
Free stuff!! An addiction or a hobby?

pryde7pryde7 Member Posts: 74 ■■□□□□□□□□
Many times I've got heated debates with friends and collegues about downloading free stuff from the net or cracked software.

I've realised that those who use and share these software are experienced, intelligent better off computer freaks who can pay for the legal copies. I mean using cracks, manipulating dlls, reg keys is not for average users. I know guys who pay for **** but are not willing to pay $1 for a software code. Hence I rule out, poverty or low income.

I know of companies if not of the server os. they still use oem or enterprise versions of software from roque IT techs from other companies or from friends.

As a student we often used the school network to test our skills and sometimes compromised it to test the admin. Do others crack codes for fun also?

I don't know if this free stuff is kind of addiction, hobby or what. I'm guilty also.... icon_rolleyes.gif movies, mp3.
Pls I love to get your own perspective of things.

Merry Christmas to all!


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    slinuxuzerslinuxuzer Member Posts: 665 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I guess this is differnt for every person, but the bottom line is ethics. If you use warez, then you are stealing from the company that spent time to put out a product and if your taking the time to crack something then its a usually a good product and they should be compensated.

    I won't tell you I have never done something like this, but as I have become older (23) and more financially able I have changed alot and now pay for the things I need most, and If I am not willing to pay then I don't "need" the product.

    I won't go into alot of details, but I offer this warning, once upon a time. I was selling a product that I thought I had full rights to be selling, and this story ends with two of UnNamed company's Private eyes (lets just say they are prolly the richest company in the world) nough said?, coming to my house rousting me at 9AM (I work nights so this is like 2am to me) and making it very clear to me to knock this crap off. And yes I did in a hurry.

    The moral there is don't ever think this can't happen to you.

    As for "cracking" or "hacking" someone's network, this to me is a question for the ages. If software is designed in such a way that you can cause something like a buffer overflow or Arp posion someone's network, then isn't this software/equiptment just behaving in the way it was designed? and haven't you just found a new and innovative way to make these systems meet your needs?

    Back when I was 19 I worked at a call center (fortune 500). I was told get your A+ Network+ and then we will take a serious look at moving you off this 7$ an hour telephone operator job and maybe give you a shot at working as a intern in IT. Great says I. I held my end of the bargain and they didn't theirs.

    Well, after taking the liberty of making myself a domain admin in two seperate domains, and playing network admin for about 2 months, I get this funny tap on the shoulder late one sunday night while pointing at a cisco router (damn cisco's are still invinceble to me). This story ends with 6 hours of negotiating an agreement, and then four hours of taped dialouge as to "what needs to be fixed" I narrowly avoided serious consequences here.

    (P.s. if your not gonna upgrade a Nt 4 box, make sure you patch it, and if not make sure you disable IIS and never ever use the same password for more than one domain MUhahahahah)

    The morale of this story is don't ever think this can't happen to you. and get permission and coordiante this kinda thing before monkeying with someone else's career.
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    SchluepSchluep Member Posts: 346
    There are plenty of free and open source software alternatives created by generous groups of people. If someone doesn't want to pay for it they should be looking here, not to steal it from someone.

    Cracking software code for "fun" often violates ToS/license agreements in place by the software manufacturers. Violating such usage agreements is often a legal violation as well. Cracking into or gaining admin access to someone's network or system without permission is no different than trespassing, even if it is just for "fun". It isn't fun for the people woken up or called in because an alert went off or someone broke unintentionally causing loss of service and lot of time (read money) being spent to fix and determine the problem. If you want a system to practice on pay someone for permission to do so.

