CRISC June 2016 Exam Experience and Results.

For consistency lets have a CRISC thread results and experience as well. As mentioned in another post this is by far the most difficult isaca exam ive taken. most of the questions, i had no clue what they were asking and most of the content i didnt see in any of the materials it studied. Now the 8 weeks wait begins.
titsmcgee Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
I had the same experience. I crushed my CISSP in two hours, but this CRISC exam was insane. I know all the content, I understand everything in risk management, but jesus christ ISACA can you put some decent questions on your exams? I felt like they were trying to trick you in all the questions, there was nothing straight forward about this at all.
Worst exam ever. I feel bad for non-native english speakers, probably ten times more difficult for them. Once I get my CISM i'm done with ISACA. -
happibirdy Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
This is my first ISACA exam. It was so difficult... not sure if I should give it a 2nd try if I didn't pass this time. Felt like every question had 2 answers. -
kanecain Member Posts: 186 ■■■□□□□□□□
I second everyone's opinion. This was a very difficult exam. It seemed like a test of "how difficult can we make the English language understandable". They went out of their way to word the questions in the most confusing and self-doubting way possible.WGU - Bachelors of Science - Information Security
Start Date: Jan. 1st, 2012
Courses: Done!!! -
dhara_n Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello, I agree with everyone here. The exam questions were horrible. I did entire Question DB but questions in exam were very confusing , hope they change the question language for next exam. I am sure we all can agree that managing risk in real world is much easier than answering questions in this exam. Good luck!
shaanp92 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
Good to hear I wasn't the only one that felt this way, this was my first ISACA exam. I thoroughly studied the CRISC Review Manual and CRISC Q&A book but I was completed blindsided by the exam. I also felt majority of questions were "trick questions", after about 20-30 questions I was very confused due the wording of the questions. In my opinion, the questions were not similar in nature to those included in the official CRISC Q&A book, and were quite difficult to interpret at times. As of right now, I am pretty certain I failed but we'll have to wait 8 weeks to officially find out.
But good luck to everyone! -
djb.45acp Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
Well, after knowing the results for both the Security+, and the CISSP, immediately after the tests, I've decided that I really, really don't like how ISACA administers their tests. The room was small and crowded and we were too close to each other for comfort. When anyone had to use the restroom, all of the people around them, were affected (even with earplugs). The proctor lumped groups of candidates together (e.g. CRISCs sat by each other) - which, if you're concerned with cheating, shouldn't have happened. I also had serious flashbacks to high school, with the use of scan-trons and #2 pencils.
As for the test itself, I generally know roughly how well I've done, after the test, but before the results come in. In this case...I have no idea. Which is sad, because were I to fail, I could spend the next 2 months studying. Instead, I'm left wondering and waiting, while half-halfheartedly reviewing some concepts. The worst part, is that I knew this going in, and so, it's on me. Employers like ISACA for some reason, and so we get their certifications. I think I'll stick with (ISC)2 for the next few, though. Maybe, in the distant future, I might go for the CISM, if I forget how frustrating this process is. -
shaanp92 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
Interesting to see folks who've passed the CISSP (known as one of the most challenging certifications in the industry), complaining about the difficultly and absurdity of CRISC questions. I share the same sentiments as the poster above though, waiting 8 weeks for the results of an IT exam is outrageous. I too am struggling with whether I should spend the next 8 weeks studying, or praying for the best.
Unfortunately I need the CRISC, and one more ISACA certification (CISM or CISA) before I can move on with my life; so unfortunately this is just the beginning for me.
It really blows knowing the material, and concepts but not being able get past questions due to the deliberate difficult wording of the questions. I am not sure what ISACA is trying to prove, but I guess that's what makes these certifications somewhat "exclusive"?
