
Anyone w/ Salary of $90,000 to $100,000, Current Certifications Held ?



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    ClmClm Member Posts: 444 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Im a Infosec Analyst and you just summed up my job LOL meetings and reports also showing clients how much we save them on a regular
    I find your lack of Cloud Security Disturbing!!!!!!!!!
    Connect with me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/myerscraig

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    ThePawofRizzoThePawofRizzo Member Posts: 389 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Many have said wisely here. I also agree that experience and personality are probably big contributors to success and that six figure salary. Along with that comes a continual willingness to learn new things, and certs, degrees, basically "paperwork" can help validate that knowledge to someone who doesn't know you well. A lot of what also helps is who you network with. When you work with team members at a job, always treat them as if you will work with them forever, especially the talented, hard-working ones who, when they go somewhere, will also want hard-working, talented, good people working with them and will remember you.
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    NOC-NinjaNOC-Ninja Member Posts: 1,403
    ccnp with experience will get you 165k in big cities like san jose/LA.
    The salary depends on the city you are in. 165k in LA or SJ is not a lot after the cost of living in those places (high rent/gas/being stuck in traffic=time=money= wasted). Also, more money = more responsibilities.
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    CSCOnoobCSCOnoob Member Posts: 120
    As mentioned already, depends on the location. I know a guy who didn't have any cert related to his position but gotten 100K.
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    MitechniqMitechniq Member Posts: 286 ■■■■□□□□□□
    My co-worker is a solutions architect and I am an engineer. I have a masters degree and several certifications, he does not have a degree and just finished his CCNP. However, he has about 5 years more experience directly working on Data Center Networks and makes about 20-30k more than me. He is a great guy and is helping me get to his level, so in the next 2 years I can be a solutions architect as well.. there is NO straight answer to this question and an infinite amount of paths to get there. By the way, we both make over 100k and I live an hour north of Austin,TX (cheap COL). It took me 10 years to get to this point, but I made the mistake and stayed with 2 companies over 4 years with no pay raise. I won't ever make that mistake again.. if I see the rate of inflation cutting into my pay, I am jumping ship.
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    zcarenowzcarenow Member Posts: 110
    Mitechniq wrote: »
    My co-worker is a solutions architect and I am an engineer. I have a masters degree and several certifications, he does not have a degree and just finished his CCNP. However, he has about 5 years more experience directly working on Data Center Networks and makes about 20-30k more than me. He is a great guy and is helping me get to his level, so in the next 2 years I can be a solutions architect as well.. there is NO straight answer to this question and an infinite amount of paths to get there. By the way, we both make over 100k and I live an hour north of Austin,TX (cheap COL). It took me 10 years to get to this point, but I made the mistake and stayed with 2 companies over 4 years with no pay raise. I won't ever make that mistake again.. if I see the rate of inflation cutting into my pay, I am jumping ship.
    I made a similar mistake staying with a company for like 7 yrs in a large data center with only one raise. I know now to never do that again and will look to jump ship again next year if i can get much higher pay.
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