Which Study Guide/s?

knighterknighter Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
First of all hello from Australia!

I'm currently working as desktop support technician for a company that provides software programs to the real estate industry. My role is installation, general support, and troubleshooting etc. The work is getting quite mundane and I'm conscious that the software itself is industry specific and will have no bearing elsewhere. Any networking training so far has really been self taught along with some LAN maintenance within the office environment.

I'm looking to start my path to certification and I'm just looking for advice as to which study publication is the best to get into? I've scoured the net reading reviews from people who have used the guides and the criticism has been scathing in some parts. The Sybex publications have been suggested as well as the Exam Cram2 guide. It's strange that the most disapproving reviews have been for Microsoft's own accredited study guides??

This question may have been asked many times before and I will continue to search the forum, but if anyone can assist I'd appreciate it.

Great forum by the way, I look forward to using it to my advantage.



  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Hello Knighter,

    Sybex and Exam Cram 2 generally offer good books, but it really depends on which exam/cert you are studying for and the author. For MS exams I prefer the MS training kits, because the basically contain the same info as the MS official courses (MOC) for those exams, although they aren't always written very well, nor do they cover all the objectives. But, the latter is hardly the case with any book, so we usually recommend to use at least two books. Mike Meyers built up a good rep for CompTIA exams, so if you are looking at those exams, his 'all-in-one' or 'passport' series are a good choice. Cisco press usually offers the best books for Cisco exams, although Sybex has some excellent books for those at well (Todd Lammle's books for example).

    But, it depends also a lot on what style you personally prefer. You might want to check out the exam forums to see what book(s) people generally prefer for a particular exam cert, and of course the major onlne book stores for reviews.
  • knighterknighter Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks very much for the quick reply!

    I should have stated that I wanted to start with XP Professional to at least gain MCP status, (70-270). I'm currently reading through the 70-270 forum, so I'm hoping pick up some info from there as well?

    Based on this info any thoughts again would be appreciated.

    Again thank you.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    For MS exams it's important to have hands-on experience with the product, especially with the new features, in addition to knowing the theory behind it. You should start by printing the exam objectives from this page: www.microsoft.com/learning/exams/70-270.asp#SKILLS

    I've written TechNotes for most of the 70-270 exam objectives (remaining will be ready soon) which you can find here:
    If you combine those with any good book and a good set of practice exams (in addition to our free online exams), you shouldn't have any problems passing the exam. If you check out the 'I Passed!' and similar topics in the 70-270 forum you can get a good idea of which particular products people prefer for this exam.
  • knighterknighter Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Fantastic, once again thanks for your assistance.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    You're welcome :)

    If you want, I can move this post to the 70-270 exam forum, so you might get some advice from others who are currently preparing for the exam.
  • knighterknighter Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I'd appreciate it, thanks.
  • strauchrstrauchr Member Posts: 528 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I would help out as well but you seem to be a Tigers supporter.

    Shame icon_sad.gif
  • ldwldw Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I used the MS Training kits and the Trancenders for the pratice questions. The trancenders helped a lot. Very useful tool.

    The MS Kits are good as well.
  • knighterknighter Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    strauchr wrote:
    I would help out as well but you seem to be a Tigers supporter.

    Shame icon_sad.gif

    Good pick up there.....actually the money I've invested in the club could have paid for the MCSE 10 times over!
  • mark_pizamark_piza Member Posts: 53 ■■□□□□□□□□
    First of all, GO BOMBERS!!!

    Secondly, I will also be doing that exam, or 70-210, after I complete my A+ exams. Could you let me know what study books and materials you decided to purchase and/or use when you get them? I would much appreciate it.


    P.S. I wouldn't have asked you if you were a Magpies fan! icon_wink.gif
  • janmikejanmike Member Posts: 3,076
    Hello from Indiana in the USA, knighter!

    I don't know if Thomson academic publications are available in Australia, but you might consider Hands-On Microsoft Windows XP Professional by Jay Adamson for something to start with. It's not a cert guide, but if you want to get a good foundation in XP before hitting the ExamCram2 or whatever, I would recommend it. There are no answer keys to the end-of-chapter questions, because it is intended for class usage, but this little gem is available at very low prices, at least in USA, because there are a lot of used copies available.

    Of course, the M$ kits have almost all the info in them, if you can dig it out. Seems to me that these kits are written in the style of the exams, that is according to what I see written about the exams in these forums--long and wordy.

    Good luck in your studies!
    "It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki
  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    strauchr wrote:
    I would help out as well but you seem to be a Tigers supporter.

    Shame icon_sad.gif

    mark_piza wrote:
    P.S. I wouldn't have asked you if you were a Magpies fan! icon_wink.gif

    Aussie ball is pretty serious, eh?
    i remain, he who remains to be....
  • knighterknighter Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I'll be looking purchasing the suggested text books this week and will provide some feedback when I can. Although, a Richmond and Essendon supporter working together???

    Thanks for the feedback again.
  • strauchrstrauchr Member Posts: 528 ■■■□□□□□□□
    OK just to add my bit in - 'Carn the Eagles!! - we got the Brownlow medalist!

    Ricka182 - Aussie Rules Football is a religon here!

    Anyway, I can thoroughly recommend www.selftestsoftware.com for practise tests. Sure these are expensive but they are the most accurate depictions of the real exam I have found. (Not actual exam questions just format and layout)

    They are also quite difficult exams and prepare you well for the real thing.

    Good luck with your studies and with being a Tigers supporter icon_wink.gif
  • knighterknighter Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Cheers strauchr,

    I'll have a look at the selftestsoftware site and check the pricing. I've been searching the net reading user reviews for the various publications available, and one thing has become clear..............read everything, do every prac exam you can get your hands on any scrap of information you can!

    I've noticed there's going to be updated guides (3 so far) relaeased from Feb onwards incorporating XP SP2 etc. I'm still tossing up whether or not to wait and grab one of those updated copies??? Until then I'll read everything on this forum and continue to source material from the web.

    I still believe that if I have stuck with the once mighty Tigers for 25 years, passing these exams should be a breeze! icon_wink.gif
  • strauchrstrauchr Member Posts: 528 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I think we should start up an AFL forum here somewhere!
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