Anyway, let's just all hope for the best. I am sure you all did fine. Good luck! Looking forward to circling back with you guys once scores are posted in 8 weeks. -
dustervoice Member Posts: 877 ■■■■□□□□□□
The frustrating thing is the 8 weeks wait. As what do we do now ? restudy, move on to next cert or sit and wait. 2 months of not knowing what to do is a long time. -
shaanp92 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
When should we be expecting the results? I'm assuming sometime around August 5th, 2016?
On a brighter note, only about 7 weeks to go till results! -
oakland Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
Last year the results were released on 7/31, a Friday. So more than likely either Friday 7/29 or Monday 8/1. -
happyb Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
I agree with you all! I have no idea if I will get a 200 or 800. I studied the test database and review manual. Good luck to you all:) hopefully we all passed!!! -
shaanp92 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
dustervoice wrote: »Another month to go for results .
Easily one of the longest waits of my life.. Hopefully they'll post results a week earlier, but then again it's ISACA.. so no point in getting hopes up.
dustervoice Member Posts: 877 ■■■■□□□□□□
Easily one of the longest waits of my life.. Hopefully they'll post results a week earlier, but then again it's ISACA.. so no point in getting hopes up.
yes wishful thinking that would be equivalent to hoping that 2016 only has 350 days this year. -
dustervoice Member Posts: 877 ■■■■□□□□□□
Which study material would you recommend for the CRISC exam?
Isaca official review manual, Q&A, IT risk framework, IT risk practitioner guide. I used alll those materials and still found the test challenging. saw lots of stuff that wasnt covered in those study documents. -
Teignoro Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
I also used the ISO 31000. Still, no idea whether I answered right or wrong mainy because I couldn't understand the questions -
rajeshsriram Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
CISA/CISM results are released. Lets hope CRISC results are in by at least next week Friday. -
Raystafarian Member Posts: 87 ■■■□□□□□□□
I feel for you all, after reading how outlandish the exam was and knowing there's additional wait - it's gotta be excruciating. Good luck to all.Hit me up on LinkedIn - just mention you're from techexams. -
jcundiff Member Posts: 486 ■■■■□□□□□□
rajeshsriram wrote: »CISA/CISM results are released. Lets hope CRISC results are in by at least next week Friday.
Dont get your hopes up, December CRISC was 2 weeks later"Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard" - Tim Notke -
rajeshsriram Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
Dont get your hopes up, December CRISC was 2 weeks later
Already long wait, can't wait further to know pass or fail -
jcundiff Member Posts: 486 ■■■■□□□□□□
rajeshsriram wrote: »Already long wait, can't wait further to know pass or fail
Oh I know, I tested in December of last year"Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard" - Tim Notke -
dustervoice Member Posts: 877 ■■■■□□□□□□
This is just crazy to still be on paper tests at this point.
They claim its to prevent leakage. Isaca dont have the resources to rewrite questions. -
shaanp92 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
Dont get your hopes up, December CRISC was 2 weeks later
Does that mean we can be expect results sometime around July 29th? Is it just me, or is inexcusable for them to take 8 weeks to release the results of an exam? Makes zero sense to me. ISACA needs to realize it's 2016, and get with the program. -
dustervoice Member Posts: 877 ■■■■□□□□□□
Does that mean we can be expect results sometime around July 29th? Is it just me, or is inexcusable for them to take 8 weeks to release the results of an exam? Makes zero sense to me. ISACA needs to realize it's 2016, and get with the program.
Below is their explanation.
CRISC Frequently Asked Questions -
JazzPilot56 Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□
Like others I got 12/11/15 CRISC results on 1/29/16 (7 weeks), past top 10%. Took CGEIT on 6/11, hoping for 7/29 results, worst case 8/5.... -
shaanp92 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
dustervoice wrote: »
Ha! I've read through this before, screams utter laziness to me, just like the DMV.
Any confirmation/input on possible early release of results on June 29th or so? -
rajeshsriram Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
My result date prediction
22/07 - 10% chance
29/07 - 70% chance
05/08 - 20% chance