
Learning programming one week at a time using Code Year



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    JockVSJockJockVSJock Member Posts: 1,118
    I signed up for this to, got hung up on a few of these exercises so far.

    HOWEVER, I noticed that O'Reilly is disqualifying what they are doing.

    My Thoughts on Codecademy - O'Reilly School of Technology
    ***Freedom of Speech, Just Watch What You Say*** Example, Beware of CompTIA Certs (Deleted From Google Cached)

    "Its easier to deceive the masses then to convince the masses that they have been deceived."
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,045 Admin
    CodeBlox wrote: »
    This is for anyone who is familiar with C... Do you think doing something like this is using the language in a wrong way? I mean, there are no methods in native C code. What do you think about what I've written below. Namely, the last argument to printf.
    The add() function is a native C function. You are just referencing it using a pointer to a function as you said. It's perfectly legitimate C code, and it would be impossible to build OOP in C without doing so.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,045 Admin
    JockVSJock wrote: »
    HOWEVER, I noticed that O'Reilly is disqualifying what they are doing.
    If by disqualifying you mean, "Bad-mouthing a competitor's product in favor of their own", then yes, that what ORA is doing.
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    JockVSJockJockVSJock Member Posts: 1,118
    So I've been working away on these lessons about 1 hour a day, when I have free time.

    I'm still not sure what the end result will be for me, however I'm enjoying the examples so far and will continue forward. BTW, I was able to work thru the HTML exercises in about 1 hr. Would be interested in seeing some CSS exercises.
    ***Freedom of Speech, Just Watch What You Say*** Example, Beware of CompTIA Certs (Deleted From Google Cached)

    "Its easier to deceive the masses then to convince the masses that they have been deceived."
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    JockVSJockJockVSJock Member Posts: 1,118
    How can you teach programming without teaching CS theory?

    Honestly, some of the best programmers I've met and worked with have never taken any CS theory courses and/or programming classes. They have just learned on their own and experimented, along with finding projects at work that have allowed them to implement programming along with consulting gigs on the side.

    Frankly, the college classes I've taken about programming were terrible. I was more confused and frustrated and I was in the majority of these types of students ever time.

    Can colleges really teach a skill like this in 1 semester or 4 years?

    Maybe if you have the background coming in. I've also found that a number of teachers shouldn't be teaching programming because they couldn't desk check code or they didn't know how to deviate from the canned Powerpoint that came with the teaching manual.

    I found this article awhile back called Teach Yourself Programming in 10 years, a good read.

    Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
    ***Freedom of Speech, Just Watch What You Say*** Example, Beware of CompTIA Certs (Deleted From Google Cached)

    "Its easier to deceive the masses then to convince the masses that they have been deceived."
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    eserfelizeserfeliz Member Posts: 134
    Thanks JD. I finished two weeks of lessons in less than 12 hours! Plus I had to make dinner, run after the toddler, watch Chopped All-Stars, The Client List and Game of Thrones.

    Engaging course. I don't know if it'll make me a programmer, but I found it interesting nonetheless.

    In progress: MCSA (70-290 & 70-291), CCENT, CCA XenDesktop 5
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    SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    JDMurray wrote: »
    If by disqualifying you mean, "Bad-mouthing a competitor's product in favor of their own", then yes, that what ORA is doing.
    I noticed that the O'Reilly article seemed pretty harsh on ALL online learning, from CodeAcademy to the Khan Academy, claiming that it doesn't help you learn advanced topics but rather gives you busy work and rewards meaningless milestones. While it's true that fundamentals, like JavaScript foundations in this case, are easier to teach online, I'd say it's not impossible to offer more advanced topics down the road. Obviously, as anyone who's ever sat in a classroom or been on this forum knows, watching someone speak on video or in front of the lecture hall isn't enough to learn a semester's or certification's-worth of material, you need to practice on your own as well. Then again, here I thought the lecture/homework lesson-model was obvious.

    Ah well, I guess it's easy to take pot-shots at something when you're selling a similar product for a service charge on your own site. Or, perhaps, Scott's feeling more than a little butt-hurt that others are "stealing" a familiar process that he's already partaken in - offering online learning - and giving it away for free, thereby garnering a lot of good PR and press coverage for themselves. Who knows, perhaps he's just a tech-hipster mad that his underground movement is going mainstream. icon_lol.gif

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    Let it never be said that I didn't do the very least I could do.
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    techdudeheretechdudehere Member Posts: 164
    I was able to sign up for the same professor for most of my programming courses. I had dabbled with programming on my own, but the courses forced me to learn things that I otherwise would have ignored. It's possible to be a "C" student and not learn much, too. Unfortunately, there is little assurance that taking courses will result in a certain level of competency.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,045 Admin
    Unfortunately, there is little assurance that taking courses will result in a certain level of competency.
    As with anything worth learning, it's practice, practice, practice. Find a software project that interests you and keep hacking away at it. You don't even need to finish a project to learn something from it.
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    PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Just signed up for it. This should help with the Java / Programming classes at WGU.
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    RobertKaucherRobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
    JDMurray wrote: »
    If by disqualifying you mean, "Bad-mouthing a competitor's product in favor of their own", then yes, that what ORA is doing.
    Wow, what total BS in that article. But they did have one legit point: exaggerated claims. How many of these DIY type of course claim you'll gain a mastery or be fluent in French when there is just no way that the claim could be possible. I found the Code Year course was taking far too long and I needed to brush up on my JavaScript faster so I watched a few quick videos and started integrating it into my current role to use jQuery and the SharePoint Client Object Model and within a week I was doing some really cool stuff for my users in SharePoint.

    But to be honest, everything I needed to know about programming I learned here: How does a programmer become a brogrammer? - Quora
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    hiddenknight821hiddenknight821 Member Posts: 1,209 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Who's still doing the CodeAcademy? I stopped at Week 6 as I got bored with JavaScript which doesn't appeal my interest, and I was already doing Java programming for WGU at that time. It's week 30 now, and they are finally teaching Python! Now a good reason for me to catch up. I actually have a lot of time to kill now, so I'm going to start catching up. I hope Perl is next too.
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