So many tests, so little time...

7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
Next month I'm scheduled to take an "Advanced Windows 2008 Server" class that ends with me having to pass 70-640 in order to pass the test. Also, there is a sort of home grown version of 70-646 which if I pass gives me a voucher to take the real thing.

I'm planning to go for MCITP:EA eventually, but since 70-642 is required for it & getting it in addition to the 2 above would give me the MCITP:SA I think I will get it first. (I get a 9% bonus for MCITP:SA or 14% for MCITP:EA, but I might as well get the 9% while I'm prepping for the other tests & then upgrade it to the EA for 14%.)

I'm considering taking the 70-642 first as I'm probably most familiar with that material. Plus, I'll have a week & a half without my family to distract me before the class, so that might be a good time to go ahead & study for & take 70-642. That way after I take the class & the other 2 tests I'd be done with the MCITP:SA. Of course, it's probably a good idea to pre-study for the class too just to make sure that I don't have any troubles in it (my family will be with me then which will make it hard on me to study @ night.)

I just figured I'll post on here as I'm going a long just for the heck of it. I've got the notes of some people that have posted on here & am watching the IT Free Training videos referenced in another thread on here. I figured that's a good place to start.

Wish me luck!


  • NOLAJNOLAJ Member Posts: 490
    The 640 is tough, but if you lab it up you should be fine. The 642 is a BEAST. The 646, while not as challenging just requires you to REALLY look at the details in the questions. Just make sure you hit all the exam objectives during your studies, then do it again. These 3 exams require you to really "want it." Lab away.

    *These are just from my own personal experiences! Good luck in your studies!
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  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
    You and another guy now have me sort of psyched out of taking 642. As for the other 2, that class I'm taking 7hrs a day for 3 weeks consisting of mostly labs. So, hopefully that will prepare me.
  • whatthehellwhatthehell Member Posts: 920
    Good luck!

    taking a 70-642 online class right now -- so will have to eventually take that myself!
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  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
    As I feared, Bangkok isn't the best place to get any studying done.
  • rwmidlrwmidl Member Posts: 807 ■■■■■■□□□□
    For some reason I have the song "One Night in Bangkok" from "Chess" stuck in my head...

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  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I've had it stuck in my head pretty much the entire week.
  • rwmidlrwmidl Member Posts: 807 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Have you had a chance yet to check things out or are you buried in classes/reading?
    CISSP | CISM | ACSS | ACIS | MCSA:2008 | MCITP:SA | MCSE:Security | MCSA:Security | Security + | MCTS
  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Mostly only really the area immediately around the hotel and class venues. We did get out early on Friday so we went to the Chatuchak weekend market. Tomorrow we are planning to visit the Grand Palace & see the reclining Buddha & some other nearby wats.

    Ready to start my class next week, but I also found out that there isn't a "home grown" 70-646 like I though. You can just elect to take the real one if you want. But, if you do, you have to take it back to back with 70-640 on the last day of the class. I'm not sure I like the idea of taking them both back to back, but we will see.

    We are currently working our way through the Microsoft 6425C book. We were discussing using redircmp to change the default container for computers when joined to the domain & someone asked if there was a way to see if this command had been run & what OU was currently set as the default (aside just adding one & seeing where it goes.) I tried searching online without luck, so does anyone here know?

    Edited to answer myself:
    One of my classmates found that by going to the Attribute Editor tab on the properties of the domain you could look at the "wellKnownObect" and find it listed in there.
  • method115method115 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Where are you looking at the properties from? Under "users and computers" ,"Domain and trust", "Sites and Services" etc.
  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
    method115 wrote: »
    Where are you looking at the properties from? Under "users and computers" ,"Domain and trust", "Sites and Services" etc.

    In Active Directory Users and Computers. It's not really labelled so that you could tell what it was if you didn't know what you were looking for though so I don't really know how useful it is (unless it's always the 2nd item in that list with the 1st being the default domain for new users, but I'm not sure that's the case.)
  • method115method115 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    7lowe wrote: »
    In Active Directory Users and Computers. It's not really labelled so that you could tell what it was if you didn't know what you were looking for though so I don't really know how useful it is (unless it's always the 2nd item in that list with the 1st being the default domain for new users, but I'm not sure that's the case.)

    Ok found it forgot to enable "advanced features". I didn't see the default container for computers though maybe it doesn't appear unless you actually use the redircmp command.
  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Apparently we have to pass 646 before we can get a voucher for 640. So, that's kind of a bummer as it limits me to the one test for this trip. Oh well, I guess we'll see how the first one goes first.
  • PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□
    7lowe wrote: »
    Apparently we have to pass 646 before we can get a voucher for 640. So, that's kind of a bummer as it limits me to the one test for this trip. Oh well, I guess we'll see how the first one goes first.

    Why would you need to pass the 646 before taking the 640? The 646 is is mostly built on the 640/642 material.
  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□

    It's just bureacratic BS with getting the vouchers paid for. They won't provide me with a voucher for 640 unless I pass 646. I can do whatever I want if I pay for it myself, but who wants to do that.

    Test is tomorrow & feel very ready for it. I almost wish I could've taken it earlier in the week. I'm also kind of pissed that they've scheduled our whole class to take it in the afternoon so that we'll have the morning to review. I don't really feel the need for further review and always try to test first thing in the morning. Hopefully, my scores won't be too affected by my routine being changed.

    I was much less confident when I finished than I was when I started. I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but I did pass!

    Heard back from the guy who coordinates our vouchers & tests today. I have 30 days to request the voucher for 70-640 and schedule the test, so I think I'm going to try it in about 3 weeks.
  • PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□

    640 isn't too hard. Lab up the Federation, Rights Management, and Certificate services and you should be good.
  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Just now finally got my voucher. They want me to schedule the test for June 6, so I guess we'll see how it goes.
  • 7lowe7lowe Member Posts: 178 ■■■□□□□□□□
    That was an epic fail. That whole 6 weeks between taking the class & test thing didn't work out so well. It wasn't helped by the fact that I've been so busy at work I've had no time to study. Should I keep coming up with excuses?
  • lantechlantech Member Posts: 329
    You shouldn't be making excuses at all.

    You failed the test, big deal. It happens to a lot of people. Just start doing whatever it takes to study so you can pass the test the next time around.
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