WGU... MCSA for the NA program

jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
So I just received my transcript evaluation and I have to say that I am rather bummed out...

Total, they will transfer 30 CU over, counting my certs (listed on the left). I am currently at University of Phoenix and at 56 credits... so will have to sacrifice 26 credits, almost a years worth traditionally, just to start at WGU.

My immediate thought, hell no. Id rather spend 2 more years getting a degree at UoP (possibly less if I double up) than spend the same time trying to fit 3 years worth in for WGU.

But reading the evaluation; my calculations lead me to believe that the MCSA (3 tests that arent that hard) satisfies 33 credit hours for the network admin degree... I can pass those with a week or so of studying apiece. Am I correct in thinking this or is there a limit to how many classes/credits one certification can satisfy?


  • TomkoTechTomkoTech Member Posts: 438
    Well for one the cost at WGU is going to be significantly less than at UoP. From my understanding the only hurdle you may experience at WGU with class limits is your mentor. With that said. The 26 credits you have from UoP aren't "sacrificed" if you retained the knowledge and they apply to a class at WGU. You simply take the assessment right out of the gate, get the 85% or whatever is required to schedule the exams and bam you just got your 26 credits back in as little as 2 weeks.
  • Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I can't vouch for the 33 credits for the MCSA, but I can say it sounds wrong. Someone from the NA track will have to jump in but I'd imagine you wouldn't get more than 6 credits per test max.

    I think you should consider a few different things. First, UoP (from what i've heard) is far, far more expensive than WGU, and in the end you get from what I've seen a less respected degree. Isn't their accreditation under review? You can actually accelerate, a lot, with WGU. There is no reason if you're starting with 30 CUs and even intending to take the MCSA first and bring those credits over that it should take you 3 years to finish.

    Losing all those credits probably means they weren't valid transfer credits, meaning no other schools would probably take them either
  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    GI Bill is paying, so cost of the school means nothing. I know it will not take me 3 years, thats why I said fitting 3 years worth of WGU into 2 years (since I only have 2 left at UoP). Personally, I think I will fly through WGU regardless. I am a network engineer and have been in IT for 10 years. I have experience with just about every facet of IT. But taking a 26 credit hit sucks regardless.

    If someone currently on the NA path could chime in, that would be awesome. According to my official transcript evaluation I just received, AJV1 (6CU), CSV1 (4CU), DHV1 (3CU), EAV1 (4CU), EBV1 (4CU), AHV1 (6CU) and AIV1 (6CU) are all satified via the MCSA.

    There are actually 6 more CUs listed with the MCSA but I already satisfied those through other means.
  • TomkoTechTomkoTech Member Posts: 438
    If it makes you feel any better Im transferring in to WGU from a state brick and mortar school. I have 111 credits at this univeristy(I changed my major mid way through). I'm only getting credit for I think 33 for transfer. So technically it's a "waste" of 78 credits. However it would require my continuing at the state school at a minimum 6 semesters to finish my degree. More than likely it would take 8-10. The school doesn't always offer classes that are needed when students need them. To me it's worth the hit. I had to get special approval as I use Chapter 31 from the VA. But my counselor, the job counselor, and the office supervisor all approved it. And I will more than likely finish in a little under a year and a half at WGU 2 years at most.
  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Yea I certainly understand the benefits of WGU and plan on utilizing them... just want to be clear if getting the MCSA Server 2008 will do what I think and take care of 33 CUs. I will likely transfer regardless, but knowing that I can knock out a years worth of traditional school with 3 tests I know I can pass will make the decision MUCH easier to make.
  • SixtyCycleSixtyCycle Member Posts: 111
    What is your major at UoP if you don't mind me asking?
  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    BS in IT Security.

    UoP took my military time and applied those CCAF credits, but I also have 18 hours just from UoP classes. Out of those 18, I have gotten credit for 2 and zero for any military time.

