I think that M$ sort of "does" and "doesn't" on that sort of thing.

    I hope some of this helps and that I don't come off as too preachy or something.

    Good luck!!
    "It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki
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    D-boyD-boy Member Posts: 595 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I only scored about 60% icon_redface.gif on the 70-210 Transcenders and I still passed the exam. I used the MS Press book to prep for the exam. Remember the Transcenders are harder than the actual exam! icon_wink.gif
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    0828608286 Member Posts: 29 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hi Billywatsondk. I believe the answer to your question, providing you have very good study materials, is that you lack the ability to handle examinations as well as you could and that you need to learn how to revise more effectively in order to retain all the new information you are acquiring. I would therefore advocate that you visit the following URL and brush up on your examination technique and your revision methods. http://www.unn.ac.uk/central/studserv/exam.htm

    Futhermore, please use the links at the bottom of that page for further helpful advice as I am confident that it will benefit you in the future!

    Finally, check this URL out to view the exam objectives for you given M$ exam http://www.microsoft.com/learning/default.asp You can also find out what types of question format you may be asked by just downloading some software and running it. The information is all available from this site you just have to look for it and make sure you use it in future prior to taking any M$ exams.

    I wish the very best in your prepartion for your upcoming exam and hope that you pass it with no trouble.

    Kind regards,

    08286 :D
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