
Two question about CEH v8: Coding and Mobile Hacking

barky_carnationbarky_carnation Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
Did anyone notice that the exam domains listed here: Certified Ehical Hacker V7 Exam Information | EC-Council state that programming in C++, Java, C and C# as well as scripting in PHP and javascript are listed as requirements? This seems outrageous. I have been studying for months now and this is the first I have seen of this. Has anyone encountered Programming questions on the exam?

Second, because of the horrific lack of CEH v8 study material right now, I have been using CEH v 7 exam study material almost exclusively. The CEH course outline available here: http://www.eccouncil.org/Portals/0/Images/img/CEHv8-Course-Outline.pdf states that v8 of the exams have Mobile hacking on them. Does anyone have any resources for how I can best study for the hacking Mobile phones portion?

Anyone who has recently taken CEH v8, if I am otherwise confident in the other areas of the exam (not programming or hacking Mobile phones) should I be okay?

Thanks a lot.


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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,034 Admin
    I haven't taken the CEH exam (yet), but I assume there might be exam items with code exhibits, and knowing how to read those exhibits is helpful to choosing the correct answer option.

    For the new CEHv8 Module 16: Hacking Mobile Platforms, I would recommend the book Hacking Exposed Mobile Security Secrets & Solutions. I would bet that this was the primary reference used by the EC-Council to write the new module. Also consider that a "mobile platform" is primarily the OS the mobile device is running (e.g., Android, iOS, Windows Phone), and the gadgets the mobile device has (e.g., GPS, camera, microphone, accelerometer) rather than the wireless networking technology the device uses. (There is already a "Hacking Wireless Networks" module in the CEH.)
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    Khaos1911Khaos1911 Member Posts: 366
    My CEH v8 is schedule for Feb 17. I'll let you know if it's anything you should be concerned about, without breaking the NDA of course.
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    NovaHaxNovaHax Member Posts: 502 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I don't recall any coding snippets on the exam from when I took v7. There was some input and output from commonly used command line tools...but no code.

    From what I understand...the v7 material should be adequate to prepare you for v8.
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    barky_carnationbarky_carnation Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Well I took the exam this morning and agree that the v7 materials did a pretty adequate job of preparing me. A little bit of information on coding is on the exam, but nothing like "what is this code doing" or any actual reading of code. The questions were asked from the 1000 foot level. What language is better suited for which task? Not a lot of questions on mobile hacking either outside of stuff that was pretty much already on the v7 study material.

    One tip is to definitely buy the Boson exam software. It was like some of the questions were copied and pasted between the two. Probably would not have passed without the Boson exam software.
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