    I didnt really expect WGU to accept military time the way Phoenix did, but did hope the difference would be made up via my certifications... still no answer on the NA track and impact of MCSA? I know there are some NA WGU students on this site.
  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Just got off the phone with the enrollment counselor. She said the MCSA would in fact transfer over a ton of those credits I pointed out, however, only if I get it before enrolling.

    If I enroll then get the MCSA through them, it only counts towards that class. So she suggested I do the cert then transfer in... But we will see. Is there a limit to how many classes can be transferred via certs? The advertisement on this site says up to 25% but if those 33 credits and the 12 or so through CompTiA and Cisco cap out at 30, then I will wipe my hands w WGU.
  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    OK! Well, maybe folks here didnt really know the answers to my questions, but I have resolved them anyway. There is a cap on transferrable credits, but its in the 100s so basically there is no cap.

    Also, GET THE MCSA (Server 2k8/2k12) BEFORE STARTING WGU... cant believe there arent 20 threads on this board stating that... it is worth 39 CUs by itself... yes 39 CUs... though a couple classes overlap with CompTIA eligible tranfers. I now plan on continuin at UoP until I get the MCSA Server 2k8 and maybe a programming related cert.
  • zidianzidian Member Posts: 132
    Is there a limit to how many classes can be transferred via certs?

    Not really a limit per se. The advertisement is mainly marketing material and is also based on an Associates Degree being transferred as well. I've seen some people start with over 80 credits.
    WGU BS-IT Software | Completed 9/30/2014
  • Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    That's staggering that they give you 39 credits for that, I agree that you think that would be on everyone's short list of "how to quickly finish WGU" My only concern of course is that the enrollment people at WGU are frequently wrong and usually the weakest link in the whole process so I'd probably get a second opinion from another EC (or maybe 3, hah) before paying for the MCSA out of pocket when it could be covered by the school.
  • stryder144stryder144 Member Posts: 1,684 ■■■■■■■■□□
    There would be an out of pocket expense for taking the exams but they are reimbursable through the GI Bill, so it very well would cost zero and take a year off of his degree. Not a bad return on investment, if you ask me.

    jthunderbird, thank you for running down the info about the MCSA shaving 39 CUs. Very interesting and, I am sure, the information will be valuable to others.
    The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position. ~ Leo Buscaglia

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  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    stryder144 wrote: »
    There would be an out of pocket expense for taking the exams but they are reimbursable through the GI Bill, so it very well would cost zero and take a year off of his degree. Not a bad return on investment, if you ask me.

    jthunderbird, thank you for running down the info about the MCSA shaving 39 CUs. Very interesting and, I am sure, the information will be valuable to others.

    Yea no problem... and yes I understand that the enrollment counselors arent exactly PHDs... but the evaluation form itself clearly states which certification fill which courses and the MCSA 2k8/2k12 is on a ton of them... I just wanted to hear it from the counselor as additional verification.

    My company will pay for my certification tests too so not too worried about it... just sucks that they barely accepted any of my UoP credits and I am still going there... so basically going to school knowingly wasting my time (but getting my post 9-11 stipend of course)
  • techiietechiie Member Posts: 91 ■■□□□□□□□□
    There is a cap on transferrable credits, but its in the 100s so basically there is no cap.

    Hmmm..Just to make sure you should call back again and talk to a different person and ask the same questions. The reason I say that is because I spoke to an advisor and other people and was told for the BSIT regardless of track max transferable credits are 90. So after I read what you heard it definitely raised an eyebrow. I'm working on knocking out the CIW before I enroll to speed grad time so I'm looking to meet that 90 max transfer credit. If I was you I rather be safe and double check then be sorry.
  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    techiie wrote: »
    Hmmm..Just to make sure you should call back again and talk to a different person and ask the same questions. The reason I say that is because I spoke to an advisor and other people and was told for the BSIT regardless of track max transferable credits are 90. So after I read what you heard it definitely raised an eyebrow. I'm working on knocking out the CIW before I enroll to speed grad time so I'm looking to meet that 90 max transfer credit. If I was you I rather be safe and double check then be sorry.

