Taking CEH exam in 2 weeks, recommendation for practise tests?
Hi all
I have booked my CEH v8 exam to take it in 2 weeks. I have read the CEH all in one ( Matt walker ) and the Sybex CEH book. I pretty much ace both practice tests/questions that come with those books. I was wondering if anyone can recommend any other site/software for practice exams ?
I have tried the ones on skillset.com and although some of them are descent questions a lot are crappy/irrelevant questions that i feel may through you off or make you question what you know.
I have booked my CEH v8 exam to take it in 2 weeks. I have read the CEH all in one ( Matt walker ) and the Sybex CEH book. I pretty much ace both practice tests/questions that come with those books. I was wondering if anyone can recommend any other site/software for practice exams ?
I have tried the ones on skillset.com and although some of them are descent questions a lot are crappy/irrelevant questions that i feel may through you off or make you question what you know.
Diggs3d Member Posts: 35 ■■□□□□□□□□Sounds like you have the basics covered on study questions.......
I would definitely brush up on
NMAP switches & commands - Now the different output that switches that single/multiple commands generates
Web Servers - Different ways to protect web server traffic
Make sure you also review different Attacks, Virus/Trojans, Firewalls, and Ports
FrankMat74 Member Posts: 40 ■■□□□□□□□□I used the Walker book and skillsoft. Not sure if its same material in the skillset
impelse Member Posts: 1,237 ■■■■□□□□□□I used Boson exam simulation, it was great to prepare you for the exam.Stop RDP Brute Force Attack with our RDP Firewall : http://www.thehost1.com
It is your personal IPS to stop the attack. -
emerald_octane Member Posts: 613Boson. I promise you it'll be worth your time. Consider that the official CEH iClass provides that same test engine to their students....
JDMurray Admin Posts: 13,099 AdminBoson's stuff is high quality, but it is very incomplete for CEHv8. I compared their CEHv7 cert prep material to the official CEHv8 course material and they were missing lot of topics from many of the objectives. It looked like much of the material was borrowed from their other cert prep products, like for the Net+ and Sec+ certs. I don't know Boson has upgraded their CEH product to v8 material yet.
nfrench777 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□I would like to know if anyone can update this thread? Is the Boson information still archaic or has it been updated? Also I would like to know if anyone has experience with the InfoSec SkillSet test prep platform? Specifically has anyone who has used it as a supplement or as their only resource passed the CEHv8 exam? Thanks in advance for any input.