Accepted to WGU



  • ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    I have a new student mentor now, and the assessment was approved. I also learned that you can do the Web technologies class and skip the web dev fundamentals course.
    “Hey! Listen!” ~ Navi
    2013: [x] MCTS 70-680
    2014: [x] 22-801 [x] 22-802 [x] CIW Web Foundation Associate
    2015 Goals: [] 70-410
  • 2230622306 Member Posts: 223 ■■□□□□□□□□
    yes sir thats what im doing after im done with the 801/2
  • iBrokeITiBrokeIT Member Posts: 1,318 ■■■■■■■■■□
    If you passed the preassessment for all 3 courses I dont see what the issue is with taking all 3 at the same time. ???

    I would probably look into switching mentors too if I were you.
    2019: GPEN | GCFE | GXPN | GICSP | CySA+ 
    2020: GCIP | GCIA 
    2021: GRID | GDSA | Pentest+ 
    2022: GMON | GDAT
    2023: GREM  | GSE | GCFA

    WGU BS IT-NA | SANS Grad Cert: PT&EH | SANS Grad Cert: ICS Security | SANS Grad Cert: Cyber Defense Ops SANS Grad Cert: Incident Response
  • ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    My new mentor is fantastic. I took the CIW test on Monday. I spent all of about 35 minutes on it. I received 75 out of 90 right. Passing score was a 57, which means I had 18 questions more knowledge in my head then what I really needed to. Stupid experience wasting all that extra space!

    Anyhow, the class was pretty stupid for me, and I probably will never list it anywhere because no one really cares about CIW certifications. Just another money sink IMO.
    “Hey! Listen!” ~ Navi
    2013: [x] MCTS 70-680
    2014: [x] 22-801 [x] 22-802 [x] CIW Web Foundation Associate
    2015 Goals: [] 70-410
  • ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    I've been kind of slacking. I stopped doing anything for school to work on some certs for work. I just took the first A+ test, passed with 0 studying. I have a feeling the second one will be the same way. I hope to take it before the first of the year, but we shall see.
    “Hey! Listen!” ~ Navi
    2013: [x] MCTS 70-680
    2014: [x] 22-801 [x] 22-802 [x] CIW Web Foundation Associate
    2015 Goals: [] 70-410
  • ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    The 802 is knocked out. I still have six weeks left in the semester. I am probably going to try and knock out English, but I'm not sure.
    “Hey! Listen!” ~ Navi
    2013: [x] MCTS 70-680
    2014: [x] 22-801 [x] 22-802 [x] CIW Web Foundation Associate
    2015 Goals: [] 70-410
  • ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    Holy Cow I've been slacking on updating this thread. I never did get around to doing English. I still haven't found a subject I really care about. Net+ is out of the way and so is Probability and Statistics. I don't know why that course tripped me up so hard, but it did.

    I am currently working on the 70-410 through school, which will immediately be followed up by the 411 & 412 courses. I had these moved ahead because of a documented work requirement. Its keeping me from a pay raise! lol.

    I also started a blog for my IT studying. I took over my LLC site because I don't really do any work with it right now.

    If you're bored I could use some input. Kick Your Computer - Helping you to kick your computer problems goodbye!Kick Your Computer | Helping you to kick your computer problems goodbye!
    “Hey! Listen!” ~ Navi
    2013: [x] MCTS 70-680
    2014: [x] 22-801 [x] 22-802 [x] CIW Web Foundation Associate
    2015 Goals: [] 70-410
  • TheChameleonTheChameleon Member Posts: 84 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I'm trying to take a bunch of certs ahead of joining WGU and hopefully they don't become worthless and they accept credit by the time I start WGU! I'm re-doing my A+, 801 finished, 802 this week. I don't have any general ed classes so I might be taking a few tough ones ahead of enrolling (Algebra) since it's been a while. This way I'll have a lot of the IT classes done and mostly only need to do general Ed.

    How much time do you dedicate to WGU a week with your job and all? How many courses have you completed per month? Trying to figure out with my stressful full time job, how difficult it will be.
  • ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    Good Afternoon Chameleon, its good to see you. (Sorry I couldn't resist).

    If you are going after the certification that is already provided by the school why wouldn't you just take the cert through the school? I get taking some of the easier ones to knock them out, but I found that with the A+ exams I just goofed off and then took the final, but I had a ton of experience. I spent quite a bit of time studying for the Net+ because a lot has changed in the last 15 years and I hate to fail anything.

    If I was being more serious I would be a lot further along than I am now. I could probably double my study time fairly easily by dropping some extra junk (video game time) from my schedule. The being said, I still study quite a bit. On average I have about 7 hours of time at work to study, paid with no complaints. (Bonus right?)

    I have 3 kids, so studying before bed time is not really something that is easy for me to do. So once I put my kids to bed I'll study for another 30-45 minutes. I take a crazy amount of notes because writing things down helps me to remember them. Typing, not so much. I started the blog as a way to take those notes and that knowledge and process it a different way to share it with others. It helps reinforce the ideas, but also helps to cut some of the garbage out as well.

    When I was in the traditional college I tutored for quite a few different courses, but that has been more than a decade ago at this point.

    If it's important to you, you'll make the time to do it. You can make excuses that you want to finish this, or want to finish that. However if it isn't a need to finish to get started you are just holding yourself up for no reason. You have to be ready and willing to go. I'll be honest, there are some days that I am not ready to go and little gets done, but lately I've been focused on going. I really want to finish within 2 years.

    I hope that makes sense and I didn't go prattling on for no reason.

    As far as courses to complete a month, my original goal was 1, but I am glad to just complete the 4 I work on a semester.
    “Hey! Listen!” ~ Navi
    2013: [x] MCTS 70-680
    2014: [x] 22-801 [x] 22-802 [x] CIW Web Foundation Associate
    2015 Goals: [] 70-410
  • springb2bspringb2b Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    HI, you said only 24 were accepted. How many credits did you have initially?
  • ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    I honestly cannot remember. I believe around 50, but a lot of them were fluff courses and really old and out of date. This is the first I've been back to school in a very long time. I stopped going after my oldest was born, 11 years ago.
    “Hey! Listen!” ~ Navi
    2013: [x] MCTS 70-680
    2014: [x] 22-801 [x] 22-802 [x] CIW Web Foundation Associate
    2015 Goals: [] 70-410
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