Where do you keep your certifications?
Params7 Member Posts: 254Pretty sure I lost mine. Good thing Cisco tracks them with your profile online.
bettsy584 Member Posts: 69 ■■□□□□□□□□I had them on my office wall for a bit, but took them down as I felt it was being big headed when I ran out of space (30+).
doctorlexus Member Posts: 217I had them on my office wall for a bit, but took them down as I felt it was being big headed when I ran out of space (30+).
Nah, you want to get to the point where you're asking other people, "Hey, can I hang some of my certifications in your office? I don't have any wall space left in mine." -
revbox Member Posts: 90 ■■■□□□□□□□doctorlexus wrote: »Framed, and hanging around my neck, Flavor Flav style.
You good sir are my new hero.
I want to do this, but instead of using 8x11 paper turned landscape like a big Flavor Flav clock, I want to do a bunch of blinged out jewelry where the certs look like olympic medals. The only way this gets better is with a wrestling-styled title belt that lists your credentials. Kudos if you wear that into the office every day. -
reload@ Member Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□jamesleecoleman wrote: »I've been thinking about it but no one really cares and I'm not the show off what I got type. I do need to kinda bring life to the office, I haven't done anything to it (posters, minions or other fun stuff....) for almost two years.
DatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,761 ■■■■■■■■■■If I had a heavy hitter like the CISSP or the PMP something like that I might hang it, but then again I have so many projects around the house framing just seems like to much effort.
I do have my degree's framed but they are in the closet. -
beads Member Posts: 1,533 ■■■■■■■■■□Don't keep an "I love me wall" at the office, cubical or home office. Certs are loosely stored in the basement in various places since certs change over so often its easier to reference them digitally. Really, does anyone care to see my original CISSP from 8 years ago? I get a new one every three anyhow.
- b/eads -
NetworkNewb Member Posts: 3,298 ■■■■■■■■■□Don't keep an "I love me wall" at the office, cubical or home office.
lol, definitely going to the be stealing the "I love me wall" line -
varelg Banned Posts: 790LPI provides a "convenient" wallet-sized plastic card that used to be with me when I used to carry a wallet. I highly value and cherish printouts of my FAILED exams that I keep on the wall, at home.
cyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 ModIf I don't love myself nobody will. Excuse the short post. I gotta go touch-up the shrine to myself. LOL!
Clm Member Posts: 444 ■■■■□□□□□□I have them framed In my home office. And I have photo copies at work in my cube. Im considering to get some of my certs made into Plaques the guy in the row over from me has a sans cert in plaque form it looks beautiful. I think My CISSP deserves that attention i just dont want to pay 96 dollars from ISC2 to do itI find your lack of Cloud Security Disturbing!!!!!!!!!
Connect with me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/myerscraig -
PJ_Sneakers Member Posts: 884 ■■■■■■□□□□When I got MCSE in the 90's, MS sent me:
- paper cert
- plastic card with mag stripe
- lapel pin
- full subscription to TechNet
scaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 ModPJ_Sneakers wrote: »When I got MCSE in the 90's, MS sent me:
- paper cert
- plastic card with mag stripe
- lapel pin
- full subscription to TechNet
Never let your fear decide your fate.... -
danny069 Member Posts: 1,025 ■■■■□□□□□□Hard copies are in a drawer, digital copies are in pdf form on my external hard drive. I'm not one to have framed pictures of me or certificates of that I have earned on the wall, what for? To me, that is narcissistic.I am a Jack of all trades, Master of None
PJ_Sneakers Member Posts: 884 ■■■■■■□□□□scaredoftests wrote: »don't tell me..a new CAR?
the_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■In the envelope they get delivered in and subsequently I lose them.WIP:
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