    The biggest argument I hear about pirating software/music/movies/games as compared to stealing a watch or piece of clothing is that nobody is affected because the other person still has their copy. I think this example illustrates those who are affected directly in a financial way:

    There is a big difference in quality and cost between a movie such as The Matrix and a YouTube video of some guy dancing in his basement. The estimated production cost of Spider-Man 3 was $258,000,000 and involved time being spent from thousands of people (cast, production crew, writers, stage crews, audio production, camera crews, graphical editting, stunt crews, advertising, and many more. This is not even including people all across the Country and even in many other Countries that own movie theatres or rental stores. Also affected are people who work by selling DVDs (and other media forms), shipping DVDs, renting DVDs, work at movie theatres, advertise for movie theatres, work for or own shipping companies, advertise for shipping companies, and people who work for television stations or Cable/Sattelite providers that will eventually rely on ratings from their purchase of the rights to air it (and many digital Cable/Sattelite companies that have it available for rental now in digital format).

    If enough people start stealing, nobody will spend over 250 million dollars to produce a movie. The quality and time/money spent will continue to decrease so that a profit can be made until it is no longer worth producing at all. I wonder how much better some of the movies we have seen lately might have been if it wasn't for piracy? If I had a choice between watching some lady play her piano on YouTube or watching something like the Rocky series, you know which one it will be.

    Even if for some reason one still believes others wouldn't be affected by such actions, it is still both morally and legally (not for all Countries, but most) wrong. I hope more and more money is spent on catching people instead of just making examples so that this type of activity will diminish. No piece of media or device will ever be foolproof to the point that someone willing to spend the time won't find a way to break it, but many of the people partaking in this type of piracy rely on the work of others to get away with it. Both sides need to be pursued as I see it.
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    Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135

    I would never have guessed that Spiderman 3 cost so much to make, i also know that a film has to gross 3 times the cost of production in order to make a profit.

    Downloading movies is hugely popular, but so is going the the pictures, and many more people do the latter so i feel the film industry is pretty safe.

    I dont do it myself but Yin and Yang springs to mind, if we remove films from internet who says the downloaders will go the pictures instead or buy it on DVD. My guess is they just wont watch it attall. or probably only watch a film when they feel it is most worth the money to pay for it.

    Lee H
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    SchluepSchluep Member Posts: 346
    Lee H wrote:
    if we remove films from internet who says the downloaders will go the pictures instead or buy it on DVD. My guess is they just wont watch it attall. or probably only watch a film when they feel it is most worth the money to pay for it.

    That last statement identifies it clearly. People only should be watching what they feel is worth the money to pay for. If someone illegally downloads 10 movies and watches them they may not have purchased all 10. If they would have went to the theatre to see, rented, or purchased 1 of them however consider the fact that with the number of pirates out there that 10% would be billions of dollars.

    Software piracy alone (not including media such as music/DVDs) globally is estimated at approximately $11-$12 billion in lost revenue as of 2002. The U.S. has the lowest estimate rate of software piracy for 2002 estimated at approximately 25% of all software used (which is incredibly high when you consider that it is one in four pieces of software used). Here is a source I find real quick to back up those statistics I have heard for years: http://www.siia.net/piracy/whatis.asp.

    I don't know the numbers for music/movies, but my guess would be that they are even worse since more people use music/movies than software and it is often much easier to pirate.

    Clearly countless people are affected by it in a negative way. Even if they weren't, it doesn't make violating an agreement made to use the software or breaking laws the right thing to do, and there is no legitimate justification for it.
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    sthomassthomas Member Posts: 1,240 ■■■□□□□□□□
    pryde7 wrote:
    As a student we often used the school network to test our skills and sometimes compromised it to test the admin.
    Working on: MCSA 2012 R2
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    pryde7pryde7 Member Posts: 74 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I'm really getting it digested and happy to realize that majority of IT folks are honest and sincere. Nobody admires plagarism even does who do it, as well as thieves won't allow you to steal from them. Follow the straight path despite the more-than-christs' temptations :D in this digital age.

    But they are millions out there spending sleepless nights to get illegal stuff. Some will claim they are making use of available resources. (I've pals who invested nothing but internet and exam charges to get certified). Though valuable material is freely available, they all used cracked ****, **** and others.

