
Taking CISSP on 12th April

ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi Guys,

I have been following the majority of discussions on this forum. I have almost read all "CISSP Passed" threads.
It is approx 9 days left and I have started feeling stressed already. I have used following material,

1. AIO Shon Harris, 4th Edition .. Recently got hold of 6th Edition....
2. Shon Harris Videos, Again it is an old version
3. Eric Conard, 11th Hour
4. Sunflower PDF
5. Audio Shon Harris
6.Lots of Videos on Youtube, Googling,Wikipedia etc...

7. Practice Tests on McGraw-Hill Professional - Online book store
8. Total Tester for each chapter ( Avg between 80-85%)
9. Going through questions behind the chapters from a new edition (6th)

I have started revision starting with Computer Architecture and Design...It has taken so long to revise, a few new topics bumped up while going through the quiz for this domain...and while revising those topics from a book like was terrifying.. The questions on McGraw-Hill Professional - Online book store and the questions behind the chapter in a new edition made me bit nervous as many concepts like OS architecture (monolithic, layered, Client-server), data layering, data hiding, execution domain, execution domain switching, cooperative / preemptive mode, monoloithic kernel, micro kernel, hybrid kernel, TCB, reference monitor, security kernel, CPU rings, security policy for architecture and what not.....I felt I am reading all these first time... but I have spent some time on this and I feel bit in control now....I dont know if this is going to happen for all other domains....

humble request to group for advise....icon_study.gif


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    JonnygJonnyg Member Posts: 84 ■■■□□□□□□□
    If you feel comfortable with having read the AIO, then spend your last few days with study questions. I recommend using the CCCure questions as a final method of finding new topics or items you don't already know. Make flash cards based on these items to spread your knowledgebase. The study questions in the AIO and Conrad books are helpful for this same reason, too.
    Working on: Nothing, finally.
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    BenchwarmersBenchwarmers Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Referencemonitor - clever alias! That alone should benefit your study endeavors with the Security Architecture domain lol! Sounds like you are on the right path as your time draws closer to the exam. I would recommend practice with more test banks (if you can)... As Jonnyg stated, CCCure is not bad for the price... I liked the Transcenders test bank as well. What worked for me was just reading the material and taking notes while pin-pointing items that felt important enough repeat at a later time for review. I hope this helps a bit. JD and others consistently recommend the actual ISC2 CBK book - and they would be correct; you can't really go wrong with that reference.
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks Jonnyg and Benchwaremers !

    I am using Shon Harris's Total Tester ( I think that has around 1000 questions- Not finished yet), McGraw-Hill Professional - Online book store - Module wise, Shon Harris 6th Edition - Comprehensive Questions ( around 150 but real good ones - reached up to 50, still 100 to be done). Plus I have some questions banks but I dont think they are good, very crapy questions and answers without any explanation....

    I have made the notes during my studies that I am referring to when I revise the domain. I start from Conard ad then jump between multiple resources and when I dont feel confident, I go back to AIO and read the topic in detail. I revise the chapter and then I go to the questions for that domain. When I get time, I do all mix questions also from the resources available.

    Do I really need to go for CCCure? as now hardly, one week left. Please suggest your views.

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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hi Guys,

    Just sharing my exp while revising n/w and telecom...Facing challenges in understanding a few points in IPv6 ( various tunneling types). Plus, Layer 2 security standards are new for me like 802.1AE,802.1AR.. I have not faced these terminologies so far in my short career of 8 years. Taking a bit longer than expected in revision.

    Any inputs?
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    LionelTeoLionelTeo Member Posts: 526 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Not sure about IPV6 but I can help about the stressful part. One easy way to go about this is to spend 5 to 15 mins everyday to meditate. I started my meditation back in last year Aug, and have been part of my routine; before then I realise, its something quite a lot of successful people do this day. Two things to note 1) Read Something Educational Daily 2) Meditate.

    5 Daily Habits Of Remarkably Successful CEOs | CEO.com

    If you are really interested, a really easy way is to sit down in silent with your hand together and listen to your breathing for 15 mins, the moment a thought arise, classify it as future, past or present and then get over with it and concentrate to listen on your breathing. Counting your breathing can help, but don't over rely on it.
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks a lot LionelTeo for your advice. I will definitely try this as exam's approaching and this might help in relaxing the mind. with a relaxed mind, one can do better. [h=5][/h]
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hi Guys,

    Need your quick help.

