New (Contingent) Job Offer Healthcare/IT field

ITdude84ITdude84 Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
As the title states and I am sure some of you have seen my previous thread about breaking out of the Desktop Support and more into another role, I have been a contractor for about 4 months doing (you guessed it) Desktop support! (yee haw). The new place I will be working at (as we negotiate) will be for a very reputable hospital here in the midwest. The role will still have some desktop support responsibilities, but with networking, and medical systems and device support.

Now I know this will be a whole different ball game, but Healthcare IT seems to be where its at and its on a little more personable level when it deals with people lives. The starting offer seems fair, but I know we can get a little better. There is no job description listed as to what I will be doing exactly (in the job offer) so I will get that ironed out. Do you guys have any tips on what I should proceed with next? How do you guys go about salary negotiation/benefit negotiation?

I am excited and thrilled at the same time, but I am a realest and I dont call it a win until that official letter is signed. So, I ask my fellow Tech Examers what would you do/steps in this situation.


  • NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I work for a healthcare company and i can tell you its not the same as a corporate gig. Just keep that in mind.
  • CCNTraineeCCNTrainee Member Posts: 213
    I'm actually looking to break into the Healthcare IT industry as well, trying to keep my options open and expand my experiance. Where would you start in trying to get in to this field???
  • gyrfalcon16gyrfalcon16 Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Nemowolf wrote: »
    I work for a healthcare company and i can tell you its not the same as a corporate gig. Just keep that in mind.

    How do you figure? I've worked in hospitals, banks, financial services, telecommunications and other industries. They're all corporate gigs. If you're dealing with unions or government workers that really adds a different dynamic.
    CCNTrainee wrote: »
    I'm actually looking to break into the Healthcare IT industry as well, trying to keep my options open and expand my experiance. Where would you start in trying to get in to this field???

    I'd start by just applying for a job. It's not like they use different IT equipment or systems than any other company.
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