    It all comes down to dignity and honesty how you get to own what you have.
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    Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135
    If they would have went to the theatre to see, rented, or purchased 1 of them however consider the fact that with the number of pirates out there that 10% would be billions of dollars

    I hear what your saying schluep but think of it this way

    The argument may go a bit like this:

    "Do i really care that some dude who has a profit share in a movie production company only gets paid 2.5 million instead of 2.9 million dollars for 1 years worth of film production"

    I personaly dont download anything illegal as i am fortunate enough to buy whatever i need, but others are not and at present its all too easy to get it for free.

    Lee H
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    AlanJamesAlanJames Member Posts: 230
    downloading mp3s/movies/software/tv shows is not really stealing.

    um.. icon_rolleyes.gif
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    Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    i've only ever pirated what i can't afford. i don't really care that its illegal. robin hood right? steal from the rich, give to the poor.

    Now i download CDs, only because the RIAA is a bunch of greedy [words i shouldnt say here]. I don't see the need to support britany's coke habit. Or mel gibson's bar tab for that matter. And i could care less about record company executives.
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Downloading and using anything illegally - software, games, music, vids etc is plain wrong. One can argue the greed of the studios or the record companies or the software companies as much as you like but facts are facts.

    Want to fight against it - then do it properly and legally.......

    Use Open Office instead of M$ products.

    Support Art House and Indie films and productions.

    Download legit music from those artists willing to provide tunes freely and by their own volition.

    Most of all - whatever of the above you do, please, PLEASE forward some coin to the artists or software writers to show your appreciation and assist them in their endeavours.

    Theft is theft - end of story.
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    sprkymrksprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Darthn3ss wrote:
    i've only ever pirated what i can't afford. i don't really care that its illegal. robin hood right? steal from the rich, give to the poor.

    Now i download CDs, only because the RIAA is a bunch of greedy [words i shouldnt say here]. I don't see the need to support britany's coke habit. Or mel gibson's bar tab for that matter. And i could care less about record company executives.

    So it's okay to steal as long as you know the person you are stealing from was going to use it to support a bad habit?

    And someone may find your wallet and keep it because they don't care if you are able to buy fast food. Vandals deface people's property because they don't care if you have to spend a few dollars and labor on paint. After all, you need the excersize and you are supporting the hardware store that sells the paint. icon_rolleyes.gif
    All things are possible, only believe.
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    Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    sprkymrk wrote:
    Darthn3ss wrote:
    i've only ever pirated what i can't afford. i don't really care that its illegal. robin hood right? steal from the rich, give to the poor.

    Now i download CDs, only because the RIAA is a bunch of greedy [words i shouldnt say here]. I don't see the need to support britany's coke habit. Or mel gibson's bar tab for that matter. And i could care less about record company executives.

    So it's okay to steal as long as you know the person you are stealing from was going to use it to support a bad habit?

    And someone may find your wallet and keep it because they don't care if you are able to buy fast food. Vandals deface people's property because they don't care if you have to spend a few dollars and labor on paint. After all, you need the excersize and you are supporting the hardware store that sells the paint. icon_rolleyes.gif
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
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    networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Thats the worst excuse I have ever heard. It is their choice to use their money on what ever they want weather it be drinking alcohol or what ever. That doesn't give you the right to steal. If you don't like the artists habbits or the fact that they charge for their products, then take RussS advice and find people who give their product away. How do expect to get (or keep) a job with a legitement business with an opinion like that? I'd suggest you keep it to yourself or you probably won't.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,047 Admin
    Schluep wrote:
    There are plenty of free and open source software alternatives created by generous groups of people.
    Lots of commercial software developers provide free versions of their products with limited functionality in the hopes that you'll buy their "pro" version. In fact, the free version may be all that you really need.

