
GSE written exam

gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
My employer was gracious enough to agree to pay for a GSE written voucher. Some of my contemporaries who have taken the written exam tell me that I'll be good as long as i go back through and thoroughly reindex my 503 and 504 books.

Any thoughts or different preparation strategies for it?


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    JoJoCal19JoJoCal19 Mod Posts: 2,835 Mod
    Good luck and PLEASE document your journey. Several have started here and none have finished. This is my 2018 goal.
    Have: CISSP, CISM, CISA, CRISC, eJPT, GCIA, GSEC, CCSP, CCSK, AWS CSAA, AWS CCP, OCI Foundations Associate, ITIL-F, MS Cyber Security - USF, BSBA - UF, MSISA - WGU
    Currently Working On: Python, OSCP Prep
    Next Up:​ OSCP
    Studying:​ Code Academy (Python), Bash Scripting, Virtual Hacking Lab Coursework
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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'll do my best; the goal is written test by March and then Las Vegas in September.
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    LionelTeoLionelTeo Member Posts: 526 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Passed my theory earlier this year, think its 150 questions in 180 minutes so time its pretty short to go through 15+ books for answers. Just index appropriately, its easier than you think.
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    SaSkillerSaSkiller Member Posts: 337 ■■■□□□□□□□
    JoJoCal19 wrote: »
    Good luck and PLEASE document your journey. Several have started here and none have finished. This is my 2018 goal.

    Quoted for truth, many pass the written and disappear.
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    CertBlingCertBling Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I think i've got all the prereqs, i'd like to know what you are doing to prepare!
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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Reindexing my 503 and 504 books. I might go back through some of the labs or listen to the mp3s, but my main effort with be reindexing.
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    CertBlingCertBling Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I wonder how difficult the pratical is versus the written portion... I haven't heard anyone chime in on what they actually did!
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    TechGromitTechGromit Member Posts: 2,156 ■■■■■■■■■□
    gwood113 wrote: »
    Reindexing my 503 and 504 books.

    Is this a new set of books after paying for a cert renewal? Or these your original books? Can't think of a good reason to re-index books you already indexed once before.
    Still searching for the corner in a round room.
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    JoJoCal19JoJoCal19 Mod Posts: 2,835 Mod
    TechGromit wrote: »
    Is this a new set of books after paying for a cert renewal? Or these your original books? Can't think of a good reason to re-index books you already indexed once before.

    Only thing I can think is going through the process again will help refresh the material and recommit to memory.
    Have: CISSP, CISM, CISA, CRISC, eJPT, GCIA, GSEC, CCSP, CCSK, AWS CSAA, AWS CCP, OCI Foundations Associate, ITIL-F, MS Cyber Security - USF, BSBA - UF, MSISA - WGU
    Currently Working On: Python, OSCP Prep
    Next Up:​ OSCP
    Studying:​ Code Academy (Python), Bash Scripting, Virtual Hacking Lab Coursework
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    sb97sb97 Member Posts: 109
    JoJoCal19 wrote: »
    Only thing I can think is going through the process again will help refresh the material and recommit to memory.
    That seems like a pretty good reason though.
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    RobicusRobicus Member Posts: 144 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thanks for starting this thread, gwood!

    It looks like we're in similar boats: I just spoke to my STI adviser and it looks like I'll be taking the written in March as well. However, I won't be taking the hands-on until SANS Orlando (Spring 201icon_cool.gif.

    I'm going to start studying after Christmas. If it's OK, I can piggy-back off this thread and share study approaches and methodologies as appropriate.

    Good luck to both of us!
    What's Next? eLearnSecurity's eCIR

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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Been away a few days. To answer some questions:

    1. @TechGromit Reindexing the same books. Its roughly 12 books between the two (503/4) so i think it'll be important to make and consolidate a new combined index complete enough that I don't actually need the books. Also for a refresher.

    2. @Certbling From those who have taken both the written and lab (1 passed lab, 1 didn't) . The general concensus is that the written is easy and the lab will melt your brain. That's what i was able to discern from their non-descriptions since neither can task about their experiences.

    3. @Robicus feel free to pile on.
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    temuchintemuchin Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□

    python script to make a SANS index. The author used it to pass his GSE last year.
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    RobicusRobicus Member Posts: 144 ■■■□□□□□□□
    temuchin wrote: »

    python script to make a SANS index. The author used it to pass his GSE last year.

    Thanks for the resource, temuchin!

    Whelp-- it's official. My GSE application was accepted and I'm taking the written portion within the next couple of months.

    I wanted to share this delightful tidbit with you all: Historically, GSE candidates receive no practices exams. However, this must have changed recently. Shortly after being approved, I received an e-mail stating that I've been granted 1 GSEC, 1 GCIA, and 1 GCIH practice exam. Yes!

    I'm currently going back through all book and refining my indexes.
    What's Next? eLearnSecurity's eCIR

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    JoJoCal19JoJoCal19 Mod Posts: 2,835 Mod
    Awesome news! Good luck Robins! Definitely keep this thread updated or start your own. I'm looking at the GSE next year. Later this year I'll be working on knocking out the rest of the GIAC certs I need to pursue it.
    Have: CISSP, CISM, CISA, CRISC, eJPT, GCIA, GSEC, CCSP, CCSK, AWS CSAA, AWS CCP, OCI Foundations Associate, ITIL-F, MS Cyber Security - USF, BSBA - UF, MSISA - WGU
    Currently Working On: Python, OSCP Prep
    Next Up:​ OSCP
    Studying:​ Code Academy (Python), Bash Scripting, Virtual Hacking Lab Coursework
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    TechGromitTechGromit Member Posts: 2,156 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Robicus wrote: »
    However, this must have changed recently. Shortly after being approved, I received an e-mail stating that I've been granted 1 GSEC, 1 GCIA, and 1 GCIH practice exam.

