Thoughts on University Certifications for Technologies

DatabaseHeadDatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,760 ■■■■■■■■■■
Couple of items to note.

The one I am speaking of if in regards to Database Technologies. The total cost is 4,500 or more, however my work is paying for it. It's branded with the local state universities name.

There is a series of courses ~ 14 or so that are required to complete before you get the certification in database technology.

Do you view these as cheesy or can they add good value to your resume. What I am looking to avoid is making myself look cheap, but on the other hand it is from a fairly prestigous university in the area and it directly ties to my field, at least a large part of it. It also cost ~4500 or more to go through the program so there is that piece as well.

Thoughts on listing this?

One other point, since it is academic in nature would this list out in your degree section or your certification section. Right now I have a BS and MBA so I am concerned grouping them all together could get confusing.



  • beadsbeads Member Posts: 1,533 ■■■■■■■■■□
    If I am reading your post correctly, this is a non-chartered school set of certifications, i.e. not a college or University. If so, I'd put this coursework with third party certifications like SANS, CompTIA+, ISC(2) or ISACA.

    Once on the resume just give it the sniff test so to say and ask yourself if it makes sense or does it appear a bit "me too".

    - b/eads
  • PJ_SneakersPJ_Sneakers Member Posts: 884 ■■■■■■□□□□
    I think this is how schools are trying to stay relevant. Kind of like how every degree has a specialization now.

    I'd list the studies under education. But that's just me, and I could be wrong. It is credit-awarded college coursework from an accredited college, right?
  • DatabaseHeadDatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,760 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Sorry if I wasn't clear. Correct accrediated college (University) course work that adds up to a certificate in database development and design. X amount of courses that are college courses that add up to a certificate if taken within a period of time. Within 3 years.

    Same courses you would take to get your Computer Science Degree or Computer Information Systems. Except this is shaved down to a certificate through the University, which is branded by the University.

    Where I work doesn't offer reimbursement for certificates unless it's through a University or required for your position, such as the CISSP if you are in security or something to that effect.
  • beadsbeads Member Posts: 1,533 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Since this is an academic certificate and not a degree I'd still separate them allowing the BS and MBA stand alone. You could easily move the text back and forth but in my humble opinion may lessen the stature of a full blown degree(s) a bit. As I said above depends on the resume and the reader. It may look better next to specialized training rather than adding on and on to well recognized academic credentials. You want academic credentials to be glanced over not scrutinized.

    Human Resources filter:

    Has at least a BS? Check
    MBA? Nice. Check
    What are all these classes? Certificate? Why list a one year certificate if you have a BS and MBA?

    Good opportunity to muddle ones resume.

    - b/eads
  • DatabaseHeadDatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,760 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Good point......

    I might just omit it completely and only post it on my LinkedIn. I have years of experience working with databases and front ends so what's the point of listing the cert. At this point it doesn't seem like a good idea.
  • beadsbeads Member Posts: 1,533 ■■■■■■■■■□
    The term watered down comes to mind. icon_wink.gif

    Not to disparage your degree programs by any means but putting this cert in a post grad training area of the resume simply makes better sense and better reading to me.

    - b/eads
  • DatabaseHeadDatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,760 ■■■■■■■■■■
    What type of title would you section this as? Post graduate training? Doesn't sound to bad to me, and you could list your certifications in there as well. I would hate to have an education section, certification section and training sections, that sounds really watered down. Maybe just roll up the training and certs under on area and formal education in the other.

  • OctalDumpOctalDump Member Posts: 1,722
    Here, in sunny down under, our terminology is different. We have a national standardised framework for qualifications, and within that (fairly) standard naming conventions. We have four levels of "Certificates" which are post-secondary (completed after high school), then Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Bachelor Degrees; Bachelor Degrees with honours, Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, PostGraduate Diplomas, Post-Graduate Certificates; Masters, Doctorates.

    Graduate Certificates are generally 6 months of university coursework at a post-degree level, but the coursework might be substantially similar to Master or Bachelor level. Post-Graduate Certificates tend to be closer to Master level coursework, but in practice the difference is usually just marketing choice and under the framework are considered to be at the same level. These certificates aren't that common and tend to be for professional accreditation requirements or for people who aren't sure if they want to commit to a Master's. They tend to be fairly focussed, as well, which sounds like what this program is.

    My point is that I think there is a difference between a 'certificate' and a certificate awarded by a university which includes coursework at similar level to Bachelor or Master's level. Here in Australia, I'd put these certificates (and diplomas, Degrees etc) under "Education", and put shorter courses, bootcamps etc that have a very specific professional skill focus under "Training or short courses".

    But I'd still expect questions, because not everyone is going to know what it means. Most will see that it was an award from a University and make positive assumptions from that, but might not be clear what it actually means.
    2017 Goals - Something Cisco, Something Linux, Agile PM
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