    Free Windows Tools to Save you some Money
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    Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    Thats the worst excuse I have ever heard. It is their choice to use their money on what ever they want weather it be drinking alcohol or what ever. That doesn't give you the right to steal. If you don't like the artists habbits or the fact that they charge for their products, then take RussS advice and find people who give their product away. How do expect to get (or keep) a job with a legitement business with an opinion like that? I'd suggest you keep it to yourself or you probably won't.
    Not sure what my views on downloading music have to do with getting or keeping a job. As far as people charging for their products, that doesn't bother me. Its the over charging, greed, and the fact that they want you to pay $19 for a CD and then tell you how you can use that cd. if i want to copy it and put it on my ipod, i shouldn't have to worry. If i want to make a back up of it for my own use.... you should be getting the point by now... Hell, there are some in the music industry that agree. Nine Inch Nails was telling people at their concerts NOT to buy the cd and to download it. works for me! Thanks trent!

    I still have a decent sized [legal] cd collection.
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
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    networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Not sure what my views on downloading music have to do with getting or keeping a job.

    Weather you realize it or not downloading music illegaly is just that illegal. I (nor most people) wouldn't hire someone who willing and openly takes part in illegal activities. Music is just like software, just because you pay for it doesn't mean you can do anything you want with it. You obviously have your opinion and I have mine, but illegal is illegal simple as that.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
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    Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    Not sure what my views on downloading music have to do with getting or keeping a job.

    Weather you realize it or not downloading music illegaly is just that illegal. I (nor most people) wouldn't hire someone who willing and openly takes part in illegal activities. Music is just like software, just because you pay for it doesn't mean you can do anything you want with it. You obviously have your opinion and I have mine, but illegal is illegal simple as that.
    meh, thats too black and white for me. speeding is illegal. i was doing 60 in 55 yesterday, would you not hire someone knowing that? Heck, after that i forgot to signal for a turn.
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
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    dtlokeedtlokee Member Posts: 2,378 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Darthn3ss wrote:
    Not sure what my views on downloading music have to do with getting or keeping a job.

    Weather you realize it or not downloading music illegaly is just that illegal. I (nor most people) wouldn't hire someone who willing and openly takes part in illegal activities. Music is just like software, just because you pay for it doesn't mean you can do anything you want with it. You obviously have your opinion and I have mine, but illegal is illegal simple as that.
    meh, thats too black and white for me. speeding is illegal. i was doing 60 in 55 yesterday, would you not hire someone knowing that? Heck, after that i forgot to signal for a turn.

    <sarcasm> Yeah an employer will overlook a felony conviction for theft or illegeal acces to a computer system or whatever other crime they want to pile on when somone gets busted for stealing software. </sarcasm>

    Seriously, they are two different crimes with two different levels of punishment. I'd bet if the penelty for stealing software was death, people would look at it differently. People see software theft as a victimless crime, it is some faceless company who is being ripped off. Down with the establishment right?

    No amount of justification will make it leagal, regardless of your views. If an artist says that you can download their songs (NIN) and they're ok with that, what about the studio? They didn't agree, so it's still not leagal.

    The title of the thread says "Free stuff", well unless the software manufacturer decides it's free then it's not, it's stolen. You agree to a software license when you install the software, read it. The title should be "Getting something that costs money for free by stealing it"

    Also you may want to think twice about reverse engineering software to defeat the licensing of the software, this will only add to the pile of charges they will hit you with, it's generally illegeal uless the author gave you permission.
    The only easy day was yesterday!
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    Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    Use Open Office instead of M$ products.

    meh... pass.... on that one.

    linux as an alternative to windows, sure. i donno about open office. didn't like it much.

    (but, i bought a copy of office 2007 and i got visio for free (LEGALLY) through school)

    see, i buy software. its just music that i mostly refuse to pay for.

    You guys are right - no matter what i or anyone else thinks. its still illegal. its just a matter of caring - i really don't. Morally, i have absolutely no problems using stolen music or software for PERSONAL use. For use in a business, i would not ever think about using pirated (ie, server 2003, XP, photoshop,etc) software.

