
So I was a bit bored today.

pandimuspandimus Member Posts: 651
I decided to get my server computer put together and one thing led to another and I am installing server and then installing active directory.. then hooking up my computers to it.. Needless to say, i did not want to go that far, but I just kept going. I was able to get a running (sorta)PDC. Started messing with permissions and what not. I also had to format my computer, cause I had home edition on it.

I have a question regarding the speed of my logons. It is taking about 3-4+ minutes to log on my computer.

The server is a dual p3 500 MB. with 1gb mem. My HD is an old 8 gb ata 33 WD. (think its the HD?)

I was just bored and decided to chat..

Xinxing is the hairy one.


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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Dang - if you are bored I desperately need a boot disk that also has USB support. icon_wink.gif
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    bellboybellboy Member Posts: 1,017
    i imagine it's just loading or checking the integrity of each of the components.
    A+ Moderator
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    tokhsstokhss Member Posts: 473
    your running AD right? b/c as soon as you install AD.. you will notice in your task manager that there will be more processes in queue and eating up your system, however, you have 1 gig of ram which is great, but with a crappy HD that will dramatically slow down things,,, runinng ATA33 is crazy slow.. and i call that as your weakest link ... as soon as you request for an account your PDC will begin the loading process and your HD simply isnt fast enough.. however, i see this being a problem as your first login with that specific account.. it should get buffed into memory after the first attempt and a user file should be created there on after..

    so, is this happening everytime with the same account? if so, i still think its your HD as you said.. upgrade to atleast ata 100
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    pandimuspandimus Member Posts: 651
    That MB only supports up to ata 66. I was thinking about going scsi. Just pick up a couple of drive off ebay or something. Since I am going to have to add another card on anyway.. I have only logged on a couple of times, But the second time was a bit faster.

    Xinxing is the hairy one.
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    WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    That's quite normal on a Windows 2000 PDC with such hardware... although I would think the 1GB mem would make a difference. but does it take that long when you boot and login?
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    pandimuspandimus Member Posts: 651
    I can boot my computer very fast. about 1 minute. Then after I type logon I wait and wait and wait. This is the only process the server is handling too. I installed DNS and Active directory. (just kinda followed the wizards). This is my first try. I am pretty sure that the HD is the problem. That is the hard drive I had on my pent 3 450. Was sitting in the closet.
    Xinxing is the hairy one.
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    KasorKasor Member Posts: 934 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Having fun!!!!!
    Kill All Suffer T "o" ReBorn
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    lazyartlazyart Member Posts: 483
    heheheh... it smells like old hardware to me. My "server" is just a celeron 400 with ata33 as well. I picked up an ata66 card today but I don't know if that will help as the drives are old (2 6.4g, 1 8.4g).

    Logging on is very slow for me as well. I don't log on much (local accounts still have net access, so I only do i when I want to fiddle around).

    Did see a dual socket 370 board with IDE raid for $25. May get it soon to give the system some more kick. What fun.
    I'm not a complete idiot... some parts are missing.
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I think I will add a RAID card to my current 2.4 Pentium box and make that my new server. Just built a 3G pentium on an ASUS P4P800 VM board with a 3DLabs Wildcat VP990 Pro (512MB Vid RAM) graphics card and a gig of RAM - damn I think I've been watching tooltime too much ... lol
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    bellboybellboy Member Posts: 1,017
    you are the envy of the board icon_twisted.gif
    A+ Moderator
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    pandimuspandimus Member Posts: 651
    This is a lab setup for gods sake!!! Only second hand undergrade equipment will work.. :0
    Xinxing is the hairy one.
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    WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    RussS wrote:
    I think I will add a RAID card to my current 2.4 Pentium box and make that my new server. Just built a 3G pentium on an ASUS P4P800 VM board with a 3DLabs Wildcat VP990 Pro (512MB Vid RAM) graphics card and a gig of RAM - damn I think I've been watching tooltime too much ... lol

    Should be interesting to see a 3D Mark report on this one :D
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    pandimus - that is the usual state of most of my boxes. Second hand and very low grade ... lol

    My lab is an old 486 (token machine with AT board and ISA slots), Celeron 400/633/1000 and soon 1.7 Celeron and 2.4 Pentium. Most of these are cobbled together from bits purchased from people upgrading to the latest stuff and mostly low cost.