    I am taking CISSP day after tomorrow (Saturday,14th). I went to exam center today to get the feeling of the exam center.
    When I ask if calculator is allowed in the exam,the center manager told me that no calculator is allowed and there will be calculator inbuilt in the exam application so whenever required that inbuilt calculator can be used. Just wondering is that true?

    Secondly, he said that max 3 breaks are allowed, I have heard people here talking about five breaks taken. Are there any restriction on number of breaks? (Although 3 should be enough but just curious to know).

    Please answer quickly as the "Judgment day is very near"...

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    JonnygJonnyg Member Posts: 84 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Hi Guys,

    Need your quick help.

    I am taking CISSP day after tomorrow (Saturday,14th). I went to exam center today to get the feeling of the exam center.
    When I ask if calculator is allowed in the exam,the center manager told me that no calculator is allowed and there will be calculator inbuilt in the exam application so whenever required that inbuilt calculator can be used. Just wondering is that true?

    Secondly, he said that max 3 breaks are allowed, I have heard people here talking about five breaks taken. Are there any restriction on number of breaks? (Although 3 should be enough but just curious to know).

    Please answer quickly as the "Judgment day is very near"...


    He is correct regarding the calculator. If you bring one, they will make you keep it in a locker with the rest of your belongings. I haven't heard of a restriction on the number of breaks before. My testing center told me of the procedure to request a break but, did not mention any limit.
    Working on: Nothing, finally.
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks Jonnyg. Okay, does that mean we get the calculator in the exam application itself? as there might be questions where we need to use the calculator. Please suggest. Thanks.
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    voodoo26voodoo26 Member Posts: 56 ■■□□□□□□□□
    there is a calculator in exam module one mouse click away :) Depends on people who will prefer to calculate SLE or ALE things.
    2014 Goals CISSP COLOR=#008000]Passed[/COLOR, 2015 Goals CISM COLOR=#ff0000]June[/COLOR
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Okay Voodoo26. Thats Great !! Thanks for prompt reply.
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    JonnygJonnyg Member Posts: 84 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thanks Jonnyg. Okay, does that mean we get the calculator in the exam application itself? as there might be questions where we need to use the calculator. Please suggest. Thanks.

    It is very similar to the way other vendors are doing it where there is a calculator icon near the top of the screen. Click on it and it will open an in-application calculator. I used it for only one question and only to double check my mental math. There shouldn't be anything math-intensive by any means on the exam and it will be unlikely that you will even need it.
    Working on: Nothing, finally.
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    BreadfanBreadfan Member Posts: 282 ■■■□□□□□□□

    I believe you have to take the exam at a Prometric center. I too, was worried about the calculator and and ALE/SLE, etc. calculations and the exam screen in general. What I did was go to Prometric's website and they let you download a demo of the exam screens so you get a "feel" for what it's like before you get in there. It helped me a lot. When you click on the calculator, it should open a GIANT on-screen calculator for you. I also used the dry-erase board they give you. I only used it to make sure my answer was the correct one and to show myself the other answers in the list were obviously wrong. It helps if you write the formulas down when you get in there, so later on you dont start doubting yourself.

    One other thing I did that proved useful was to do a "dry-run" to the testing center before the day I was to take it b/c I had never been there before so I would know where it was. Mine was on the 3rd floor hidden behind a column down a long hallway. I was so nervous the day of my exam, had I not done that, I probably would have freaked.

    Good luck on Saturday. It looks like you have prepared well. I dont think there is a limit on number of breaks (at least there wasnt in mine) but you had to palm scan in and out AND show ID both times and the timer is STILL TICKING. I asked all of these questions before I entered and signed in so I would know BEFORE I started. Just remember to take your time and dont panic...you got this...icon_thumright.gif
    Mark Twain

    “If I cannot drink Bourbon and smoke cigars in Heaven than I shall not go.

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    voodoo26voodoo26 Member Posts: 56 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Good luck for exam.
    2014 Goals CISSP COLOR=#008000]Passed[/COLOR, 2015 Goals CISM COLOR=#ff0000]June[/COLOR
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks Breadfan and Voodoo26. Your words have given me a lot of encouragement and confidence. I would certainly download the exam app demo and would try to be familiar with the same.