    So heres what i ask, how many of you have cisco equipment at home? Is the IOS on that legal? really? i didn't think so.
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
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    MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    "People see software theft as a victimless crime"

    Until they are caught and they own thousands of dollars and possibly jail time. As long as you understand the consequences then thats fine with me. Is it right to steal music? Well no. If you don't care and you know you could ruin your life if you got caught, then thats fine. Have fun.
    My blog http://www.calegp.com

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    dtlokeedtlokee Member Posts: 2,378 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Darthn3ss wrote:
    So heres what i ask, how many of you have cisco equipment at home? Is the IOS on that legal? really? i didn't think so.

    As a matter of fact they are.

    I spend nearly $500,000 per year on software licenses and support contracts for my business.

    I guess that is why I see it a bit differently than you. Also most software does not have an exclusion for "home use" or "business use", so usig it at home illegally is the same as using it at work illegally. If you don't like the terms of the software license, click the "don't agree" radio button and don't install the product. Find something else to use that has a more agreeable software license.
    The only easy day was yesterday!
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    Daniel333Daniel333 Member Posts: 2,077 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Terminal server licensing fees… if that doesn’t drive someone to piracy, I don’t know what won’t.

    Seriously, though, every machine friends and family “use” has legal software. If that means, they are still running Windows 98 with open office 1.2 and Firefox 1.5, then that is how it’s gonna be.
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    GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    When I read that millions of jobs are lost due pirating, then I will feel bad.

    The most I have seen is a couple CD stores go out of business. To me, thats just change. I am sure Horse Salesman went out of business when the car was invented. Companies need to adapt. How many jobs have been CREATED due to piracy? HDDs sales are up, Mp3 players are everywhere, and movies stars are still being paid millions.

    Sony complains about people downloading music, but then sells CD-Rs, DVD-Rs, and MP3 players, knowing FULL WELL what they are being used for. I don't feel bad at ALL downloading movies and mp3s.

    Then you have the artists complaining about it, and then turn around and have competitions with each other to see who will sell the first 10 million copies of the CD.

    Not that this is what the tread was really about, but you get my drift. :P
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    sprkymrksprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
    GT-Rob wrote:
    When I read that millions of jobs are lost due pirating, then I will feel bad.
    I bet you would feel bad if just one job was lost - yours.
    GT-Rob wrote:
    The most I have seen is a couple CD stores go out of business. To me, thats just change.
    It's not small change to the poor guy and his family that owned the store.

    GT-Rob wrote:
    I am sure Horse Salesman went out of business when the car was invented.
    You mean Henry Ford stole horses to invent the car? icon_eek.gif

    GT-Rob wrote:
    How many jobs have been CREATED due to piracy? HDDs sales are up, Mp3 players are everywhere, and movies stars are still being paid millions.
    Look how many jobs are created by theft in general. Security guards, policemen, surveillance cameras... Sales of pepper spray are up, lock sales are up, steel doors, etc. Wow, looks like you're onto something there. Crime pays! icon_rolleyes.gif
    GT-Rob wrote:
    Sony complains about people downloading music, but then sells CD-Rs, DVD-Rs, and MP3 players, knowing FULL WELL what they are being used for. I don't feel bad at ALL downloading movies and mp3s.
    But I thought you just said companies need to adapt? Now you're complaining about Sony adapting....
    GT-Rob wrote:
    Then you have the artists complaining about it, and then turn around and have competitions with each other to see who will sell the first 10 million copies of the CD.
    "Sell" being the key word, not see who can have the first 10 million copies pirated.
    All things are possible, only believe.
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Darthn3ss wrote:
    Use Open Office instead of M$ products.

    meh... pass.... on that one.

    linux as an alternative to windows, sure. i donno about open office. didn't like it much.

    (but, i bought a copy of office 2007 and i got visio for free (LEGALLY) through school)

    see, i buy software. its just music that i mostly refuse to pay for.

    You guys are right - no matter what i or anyone else thinks. its still illegal. its just a matter of caring - i really don't. Morally, i have absolutely no problems using stolen music or software for PERSONAL use. For use in a business, i would not ever think about using pirated (ie, server 2003, XP, photoshop,etc) software.