    My guess would be they are trying to make getting a GSE a little easier. so few people possess one, it's a fairly worthless certification in the job market.
    Still searching for the corner in a round room.
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    RobicusRobicus Member Posts: 144 ■■■□□□□□□□
    TechGromit wrote: »
    My guess would be they are trying to make getting a GSE a little easier. so few people possess one, it's a fairly worthless certification in the job market.

    You may very well be dead on the money with this-- it's been around for 10+ years and less than 200 people hold it. Heck, I hadn't heard of the GSE prior to starting the STI master's program a year and a half ago!

    However: I do have a few colleagues here at Microsoft who have it, and they may have a different opinion in its value. Another friend of mine (who already graduated STI) used his GSE to take a new job, earning more money.

    But, I do largely agree: but I'd question the merit of a InfoSec job if the hiring manager didn't know what the GSE is.
    What's Next? eLearnSecurity's eCIR

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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'm scheduled to take my exam on the 24th of April. I too received a set of practice exams about a month ago. I took a new position in January of this year and haven't had any time to study. I still plan to prep by re-indexing the books from class. Wish me luck with getting all that done in the next three weeks.
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    t9ar91t9ar91 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
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    TechGromitTechGromit Member Posts: 2,156 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Robicus wrote: »
    You may very well be dead on the money with this-- it's been around for 10+ years and less than 200 people hold it. Heck, I hadn't heard of the GSE prior to starting the STI master's program a year and a half ago!

    However: I do have a few colleagues here at Microsoft who have it, and they may have a different opinion in its value. Another friend of mine (who already graduated STI) used his GSE to take a new job, earning more money.

    We have one guy in Corporate Cyber security that has it as well.
    Still searching for the corner in a round room.
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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    So I pushed it back to the 1st of May (tomorrow). Didn't get any of the studying I planned on done. I'm rolling in there with my indexes and my books (or as many as I can carry) and crossing my fingers.

    I'll let you guys know how I do for better or worse. I'm mildly hopeful, but let's just say I haven't put money down for Vegas in September yet.
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    JoJoCal19JoJoCal19 Mod Posts: 2,835 Mod
    Definitely let me know how it goes. Good luck!
    Have: CISSP, CISM, CISA, CRISC, eJPT, GCIA, GSEC, CCSP, CCSK, AWS CSAA, AWS CCP, OCI Foundations Associate, ITIL-F, MS Cyber Security - USF, BSBA - UF, MSISA - WGU
    Currently Working On: Python, OSCP Prep
    Next Up:​ OSCP
    Studying:​ Code Academy (Python), Bash Scripting, Virtual Hacking Lab Coursework
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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I passed. The last thing I did this morning was take the gsec and gcia practice tests. I ran out of time before I could get gcih done. Used my gcih and gcia books and indexes. Didn't have any printed materials from gsec.

    Vegas here I come.
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    JoJoCal19JoJoCal19 Mod Posts: 2,835 Mod
    Congrats on the pass!!!! Can you explain if prepping like you do for any other GIAC exam is what helps with GSE or do you have to use a different approach?
    Have: CISSP, CISM, CISA, CRISC, eJPT, GCIA, GSEC, CCSP, CCSK, AWS CSAA, AWS CCP, OCI Foundations Associate, ITIL-F, MS Cyber Security - USF, BSBA - UF, MSISA - WGU
    Currently Working On: Python, OSCP Prep
    Next Up:​ OSCP
    Studying:​ Code Academy (Python), Bash Scripting, Virtual Hacking Lab Coursework
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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thanks, now I just have to get through the lab in September. The written doesn't take any special strategy for preparation. Good indexes and take the practice tests. I used the same indexes I used when I took gcia and gcih the first time.
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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Anyone got any advice for preparing for the GSE Lab? Three aren't many folks who've taken it and those I know who have are tight lipped about it.
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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    So for those still interested. Took the GSE lab at Network Security 2017. Without giving away the goods. I will tell you that:

    1. Time management is paramount. They don't give you extra points because it took you a long time. If you're struggling with something look over the rest of the requirements for that part of the test and see if you can make money else where.

    2. This is the first certification test I've taken where the exam is so closely aligned with the objectives. I was able to make last minute study/cram decisions based on the objectives that turned out to be very meaningful.

    All that to say that I have no idea of I passed yet or not. The fine folks at GIAC have 30 days to render their verdict on pass/fail.
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    gwood113gwood113 Member Posts: 66 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Just got the good news today via email that I passed the lab and been awarded the GSE!
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    wolf9081wolf9081 Member Posts: 61 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Congrats on the GSE. That is a huge accomplishment, almost mystical. Outside SANS instructors had not ever heard of anyone actually completing the lab portion.
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    OH YEAH!!!

    Congratulations!!! We're lucky to have a fellow TE member as a GSE! hopefully you won't be the last :)

    Learn GRC! GRC Mastery : https://grcmastery.com 

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