    I hope I would come back to forum on Saturday eve with the good news. I have spent (like all have) a lot of time, money behind this and stretched my mental and physical capacities after a long time to take this exam. I hope all these will not go in vain.

    Thanks Guys.
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    aftereffectoraftereffector Member Posts: 525 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Good luck tomorrow! Let us know how it went.
    CCIE Security - this one might take a while...
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yes afterefeector, Sure. Thanks for wishing me a luck. I hope I would come back to you guys with a good news.
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    BenchwarmersBenchwarmers Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Good Referencemonitor!! Ease up on the practice tests and get PLENTY of rest!! You will do just fine!!
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks Benchwarmers !!

    Guys, m leaving for the exam in a few minutes.. Thanks a ton for all your support throughout the preparation phase..

    see ya
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    jvrlopezjvrlopez Member Posts: 913 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Good luck! Go get it!!!!
    And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Guys ,

    Yes, I am the "referencemonitor",

    I am temper-proof
    I am invoked all 100% times when Subject tries to access the object AND
    I am small enough to be tested !!!!!!

    No, this is not the question that was in CISSP exam today, but this is my way to express my joy over passing CISSP.

    Yes Guys, finally, I have passed the examination , just came back from the center and first thing I am doing after reaching home is updating you guys......What a relief... !!!!!

    Exam was really intense, completed when only 5 mins were remaining on the clock. Personally, I am not quiet happy with the quality of the questions. Moreover,sometimes, we feel the questions are not from the study that we did. I answered many questions based on common sense and the industry experience. Anyway, I passed, that matters , right now...

    Guys, I really thank you all for supporting me in my intense journey !!! I wish all the best to fellow candidates !!!

    I will try to now offload with some beer and TV.......

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    BenchwarmersBenchwarmers Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Big Congrats, Referencemonitor!! With your study plan and regimen, your outcome was in the making for a pass! This test is a true test of conceptual knowledge as well as the mental ability to get through so many discrete questions. Go do something fun today - you certainly earned it!
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    BreadfanBreadfan Member Posts: 282 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Let me be the first to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!icon_cheers.gificon_lol.gificon_cheers.gificon_lol.gif

    I told you that you would get it and you did. Now relax for a bit and then head on to something else.

    Oh, and a lesson I just learned the hard way from ISC2 yesterday. They sent back an email after 3 weeks stating that I needed to send them a NEW resume b/c the one I sent them from LinkedIn said a reference to the CISSP exam on it (I put CISSP waiting for endorsement process to complete). I had forgotten that you can not put a cissp reference ANYWHERE until you have been fully endorsed.

    So, before sending your stuff in to them, do a double-check and again congrats and get those well-deserved brews.

    Mark Twain

    “If I cannot drink Bourbon and smoke cigars in Heaven than I shall not go.

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    LionelTeoLionelTeo Member Posts: 526 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Congrats ReferenceMonitor, I hope you do not lose your adrenaline in studying! Consider keeping that adrenaline up and move on to take something like CRISC in the near future to make your profile more stand out! Of course get plentry of rest and celebrate!
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,045 Admin
    Congratulations! icon_cheers.gif

    I answered many questions based on common sense and the industry experience.
    Most exam candidates don't realize how important actual professional InfoSec work experience is to passing (ISC)2 exams. Experience is king! icon_king.gif
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    neb2886neb2886 Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Congrats on the pass!! I passed as well.
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thank you Guys... Big Congrats to neb2886 !!!

    Special thanks to this forum administrator who, I am sure, has put a lot of efforts to keep this rolling and equally important all forum members who all are keeping this forum active and live with their current assignments and responsibilities...

    We will stay in touch...Will keep you guys posted on certification front...
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    CERTS4LADYCERTS4LADY Member Posts: 37 ■■□□□□□□□□
    CONGRATS on your pass!
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    ReferencemonitorReferencemonitor Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hey Guys,

    Just to update you, I have received an email from ISC2 that I have been awarded CISSP.

    It was a very exciting journey and now I am ready to work towards another goal.

    May be Reversing & Malware Analysis !!

    Keep you posted ...

    Big Thanks to all the forum members, this forum has played a key role in this intense journey by providing direction and confidence time and again.



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    jvrlopezjvrlopez Member Posts: 913 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Congrats! Glad to see we both made it through after testing so close to one another.
    And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna
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