    So heres what i ask, how many of you have cisco equipment at home? Is the IOS on that legal? really? i didn't think so.

    I fired a tech who was boasting about his collection of illegal software and music. He filed a personal grievance claim for unfair dismissal so I turned up at the hearing with a representative from one of the software manufacturers and the manager of one of the bands he had pirated. I won the case and the clown ended up with a some happy lawyers having to defend multiple cases and making lots of money.

    The IT business is one that ethics play a large part in and the reputation of the company I work for is based on honesty and integrity - we don't want liars and theives working for us.
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    spyrkmrk you are very good at taking things out of context. Are you sure you are not a lawyer on the side? Or a woman? jk ladies :P

    I guess it is just how I grew up. I used to tape songs I liked off the radio, and make personal "mix tapes" when I was like 8 years old. I wonder how many companies went under from that...
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    sprkymrksprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
    GT-Rob wrote:
    spyrkmrk you are very good at taking things out of context. Are you sure you are not a lawyer on the side? Or a woman? jk ladies :P

    What did I take out of context? The context as I saw it was trying to justify something that is illegal.

    Example: Is it not true that if you lost your job because someone else did something illegal - maybe robbed the payroll causing your company to go bankrupt, you would feel bad? That's only one job (yours) and not a million. So if pirating software causes the record company to cut back on it's overhead, maybe they have to lay off a few salesmen or HR folks. But it's okay because record companies make too much money and it wasn't a million jobs lost, just a hundred or so, and one of them wasn't yours.

    It was your logic that I was disputing.

    The fact is that it is illegal no matter how someone tries to justify it. And yes, pirating software is bad for everyone - record companies and software companies raise their prices to make up losses and they also spend time (and money) trying to build in protection mechanisms into their product - also increasing costs for the honest people who pay for it.
    All things are possible, only believe.
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    Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    RussS wrote:
    Darthn3ss wrote:
    Use Open Office instead of M$ products.

    meh... pass.... on that one.

    linux as an alternative to windows, sure. i donno about open office. didn't like it much.

    (but, i bought a copy of office 2007 and i got visio for free (LEGALLY) through school)

    see, i buy software. its just music that i mostly refuse to pay for.

    You guys are right - no matter what i or anyone else thinks. its still illegal. its just a matter of caring - i really don't. Morally, i have absolutely no problems using stolen music or software for PERSONAL use. For use in a business, i would not ever think about using pirated (ie, server 2003, XP, photoshop,etc) software.

    So heres what i ask, how many of you have cisco equipment at home? Is the IOS on that legal? really? i didn't think so.

    I fired a tech who was boasting about his collection of illegal software and music. He filed a personal grievance claim for unfair dismissal so I turned up at the hearing with a representative from one of the software manufacturers and the manager of one of the bands he had pirated. I won the case and the clown ended up with a some happy lawyers having to defend multiple cases and making lots of money.

    The IT business is one that ethics play a large part in and the reputation of the company I work for is based on honesty and integrity - we don't want liars and theives working for us.

    meh, that's his fault for bragging. I don't have mucb to brag about - I only have one piece of software now days. I have enough free software from microshaft to keep me happy.

    (other than my IOS's on my cisco stuff... but then, just about everyone here with cisco stuff is illegal)

    I don't see why some of you are so hbarsh on people who use illegal softare - you have to start somewhere, you can't learn flash or photoshop in 30 days and not everyone can afford it initially. same goes for windows or other software...
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
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    Daniel333Daniel333 Member Posts: 2,077 ■■■■■■□□□□
    I am opposed to piracy, but for the right reasons. But I am also concerned with issues of control from our ruling classes.

    You can't compare intellectual property to physical property; any attempt to do so is a fallacy in argument. Remember your introduction to debate class?

    Aka. ( p -> q ) – correct logic
    You create a physical object using intellectual object.

    (p <- q) – incorrect logic
    You create an intellectual object using a physical object.

    (-p -> -q ) – correct logic
    You cannot create a physical object without using an intellectual object.


