
Integrate Virtual Cisco Lab with Physical network

RockmanJL9981RockmanJL9981 Registered Users Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□

This may have been asked before, but I was wondering if I could use packet tracer to create a Virtual Cisco Lab and integrate it with my physical network. Is this possible or is there some other software I would need?


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    hiddenknight821hiddenknight821 Member Posts: 1,209 ■■■■■■□□□□

    This may have been asked before, but I was wondering if I could use packet tracer to create a Virtual Cisco Lab and integrate it with my physical network. Is this possible or is there some other software I would need?

    The answer is no. PT doesn't emulate fully-operable IOSes. You can only do that with GNS3. Most people use GNS3 with actual labs, because of the lack of switches in GNS3, and they want to save resources (use more routers) by using GNS3.
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