    Webmaster - I can hardly wait to run a score on the new machine. First however I have to find an income to pay for it. For now it is in the back room of my suppliers all built and ready for me to take home. I can go there, add bits and install everything I want, but I really don't want to abuse my privileges by taking it home until paid for.
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    bellboybellboy Member Posts: 1,017
    perhaps you should see if they still need extras for the third lord of the rings film ;)
    A+ Moderator
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Ahh - all filmed a couple years ago bellboy. Shame that as I think my ruggedly ugly looks wouldn't bee too out of place ... lol
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Prelimary scores ....

    PCMark 2002
    CPU 7391
    Memory 7453
    HDD 1231

    3DMark2001 3912

    Downloading 3DMark03 and directX9 and will run again tomorrow :)
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I'm a bit dissapointed about the 3mark2001 score... If I remember correctly I got a 4300+ on a AMD 650 overclocked to 800 Mhz and a Gforce 2 with 32 MB.. and that was 3 years ago. icon_confused.gif I think it was an older 3dmark though...
    RussS wrote:
    Downloading 3DMark03 and directX9 and will run again tomorrow

    Did you run it again? Just curious... I'm still drewling cause of that video card icon_wink.gif
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    No we haven't run 3DMark again yet. A local graphic designer needed a high end card and as there wasn't another in the country I surrendered mine. Since I can't pay my supplier right now I thought it the best thing to do. The importers will have another in the country in a week or so.
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    cheebliecheeblie Member Posts: 288
    That seems like a mighty low score for that video card. My system consistently gets around 11000 on 3DMark2001. You may have had all of the detail settings on your card set to high.

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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    That was straight out of the box with no tweaking. After the new card arrives I will load directX 9a and tweak a few things.
    Kind of funny though - when we tested it we had a P4 3G with 768Mb RAM and a Radeon 9800 Pr0 256Mb - it scored much better on the 3DMark, however actually looking at the display and running a few different progs my machine had much better color & rendering.
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    fredd13fredd13 Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I think my server will make you think yours is excellent:

    Pentium Pro 200
    180MB Ram
    2 * 9GB Scsi Hd
    Intel Pro 100 Netcard
    On board sound and graphics
    64bit Scsi raid controller (IWill)

    For those that know its an RM FX SystemBase, its 7yrs old

    Freddie :)
    Gained Foundation Degree in Computer Network Management
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Ahhh don't worry. Until earlier this year my server was an old Digital 486 with monochrome monitor icon_wink.gif
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    bellboybellboy Member Posts: 1,017
    ah... i remember my first monitor. p100 computers were the rage at the time, but still cost about 3 months wages, so i bought my then girlfriend a 2nd user 286. it had a colour monitor, but i then got some more 2nd user 286 computers (for messing with and learning about upgrading), and got an 11" monochrome monitor (a cheap one too - it was ex-bank and had serious screen burn).

    i binned it a few years ago. i married that girlfriend and the monitor got damp in storage. i probably would still be using it otherwise ;)
    A+ Moderator
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Ahhhhh screen burn. Shoot, it has been a while since I last seen that. Actually I inherited a colour monitor with burn about 8 years ago. Gave it to my dad for his first P90 and once he decided on a flash new system gave it away to someone else who is still using it.
    To me it always seemed to be banks and insurance companies that got that the worst ... lol
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    bellboybellboy Member Posts: 1,017
    a guy i do work for on 2nd user pii systems has a 17" monitor with screen burn. i told him i could take it off his hands instead of wages some night. i have seen 2nd user screens in my area for around or less than £40, so i offer him £20 for it. but he won't stand for it. mind you, i ripped him off before - i took a soundblaster live for £10 and a jaz drive and scsi card for another £10 (no jaz carts, though, so i don't know if it's a dud or not).
    A+ Moderator
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