
Should I get an iPhone?

ZoomerZoomer Member Posts: 126
I'm ready to get a new phone. I had a Razr V3, Sprint Mogul, and now a simple Samsung A920. I've been looking at the iPhone for awhile now. I've read specs on it, but really don't know anyone that owns one. Everyone always talks about getting one though. I know it's not the greatest in terms of internet performance, no multimedia texting and other features which I hardly ever use on other capable phones anyways. I would probably only use it for calling and the iPod. Yes, I have $400 to blow on one. Anyone have first hand experience with an iPhone?


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    macdudemacdude Member Posts: 173
    I have known of a couple of our clients to have them. I not really that impressed by them. I prefer a blackberry to it.
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    StovokorStovokor Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I have one and do not know how I lived without it before. (Ok that is a bit of a stretch) but it is a great tool to have in your arsenal of tech gadgets. I own an iPod and an iPhone and I rarely use the iPhone for the music. What it has helped me with is email, texting, the "quasi" GPS feature. I recently traveled to Atlanta GA and Avis was out of their GPS units. I plugged in the address of where I wanted to go and the phone was able to give me the listed directions. Now like I said it is a "quasi" GPS because it works of of Cell site triangulation and hot spot location but all in all it is solid.

    Now as for getting one now....I would personally hold off as the tech pages are rumoring that the second gen iPhone will be launching some time this summer. The new version will be able to move faster across ATTs new data network and will have a true GPS built into it. I am sure that Apple will add more features into the device that will make it all the more attractive. I am going to get the now iPhone when it debuts. If the second Gen can assist me in anyway like the first gen has then it will be a great buy.
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    bwcartybwcarty Member Posts: 422 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I got mine on release day, so I've had it almost a year.

    If you don't need to have a new phone this very minute, wait until Steve Jobs' presentation at WWDC next month. 6/29 is the one year anniversary of the iPhone, and the SDK is due out in June, too. If Apple doesn't do something with the 3G iPhone in June, go ahead and grab one.
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    ZoomerZoomer Member Posts: 126
    I heard there was a firmware coming out for the current generation iPhones to support 3G. But I agree that I should wait till Jobs presentation. Rumors of 3G iPhones being released in June have my interests peaked.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,047 Admin
    Zoomer wrote:
    Rumors of 3G iPhones being released in June have my interests peaked.
    The announcement of the released will be made at Apple's WWDC on June 9th. Apple has reportedly already stopped selling the first-gen iPhones.

    3G IPhone Due on June 9, Analysts Say
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    AhriakinAhriakin Member Posts: 1,799 ■■■■■■■■□□
    It's like "i" anything. They make decent machines that are far from best in class but do the job, their standout feature is as a fashion statement - not that that's a reason not to buy one whether we admit it/act on it/act deliberately against it or not we've all got a but of fashion slave in the DNA.
    We responded to the Year 2000 issue with "Y2K" solutions...isn't this the kind of thinking that got us into trouble in the first place?
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