    Since you can't copy physical items, you can intellectual property. Now, when a government states that that a physical item (such as an audio CD) is a physical representation of intellectual property you get into the games or lawyers and sophists, control of another human being for someone’s profit. Purest form of sophism I can think of.

    So to what extent does someone have a right to a piece of intellectual property? If the property is solely for “fun” like music. It doesn’t hurt the world in any way, to let Sony own a song for as long as they want. (Although I consider it an ethical tragedy as a matter of opinion)

    If we are talking about a cure to cancer and the company is charging a premium that the average HMO can’t cover? Then what?

    How about the command button, could you image if every application every made had to pay a royalty to Xerox for using an “OK” button?

    Ultimately, from a all truism, freedom of speech, Platoism standpoint we must then eliminate all intellectual copy right laws. You can even argue for this using the current trend of lowering costs. From a pre-Bush American republican standpoint, this would eliminate large corporate, government, multi-nation conglomerates saving company and tax payers untold amounts of money.

    I’ll close with another editorial,
    It’ll never happen in my life, as that would place a heavy pressure back on the manufacturing center for generation of GNP for a country. A country like the United States/UK/Japan couldn’t not deal with that well, as it work put the power of country back in the hands of the working class.
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    PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    RussS wrote:
    Downloading and using anything illegally - software, games, music, vids etc is plain wrong. One can argue the greed of the studios or the record companies or the software companies as much as you like but facts are facts.

    Want to fight against it - then do it properly and legally.......

    Use Open Office instead of M$ products.

    Support Art House and Indie films and productions.

    Download legit music from those artists willing to provide tunes freely and by their own volition.

    Most of all - whatever of the above you do, please, PLEASE forward some coin to the artists or software writers to show your appreciation and assist them in their endeavour

    Theft is theft - end of story.

    AMEN. bowing.gif
    sprkymrk wrote:
    GT-Rob wrote:
    When I read that millions of jobs are lost due pirating, then I will feel bad.

    I bet you would feel bad if just one job was lost - yours.

    GT-Rob wrote:
    The most I have seen is a couple CD stores go out of business. To me, thats just change.

    It's not small change to the poor guy and his family that owned the store.

    GT-Rob wrote:
    I am sure Horse Salesman went out of business when the car was invented.

    You mean Henry Ford stole horses to invent the car?

    GT-Rob wrote:
    How many jobs have been CREATED due to piracy? HDDs sales are up, Mp3 players are everywhere, and movies stars are still being paid millions.

    Look how many jobs are created by theft in general. Security guards, policemen, surveillance cameras... Sales of pepper spray are up, lock sales are up, steel doors, etc. Wow, looks like you're onto something there. Crime pays!

    GT-Rob wrote:
    Sony complains about people downloading music, but then sells CD-Rs, DVD-Rs, and MP3 players, knowing FULL WELL what they are being used for. I don't feel bad at ALL downloading movies and mp3s.

    But I thought you just said companies need to adapt? Now you're complaining about Sony adapting....

    GT-Rob wrote:
    Then you have the artists complaining about it, and then turn around and have competitions with each other to see who will sell the first 10 million copies of the CD.

    "Sell" being the key word, not see who can have the first 10 million copies pirated.

    I cannot really top what has been said here. Both hit it. It is black and white. Working in IT ones integrity is critical. Think about how much especially for a consulting representative....you have unlimited information or access to unlimited information and can gain access if you desire.

    I would not hire someone who steals music. It DOES MATTER. I have friends who are recording artists and if they choose to give away their music it is their choice. If they choose sell it, it's their choice. If they sign with a recording studio and allow their likeness to be marketed, then they'll may lose some of the initial profits, but gain exposure.....still their choice.

    Thing is with DVDs and CDs....the market sets the price and honest people pay for the rights to use that media. If you steal music (a 'simple' thing as some elude to by the comments in the thread)...then just how long will it be before you **** on exams? Or are you already ;)

    Integrity is a strange thing....one has it.....or they don't.
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
This discussion has been closed.