Dumb Question about Microsoft Certs

Do you get a certificate for each certification you pass? And then do you get a seperate certificate for MCP, MCSA, and MCSE?


  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    The first MS exam you'll pass will make you MCP. You will receive a certificate for that, if you pass the required exam for the MCSA cert, you will receive a certificate for that one, and when you passed all the exams required for MCSE 2000 you'll get a certificate for that one, and if you pass i.e. the upgrade exam ofr MCSE 2003, you will receive a certificate for that one as well... :)
  • halflife78halflife78 Member Posts: 122
    Ok ty sir, I will be taking all 2003 courses, the degree track at my college upgraded to the 2003 track, no more 2000. To bad you can take some downgrade test to get 2000 certified also (not downgrade test really, but do the same for 2000 if you are 2003 as you can for 2003 if 2000)
  • 2lazybutsmart2lazybutsmart Member Posts: 1,119
    "downgrade". I hope M$ didn't hear that word :o
    Exquisite as a lily, illustrious as a full moon,
    Magnanimous as the ocean, persistent as time.
  • halflife78halflife78 Member Posts: 122
    Sorry icon_lol.gif Everyone calls going from 2k to 2k3 upgrade so I didn't exactly know what to call going down from 2k3 to 2k :D
  • DrakonblaydeDrakonblayde Member Posts: 542
    Id imagine if you were certified for 2k3 it would assume a reasonable degree of functionality with 2k, they really aren't that different when you get down to the core of it. Only difference is the extra certificates in your cublice and extra lines on your resume
    = Marcus Drakonblayde
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