
Geek Squad



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    W StewartW Stewart Member Posts: 794 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I see what you're saying. I've left jobs in less than a month due to bad management. It's hard to retain talented employees if you're not running your department properly.
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    RoguetadhgRoguetadhg Member Posts: 2,489 ■■■■■■■■□□
    A job is a job. Paycheck is still a paycheck. I've been in the financial shoes, and I'll tell you that getting a second job should be the after trying to slim down spending.

    Without looking at your bills, your income, I can't tell you what to cut. but my four important bills are this:
    Food, Gas, Car Note.

    They are not optional. There's no bus system, and walking/biking is out of the question. Everything else is optional. Even the internet *shudder*.

    Food and Gas may be a bloated expense. If you include eating out as "Food", quit it. It's entertainment. Gas - Home to work. Yep. Stay home.

    Of course, increasing your taxable income is good, too. But just make sure it doesn't kill you and tire you out. Depending on where you live and where the second job is your gas allocation will need a bump. Make sure that the income from Job #2 outweighs your increase of bills. Oh yeah, and for a car - Gasoline isn't the only expense. Remember maintenance and oil changes.
    In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
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    W StewartW Stewart Member Posts: 794 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Honestly with CISSP,CEH and the experience that you have in security, I think you could do better than geeksquad. Finding an IT job at your level that's only part time could prove difficult but have you ever considered doing contract field tech work? You could pick and choose what assignments you'd be available for to work with your schedule. Check out workmarket.com and maybe some people on this site can recommend a few other sites to find extra work aswell.

    Edit: I'm not saying pass geeksqaud up if it's your only option, I just don't think it is your only option. I wouldn't expect much in terms of pay but a lot of field tech jobs will pay around $25-$30 an hour or just a flat rate fee that comes out to around that much per hour after the work is done. It's not impossible to work for just a few hours in a day and make a hundred dollars.
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    PaperlanternPaperlantern Member Posts: 352
    Roguetadhg wrote: »
    A job is a job. Paycheck is still a paycheck. I've been in the financial shoes, and I'll tell you that getting a second job should be the after trying to slim down spending.

    Without looking at your bills, your income, I can't tell you what to cut. but my four important bills are this:
    Food, Gas, Car Note.

    They are not optional. There's no bus system, and walking/biking is out of the question. Everything else is optional. Even the internet *shudder*.

    Food and Gas may be a bloated expense. If you include eating out as "Food", quit it. It's entertainment. Gas - Home to work. Yep. Stay home.

    Of course, increasing your taxable income is good, too. But just make sure it doesn't kill you and tire you out. Depending on where you live and where the second job is your gas allocation will need a bump. Make sure that the income from Job #2 outweighs your increase of bills. Oh yeah, and for a car - Gasoline isn't the only expense. Remember maintenance and oil changes.

    Food okay, Gas and car, those go hand in hand... what is "Note"? I would think "Housing" would be in the top 4 but maybe I'm wrong? Help me out here, I'm rather perplexed by your post. To me the top three are Housing - Means paying mortgage, electric, water and any other bill that may come with that (oil for heat if you have it, natural gas to cook, etc), Food - buying groceries so you can, you know... live, and reliable transportation so that you can get to the one thing that pays for the first two, your job. Anything beyond that would be superfluous.
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    paul78paul78 Member Posts: 3,016 ■■■■■■■■■■
    what is "Note"?
    Another way to say "Loan". :)
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    PaperlanternPaperlantern Member Posts: 352
    paul78 wrote: »
    Another way to say "Loan". :)

    Ah, yes i have heard it called that, what threw me was he said "my four important bills are this: Gas, Food, Car Note", since he said FOUR, and those were four words, i was taking it as Note being its own separate thing and he just omitted a comma, but in that case, gas, food and car note is only three things, id hope he just left out "rent" or "mortgage" or to generalize things "housing" and all that comes with it, because if hes prioritizing car or gas for the car over his housing and utilities, something is broken there. They SHOULD at least be on the same playing field, as I said, transportation should be a priority... you DO have to be able to GET to the job. But if it wasn't... Quite frankly, if you'd rather live in your car than an apartment or house, well, to each their own. Id rather have a house or an apartment and drive a scooter or take public transport than to live in my car.
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