    Eh, I am only hoping to transfer about 60 or so anyway so does not really affect me... though now, I have started thinking I am going to just finish my BS at UoP then hit WGU for a masters.
  • zidianzidian Member Posts: 132
    What is important I think is that most colleges have a minimum number of credits completed at THEIR institution to qualify for a degree. At some point they have to stop accepting credits to ensure you can meet that requirement.
    WGU BS-IT Software | Completed 9/30/2014
  • ratbuddyratbuddy Member Posts: 665
    Eh, I am only hoping to transfer about 60 or so anyway so does not really affect me... though now, I have started thinking I am going to just finish my BS at UoP then hit WGU for a masters.

    I think that would be a mistake. UOP degrees are basically worthless, and if anything, say "I got ripped off."
  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    ratbuddy wrote: »
    I think that would be a mistake. UOP degrees are basically worthless, and if anything, say "I got ripped off."

    A degree is just a checkmark on my resume to be honest. And is WGU really looked at as such a prestigious degree anyway? I have the certs, experience and knowledge and am already hovering around the 6 figure mark... I am just looking to get a degree asap so I can get my masters covered with my GI Bill too.

    So right now, I think I will double up at UoP (i only spend about 2 hours a week on class work as it is) and that should have me finishing my BS in about a year... then I have a little under a year and a half left to hit WGU for my masters.

    Do you really think it would be outright better to get my MCSA (Microsoft tests annoy me) and go to WGU? Also keeping in mind that it will cost me about $600 a month in lost GI Bill money going to an online only school?
  • TomkoTechTomkoTech Member Posts: 438
    You may want to skip the enrollment counselor and try and speak to someone in the transcripts department. Below is an excerpt from my transfer evaluation.

    Must be college level from an institution that is recognized as Nationally or Regionally> accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. For a list of USDE recognized
    National and Regional accrediting agencies, see: View Agencies
    Must have been awarded a grade of C- or better. For Teacher’s College Programs and Pre-Licensure Nursing programs a grade of C or better is required.
    Must have been completed within five years of start date (College of Information Technology and select IT courses). This five year requirement applies to all information
    technology courses, certificates and degrees.
    May not be used to fulfill more than one course of study.
    Must meet the competency unit and content equivalency requirements.

    They may allow the cert to cover all, some, or only 1 with that wording.
  • jthunderbirdjthunderbird Banned Posts: 95 ■■□□□□□□□□
    TomkoTech wrote: »
    You may want to skip the enrollment counselor and try and speak to someone in the transcripts department. Below is an excerpt from my transfer evaluation.

    Must be college level from an institution that is recognized as Nationally or Regionally> accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. For a list of USDE recognized
    National and Regional accrediting agencies, see: View Agencies
    Must have been awarded a grade of C- or better. For Teacher’s College Programs and Pre-Licensure Nursing programs a grade of C or better is required.
    Must have been completed within five years of start date (College of Information Technology and select IT courses). This five year requirement applies to all information
    technology courses, certificates and degrees.
    May not be used to fulfill more than one course of study.
    Must meet the competency unit and content equivalency requirements.

    They may allow the cert to cover all, some, or only 1 with that wording.

    Yes that requirement is for classes only... certs can cover you for quite a bit more. My CCNA covered 2 or 3 classes as did my Sec+.
  • mokaibamokaiba Member Posts: 162 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'd say to go with WGU to avoid all the negative connotations that are usually seen with UOP in the private sectors.
  • zabe1zabe1 Member Posts: 18 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I know this is an old thread, but has anyone verified if the MCSA will satisfy more than 3 courses for the network admin program? My enrollment counselor does not seem to know and he says I am not able to contact the people who review the transcripts for clarification on this.
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